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Facharzt für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten
Univ.Prof.Dr.Andreas Steiner
Wolff K, Rappersberger K, Steiner A, Konrad K.
Arch Dermatol Res. 1987;279 Suppl:S30-7.
Vegetating cicatricial pemphigoid. A new subset of the cicatricial pemphigoid
Department of Dermatology I, University of Vienna, Austria.
A case with widespread vegetating-pustular skin lesions, oral erosions, ulcerations and
scarring, and conjunctival synechiae is reported. Clinically, histopathologically, and by
immunofluorescence and electron microscopy this patient combined the features of
pemphigoid vegetans, as described by Winkelmann and Su, and the mucocutaneous type of
cicatricial pemphigoid. This observation suggests that a third subset of cicatricial pemphigoid
can now be added to the two existing ones, the mucocutaneous and Brunsting-Perry types,
and the designation vegetating cicatricial pemphigoid is proposed for this heretofore
undescribed condition.
Ordination: Bennoplatz Nr.5 / 1.Stock, 1080 Wien
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