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Hyperpigmentation Treatment: Cosmetic Procedures and
Home Remedies
Hyperpigmentation treatment can be difficult and challenging. While this condition affects both
men and women of all ethnic groups, it will more commonly affect people with darker
complexions. This condition presents no medical threat, although it can at times be a symptom of
an illness or disease. There are three types of hyperpigmentation: lentigines, post inflammatory
hyperpigmentation and melasma. Mild cases of hyperpigmentation can be treated successfully
using over the counter products and home remedies. For more severe cases, you should make an
appointment with a dermatologist in order to determine which type of treatment will be the most
effective for you.
Topical Hyperpigmentation Treatment Options
Hyperpigmentation can occur as a result of chronic sun exposure, age, use of certain medications
and pregnancy. Additionally, certain cosmetic procedures, such as laser resurfacing, can worsen
hyperpigmentation. Age spots that result from chronic sun exposure can occur on the chest,
arms, hands and face and can be stubborn to treat. The standard over the counter treatment and
prescription treatment for this condition is hydroquinone. Over the counter products will usually
be weaker, at two percent strength, while prescription strength is four percent. The most effective
prescription strength medication is Triluma, which contains hydroquinone, corticosteroids and
tretinoin. Products that are hydroquinone based have been removed from the market in many
countries all over the world. Currently, the FDA is considering banning the drug in the U.S. due
to safety concerns.
Kojic acid is produced by some species of fungi. Kojic acid works similarly to hydroquinone by
suppressing the production of melanin and inhibiting the tyrosinase enzyme. Kojic acid is said to
be somewhat unstable and it will easily oxidize on contact with air and will also react with other
chemicals if it’s exposed to sunlight.
Topical retinoids are commonly used for hyperpigmentation treatment. When used alone, the
retinoids appear to be less effective and can take up to six months or more to achieve results.
Topical retinoids will reduce skin discoloration by accelerating epidermal exfoliation.
Cosmetic Procedures to Treat Skin Discoloration
Chemical peels can work to significantly reduce pigmented lesions. Chemical peels are delivered
in three levels of potency. The first level is available over the counter, while the medium and
deep levels are administered by healthcare professionals. The superficial peels use mild beta or
alpha hydroxyl acid in order to exfoliate the top layer of skin. This type of peel can improve
mild blotchiness or skin discoloration. Bleaching agents such as kojic acid or hydroquinone are
sometimes incorporated into a superficial peel to treat excess pigmentation. The medium peel
will feature a stronger concentration of trichloroacetic or glycolic acid in order to reach the
middle and upper layer of the dermis. The medium chemical peel can effectively treat moderate
discoloration, freckles and age spots. The strongest chemical peel will use phenol to penetrate the
deepest layer of skin, which will allow it to address more severe skin discoloration issues.
Cryotherapy treatment can be used for well localized or small hyperpigmented areas, or for
lesions such as age spots. For smaller lesions, cryotherapy is very effective and more reliable
than laser treatments. This type of treatment will also be less likely to cause side effects.
Some surgical options are also available for hyperpigmentation treatment. Skin grafting will
involve a physician replacing discolored sections of skin with a normal piece of skin that’s taken
from another area on the body. However, with this type of procedure you’ll risk the chance that
the transplant won’t re-pigment or you can experience severe scarring.
Do Home Remedies for Hyperpigmentation Work?
Apple cider vinegar can work wonders on skin discoloration. To use this remedy, mix equal
amounts of water with apple cider vinegar. Apply to the affected area using a cotton ball. Use
two to three times daily for four to six weeks.
Vitamin E is commonly used to treat hyperpigmentation. Vitamin E will neutralize the effects of
harmful ultraviolet rays and can protect and repair the skin. Open a vitamin E capsule and apply
the contents directly to the affected area. For best results, use once daily until you experience the
desired results.
Turmeric contains bleaching properties that can help to even out the skin. Turmeric can also
keep the skin infection free. To use this remedy, mix one teaspoon of turmeric with one
teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the affected area and allow it to sit for thirty
minutes, then rinse off using cold water. Avoid direct sun exposure following this treatment. Use
this remedy once daily for the best results.
