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TRANSLATION OF EH.510/10, LUFTPOST, No. 10, 22. JULI 1941
(Page 1)
Distributed by the Royal Air Force
22nd July, 1941, No. 10
Forbidden wherever Truth is forbidden
A fortnight ago the Deutschlandsender announced that 9 million men were involved in the
battles on the Russian front.
Who are these 9 million men?
The greater part are Russians. Perhaps you do not care what happens to them. But nearly 4
millions are Germans. How many of these 4 millions will return home?
Four million men! They are not the unknown heroes, the nameless warriors that the
Deutschlandsender tries to make them out. No, they are people! They are your husbands, sons
and brothers, the fathers of your children. Every one of you at home is thinking about someone
out there in the East. Is he one of the hundreds of thousands who will never come back?
For hundreds of thousands of German men are dying. German losses in Russia are already,
during one month’s fighting, greater than all previous losses in this war put together. Whilst
you read this, German men are being burnt to death in their tanks, are drowning in the broad
rivers of Russia, are being sunk in the Baltic and Black Seas or torn to pieces by Russian shells
and mown down by Russian machine-guns.
The answer to this question you may find as difficult to find as we do. This war was absolutely
unnecessary for Germany. Russia had not threatened Germany in the slightest degree. Germany
already had more territories, more hostile peoples than it could supervise. However urgent
Germany’s need for raw materials may be, it will get but little by this war. The Russians in their
retreat leave scarcely anything undestroyed.
Simply because, as Churchill said, your war machine needs to he fed with blood as well as with
oil. Simply because your leaders are gamblers. They imagined that Russian resistance would
collapse at one blow. They were mistaken. And this mistake must be paid for in German blood.
That is the question that Hitler must answer. One day the German people will put it to him.
Reich Marshal Hermann Goering owns far more firms than medals. Not content with having
acquired since 1938 nearly all the Steel Works, Armaments Works and Mines in Austria,
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Luxembourg, Northern France, Lorraine and Rumania, the
gallant Reich Marshal is determined to spread the net of his business interests still wider.
With soldierly vigour Goering has now founded a new universal Import and Export Company,
under the appropriate name of “Omnipol Ltd” with branches, so far, in Prague, Vienna, and
Hamburg. The “Hamburger Fremdenblatt” writes that this concern, thanks to its “special
methods of payment” has a certain advantage over all its competitors. In plain German, Reich
Marshal Omnipol is in the pleasant position of being able, within the Thieves’ Order of Europe,
to buy and pay whatever he likes. The trade of all Europe is at his mercy.
TRANSLATION OF EH.510/10, LUFTPOST, No. 10, 22. JULI 1941
(Description of Map on Page 1)
A Map of Russia showing the principal sources of oil, copper, manganese and gold.
(Caption to Map)
IT IS A LONG WAY TO THE PLUNDER. The leaders of the III Reich hope by their attack
on Russia to obtain limitless plunder, above all wheat and the minerals that Germany specially
needs such as oil, copper, manganese and gold. As far as wheat is concerned, the German
Leaders have already had a disappointment; the Russians are determined to destroy their
harvest rather than allow it to fall into the hands of the robbers. As regards minerals, a glance at
this map is sufficient to show how far the German soldier has still got to march and fight before
Hitler’s satellites can lay their greedy hands on the plunder.
Germans! Have you a notion what it means, that your war machine is in process of losing the
mastery of the air? It was this mastery – obtained through 7 years of deliberate preparation for
war – that led to the successes you have hitherto achieved! It was this that brought you the
victories in Poland, Norway, France, Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete.
And now you are losing it. The R.A.F. which was always technically and qualitatively superior,
is steadily winning numerical superiority also. For every plane that you are losing in Russia
England is building a new one, and so is America. One less for you, two more for us. The same
thing is true of tanks.
Have you a notion what English air superiority really means?
It means, amongst other things, that in the not distant future you in Germany will have to face
air attacks far, far heavier than the worst that the English had to endure last summer and autumn.
And how was it that the English were able to endure these attacks? Not least, because they knew
that their time would come. They held out because they knew that England with America’s help
would achieve decisive mastery of the air.
For Germany on the other hand, once it has lost air superiority, there is not the slightest prospect
of ever regaining it.