Aloe vera is another remedy used for skin discoloration; however it’s typically only effective on
mild forms of hyperpigmentation. Aloe vera is used for hyperpigmentation because of the
presence of mucilaginous polysaccharides in the gel. It will work by promoting cell regeneration
and will also remove dead skin cells. To use this remedy, apply fresh aloe vera gel onto the
affected areas and leave it on overnight.
Whether or not a home remedy can effectively treat skin discoloration depends on the severity of
the hyperpigmentation, in addition to the type and underlying cause.
How to Lighten Skin Safely
Posted on 15 August 2014.
Over exposure to UV rays can result in the release of a pigment known as melanin. Melanin will
fight the damages that are caused by ultra violet rays in the body. The more the skin is exposed,
the darker the melanin in the skin will become. Many people who want to know how to lighten
skin will resort to skin lightening products which can contain harsh chemicals. Natural ways for
how to lighten skin can help to even out your skin tone while also moisturizing the skin and
removing the buildup of dead skin cells.
How to Lighten Skin Using Natural Ingredients
Using potato juice can work to naturally lighten the skin. A potato contains an enzyme called
cetacholase, which has natural bleaching properties. Cut a potato into slices and rub a slice over
the affected area. Let the juice dry and rinse off after thirty minutes. Use this remedy three to
four times a week for best results.
Save orange peels and let them dry out in the sun. Grind the dried peels into a fine powder,
adding yogurt. Mix the ingredients together and apply it to the affected areas, leaving it on for
twenty to thirty minutes. This home treatment will work to lighten and moisturize the skin.
Like lemons, tomatoes also contain bleaching properties. They also work as an effective
astringent. Combine a tablespoon of tomato juice with milk, yogurt or oatmeal, mixing it into a
thick paste. Apply the paste to clean skin and let dry.
Turmeric is a spice that’s regularly used in different skin treatments. While turmeric can also act
as a natural skin softener, it can also work for how to lighten skin. It will impede the formation
of melanin, which in turn works to lighten the skin. Turmeric will also help to remove facial hair.
Grind up the turmeric into a fine powder and mix with 1/4 cup of milk. Apply the paste to the
affected areas and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Use this treatment two to three times a week.
Cultivated in the highlands of India, saffron is a well known remedy for many skin ailments. To
use, soak the saffron in rose water and use the water as a skin toner after you exfoliate. You can
store the saffron and rosewater liquid in large quantities and save for later use. You can also
make a face pack by adding honey or yogurt.
Papaya is rich in vitamins A and C and an enzyme called papain. This enzyme can effectively
remove dead skin cells and the vitamins will nourish the skin, promoting new skin cell growth.
Use a ripe banana and mash it with a spoon, adding honey or milk. Apply the mixture to the
affected area and allow it to dry for twenty to thirty minutes. For oily skin add a tablespoon of
lemon or orange juice.
Almond Oil to promote healthy Skin
Almonds are high in vitamins B6, B2 and E, as well as unsaturated fatty acids. Because of this it
can help to even out your skin tone and protect the skin against wrinkles. You can add almond
oil to facial masks and apply a thin layer directly to the skin, leaving it on overnight for best
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Applying Skin Bleaching Products Effectively
Posted on 15 August 2014.
Skin bleaching products will work by reducing the melanin pigment in the skin. Most people
who use skin bleaching products do so to treat such skin problems as acne scars, age spots and
skin discoloration that’s related to hormonal changes. They can also be used to naturally lighten
darker skin. This type of product needs to be applied with care, as over-applying can cause a
blotchy complexion. You should also do a patch test before applying to large areas of the skin,
in order to prevent a severe allergic reaction.
What to look for in Skin Bleaching Products
Skin bleaching products do come with risks. As with any new product, you’ll want to be sure
that you read the label and know the facts about the product before you apply it to your skin.
When hormone or sun induced skin discolorations occurs, the best treatment option can be a well
formulated skin bleaching product. In order to be considered a high quality product, it should
contain hydroquinone or another type of bleaching active ingredient, one that has had research
done to support their efficacy on skin. It should also be packaged correctly, in order to protect
the active ingredients from air and light exposure which can cause them to breakdown and
become ineffective. It also needs to contain smoothing ingredients and antioxidants, in order to
enhance skin health. It shouldn’t contain any irritating agents, such as alcohol. Products that
contain vitamin C are also worth trying out.
Some skin bleaching creams will contain BHA or AHA. The combination of AHA and
hydroquinone will not only allow the hydroquinone to act more effectively but it can also help to
remove uneven layers or sun damaged skin. Products with BHA can also help to prevent
Hydroquinone is a controversial chemical, despite the extensive amount of research that has
demonstrated its safety when properly used. Over the counter hydroquinone formula is usually
available at 2% strength, with higher concentrations available by prescription only.
What if the Bleaching Cream Doesn’t Work?
In order to experience the best results from these bleaching products you’ll need to use sunscreen
daily. If you’re using an over the counter hydroquinone product and you haven’t noticed any
results after using it for a period of twelve to sixteen weeks, you should discontinue use. If you
do not experience any results this is probably because the hydroquinone isn’t strong enough.
Your next option will be to try prescription strength hydroquinone or try another type of
treatment such as laser therapy or microdermabrasion.
For the best results, apply the skin lightening cream to the affected areas twice daily, after
thoroughly cleaning the area and before you use a moisturizer or sunscreen. Sunscreen should
always be applied last and reapplied every two to three hours.
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Getting Rid of Age Spots on Face
Posted on 15 August 2014.
As you get older, you’ll be more likely to experience age spots on face and they’ll usually begin
popping up after the age of forty. Age spots on face are usually black or dark brown and they can
also be found on other areas that are exposed to the sun, such as the chest, shoulders and arms. If
it’s too late for you to prevent age spots, then there are some techniques you can try out that will
help to fade or remove them.
Age Spots on Face: Effective Treatments for a Clearer
One of the most common treatments for age spots on face is the chemical peel. A chemical peel
involves using acid to remove the top layers of skin, allowing for healthier new skin to take its
place. It can take several chemical peels before the age spots will disappear entirely. There are
over the counter chemical peels available, however these will only penetrate the first layer of
skin. Stronger chemical peels are administered by dermatologists or plastic surgeons and they
will penetrate much deeper, making them more effective.
Another treatment option is dermabrasion. Dermabrasion will involve removing the top layer of
skin with the use of a rapidly rotating brush. The side effects that are associated with
dermabrasion include redness, irritation and scabbing. This type of procedure is not
recommended for severe skin discoloration.
Another way to get rid of age spots is by using liquid nitrogen and freezing them off. This
procedure will work by destroying the pigment that turns the skin darker. After this procedure,
once the skin has healed it should appear lighter. The only downside to this treatment is the
possibility of scarring or permanent skin discoloration. The healing time can range from four to
seven days, depending on the size of the area treated.
Laser therapy is a costly option for age spot treatment. This treatment will remove the damaged
skin and allow new skin to take its place. These sessions will cost $200 to $600, with up to ten
sessions needed.
Cosmetic procedures will not be covered by health insurance because they are not considered
medically necessary.
Do Home Remedies Really Work on Age Spots?
There aren’t many home remedies that will work to completely get rid of age spots, but they can
work to lighten them, making them less prominent. Ingredients such as buttermilk, honey and
lemons make for a great home facial and will not only reduce the appearance of age spots but
they can also cleanse the pores and remove the buildup of dead skin cells.
Hydroquinone is a bleaching cream and it’s one of the most common over the counter products
that are used for getting rid of age spots. Stronger hydroquinone strengths are available by
prescription only.
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Freckle Removal Options
Posted on 15 August 2014.
A freckle is a tiny brown spot of darkly pigmented skin and they’re mostly seen on the face,
arms, chest and shoulders. The main cause of freckles is mainly due to excessive sun exposure,
however they are also genetic. This makes it more common in people with fair skin. Freckles
will occur due to an increase in melanin production. Experts believe that there is a strong
connection between sun exposure and heredity. Freckle removal techniques may not work for
everyone and if they are unsuccessful for you, you’ll need to be extra careful when going
outdoors in order to prevent more freckles from forming.
Cosmetic Procedures for Freckle Removal
When it comes to freckles, prevention is very important. You should begin using sunscreen at an
early age and liberally apply it to any visible area of skin, at least thirty minutes prior to heading
outdoors. Also, be sure that you periodically re-apply the sunscreen, every two to three hours.
When outside, try to stay in the shade as much as possible.
Options for freckle removal include bleaching, retinoids, chemical peels, laser therapy and
cryosurgery. Skin bleaching can work to remove freckles and bleaching products are available
over the counter and by prescription. Keep in mind that when using these products they will not
only just bleach the freckle, but every area of skin that the bleaching cream touches. If you aren’t
careful you can end up with a blotchy complexion.
Chemical peels are designed to remove layers of skin, allowing for new skin to take its place.
Chemical peels are available in three levels, with the first level sold in stores. The other two
levels are significantly stronger and are administered by a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist.
Level two and three chemical peels will penetrate deeper and the recovery time can take one to
two weeks.
Laser removal is an effective way to get rid of freckles. However, this type of treatment is
expensive, costing two-hundred to six-hundred per session. The amount of sessions required will
vary from person to person.
Cryosurgery is a procedure that involves liquid nitrogen applied to damaged tissue. This
treatment is usually performed by a dermatologist.
The Natural Approach for the Removal of Freckles
Natural remedies for freckles are not as effective as cosmetic procedures and they can take
significantly longer to work. You can use common ingredients found in the kitchen such as
lemon juice, cucumber, honey, nutmeg, papaya and strawberries, all of which contain properties
that naturally bleach the skin. You can mix honey, nutmeg and mashed strawberries to form a
paste. Apply the paste to the affected areas and leave on for one hour, using this treatment once
daily. Lemon juice and orange juice act as a natural astringent and skin bleaching agent.
However, be careful when using a citrus juice because it can be very drying to the skin. If these
home remedies are not effective, it may be time to make an appointment with a dermatologist
who can determine which type of treatment will be the most effective for you.
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Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation Treatment
Posted on 15 August 2014.
Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation are the dark spots that are found around acne blemishes.
At times, the marks caused by post inflammatory hyperpigmentation can be fairly light and even
unnoticeable, and other times they leave behind large dark spots. This type of condition can also
be caused by dry skin. Usually, severely dry skin can be a result of an acne treatment, especially
if you aren’t using a moisturizer following the application of an acne fighting product. Most acne
care products will contain a large content of salicylic acid or alcohol.
What is Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation?
The skin has its own immune system, which reacts and acts to the invasion or stimulation of the
skin. At times, these responses can be helpful and at other times they will just contribute to more
problems. When the skin is inflamed due to dryness or acne, certain substances will be released
by the body, such as leukotrienes, prostaglandins or arachidonic acid. These substances will
increase and speed up the functioning of the melanin producing cells located in the epidermis,
which will then release more melanin. In addition, the ability to transfer the pigment between the
cells will also be boosted. This is what causes patches of discoloration.
People who have darker complexions will suffer from PIH more commonly than individuals with
fair skin, but anyone can be affected by this condition. Fortunately, these spots can fade on their
own; however this process can take months or years. If you don’t have the patience to wait for
these dark spots to fade then you can visit a dermatologist who can help you decide on an
effective treatment.
One thing you can do to speed up the fading process is avoid excessive sun exposure. UV rays
can darken these spots and extend their stay on your skin. If you do venture outdoors on a sunny
day, be sure that you apply a generous layer of sunscreen with a high SPF.
Cosmetic Procedures to Treat and Prevent PIH
You can also experience some results by using a chemical peel. Chemical peels are designed to
remove the outermost layer of skin, leaving behind fresh and blemish free new skin. PIH can also
be treated with ointments and creams that contain azelaic acid, which will help to fade the
discolored patches of skin. Your physician may also decide to prescribe hydroquinone, a
medication that works by inhibiting pigmentation in the skin.
Over time, and with proper treatment, the patches of skin discoloration will fade entirely. To
prevent further episodes it’s important that you treat the underlying condition. Whether you
suffer from excessively dry skin or acne, your dermatologist will be able to provide treatments
and medications that can help to prevent further acne breakouts from occurring, thus preventing
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How to Bleach Your Skin at Home
Posted on 15 August 2014.
Both men and woman want skin that’s beautiful. But trauma to the skin can cause patches of
discoloration, which will leave some parts of the skin darker than others. Women can get
melasma during pregnancy, which is a type of patchy skin discoloration that eventually fades
after childbirth. Acne lesions can also leave behind patches of purple, red or brown skin that can
take several months to heal. The sun can cause sun spots or freckles that are permanent unless
treated. How to bleach your skin can be done in a number of ways, whether you want to try
natural home remedies or over the counter skin bleaching products.
How to Bleach Skin Using Over the Counter Products
Bleaching the skin can help to get rid of unwanted blemishes and spots. Many people are hesitant
to try how to bleach skin because they’re uncertain if it’s safe or not. Dermatologists have stated
that this method is safe, as long as it’s done properly, according to product instructions.
There are a number of skin lighteners and whiteners, but as far as the FDA is concerned,
hydroquinone is the only chemical that is considered an effective bleaching agent. Hydroquinone
will react with tyrosinase, which is an enzyme that will help the formation of melanin. You can
purchase hydroquinone products over the counter; however OTC hydroquinone is relatively
weaker than the prescription form. Keep in mind; you should not use products that contain this
chemical if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you decide to use this product, wear sunscreen
before leaving the house and avoid direct exposure to the sun.
Natural Remedies for Skin Bleaching
If you want to take a more natural approach to how to bleach skin, you can try some natural
remedies that can help to even out your skin tone.
Yogurt has a number of nutrients that are good for your overall health. It also contains lactic
acid, which contains natural bleaching properties. To use, gently rub plain yogurt onto the skin
and leave it on for twenty to thirty minutes. Rinse off the yogurt using warm water. Use this
remedy once daily until you notice a change in your complexion. You can also add honey to the
yogurt, which will help to improve your complexion and skin tone.
Vitamin C is the most important ingredient in many skin care products. It’s been found that
regular consumption of orange juice can help to improve the suppleness and texture of skin. It
can also be used to naturally lighten the skin. Use the juice from oranges or lemons and apply to
the affected areas once or twice daily for best results.
Gram flour can also work to naturally even out your skin tone and it contains a number of
nutrients that can help to keep your skin healthy. Use gram flour to help remove dead skin cells
and any excess buildup of oil. You’ll be able to remove any excess oil while still retaining the
skin’s natural moisture.
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How to Treat Dark Spots on Face
Posted on 15 August 2014.
Dark spots on face will appear when the skin becomes damaged. The damage will cause the skin
to produce an extra amount of melanin, making a specific patch of skin look darker than the
surrounding area. Main causes for dark spots on face include hormonal imbalances, excessive
sun exposure, skin disorders, liver damage and acne.
What Causes Dark Spots on Face?
Hormonal imbalances that will cause skin discoloration are associated with pregnancy, which
can trigger over-pigmentation of the skin cells. Excessive sun exposure can also cause the skin to
begin producing an excess amount of melanin, in order to protect itself from ultra violet rays. As
people age, they will be more prone to dark spots on face because the skin cells don’t reproduce
as well, making it more difficult for the skin to eliminate any damaged areas. Age spots can also
be a classic sign of damage to the liver, because the body won’t be able to remove toxins from
the skin cells. Scars left behind by acne lesions are also common and it can take several months
for the discoloration to fade.
Dark Spots on Face: DIY at Home Treatment
Applying sunscreen every time you go outdoors can help to prevent skin discoloration. Apply the
sunscreen liberally on the face and other areas of exposed skin, thirty to sixty minutes before
heading outdoors. Be sure to use a brand that contains zinc oxide for added protection.
Castor oil can work to bleach dark spots. Apply castor oil to the skin daily to affected areas.
Green tea extract when applied to the skin will provide you with plenty of antioxidants, which in
turn can help to remove toxins. Green tea can also help to promote new collagen growth.
Use whole milk as a remedy for skin discoloration. Apply the milk to areas of discolored skin,
leaving it on for fifteen to twenty minutes before rinsing it off. Use this remedy twice daily for
four to six weeks.
You can also use horseradish, honey, pineapple, papaya, potato, tomato or turmeric to fade age
spots. Leave these products on your skin for ten minutes to help bleach the skin.
Sandalwood can work wonders on your skin. Make a paste using sandalwood powder mixed
with glycerin and apply it to the affected areas. You can also add milk or honey to the mixture.
Create a facial scrub using brown sugar and honey. Use this mixture to exfoliate the skin two to
three times a week, which will work to remove the buildup of dead skin cells.
Laser therapy is commonly used to treat different types of scars, including sun spots. For this
procedure a laser will penetrate the skin and an ultra violet light will be absorbed by the skin
cells, killing them. This type of treatment will initially make the skin appear darker, but this will
fade within a few days. Another popular cosmetic procedure for age spots is microdermabrasion.
This type of therapy will use microscopic crystals to remove layers of damaged skin, allowing
new skin to take its place.
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