Radio Bremen, July 21st 1940:- “The British Fleet is completely checkmated, the British
people faces starvation.
(Page 2)
(Graph showing monthly British shipping losses and monthly combined British, Allied and
Neutral shipping losses – figures taken from The Times, July l6th 1941. Caption to graph)
British shipping losses, and British, Allied and Neutral shipping losses during the last 12
months, taken from official British statistics.
Hitherto the German Supreme Command has never issued any report on German losses of
merchant shipping in this war. On the other hand, the communiqués of the Supreme Command
contain fantastic figures of the alleged tonnage losses of England. According to the latest of
such reports, the Axis powers are supposed, since the beginning of the war to the end of June
1941 to have sunk over 12,500,000 tons of British shipping or of shipping in England’s service.
In May and June alone England is alleged to have lost 861,460, tons of shipping, or, including
Allied and Neutral shipping 876,783 tons.
TRANSLATION OF EH.510/10, LUFTPOST, No. 10, 22. JULI 1941
If things go on at this rate, the German Supreme Command may get into difficulties, for in six
to eight months it will have sunk the whole of England’s shipping – on paper.
If the German Supreme Command goes on insisting that it has sunk more than 12,500,000 tons
since the beginning of the war, we don’t mind. The true losses of English, Allied and Neutral
shipping since the beginning of the war until the end of June 1941 amount to 7,118,122 tons.
The misleading nature of the German Supreme Command communiqués becomes clear if one
considers England’s true losses in relation to its total tonnage. At the beginning of the war
England had a total tonnage of 20,600,000 tons. Since then 4,042,913 tons have been sunk.
England has acquired more than 7,000,000 tons as a result of the addition of great parts of the
Belgian, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, and Greek merchant fleets. Moreover, ships belonging to
the Axis powers have been confiscated in America, and of these 472,000 tons are working for
England. Lastly, there are the 8,672,000 tons of U.S.A. shipping which, as Mr. Hopkins stated
on July 18th, are all working more or less in England’s service. Altogether then, England
disposes of a total tonnage of about 30 millions, i.e. nearly 50% more than at the beginning of
the war.
Here are three further facts:
England builds...
1) England too has not been asleep during the winter. The construction of new shipping is being
carried out with the greatest energy in England and the Dominions.
America builds...
2) As Mr. Hopkins, President Roosevelt’s closest collaborator, stated in London on July 18th,
America is building already in 1941 more than 1,000,000 tons of new shipping, and in 1942 it
will build a further 6,000,000 tons. In 1943 the figure will be still higher. Against this rate of
construction even the astronomic sinking figures of the German Supreme Command are
U-boats disappear...
3) The number of German U-boat men now in captivity in England is already rising into the
thousands, and the number of U-boat men drowned is naturally much bigger. Speaking of the
defence against the U-boat, Alexander, First Lord of the British Admiralty, stated on July 16th:
“I won’t reveal to the enemy where, when and how many German U-boats are being sunk by us.
But I can tell you one thing, that during the last weeks we have had particularly good results.”
(Picture of a British bomber’s tail as it flies over Rotterdam. Caption to picture)
from a British bomber during the attack on Rotterdam on July 16th.
Why do the communiqués of the German Supreme Command say nothing at all about the attack
carried out by the R.A.F., in broad daylight on Wednesday, July 16th, on the port of Rotterdam?
Because the R.A.F. on this occasion sank or damaged 22 ships in Rotterdam port alone.
Because two dumps and a war factory in the neighbourhood of the port went up in flames.
Because German A.A. and fighters could only bring down four out of the many British
Because by this single attack 114,000 tons of shipping were sunk or rendered useless.
Because the German Supreme Command systematically ignores German shipping losses.
TRANSLATION OF EH.510/10, LUFTPOST, No. 10, 22. JULI 1941
Whilst Germany’s food supplies, as a result of the exhaustion of the plunder from the occupied
territories, is getting gradually worse, England’s food supplies are ensured and are steadily
As the British Minister of Food, Lord Woolton, stated in the House of Lords on July 15th, there
are today in England, at the end of the second year of war, and despite the shrinking of imports,
fewer cases of under-nourishment than in peace time. In this war England has to struggle with
greater and more complicated difficulties than in the last World War; nevertheless, the people
have been kept healthy and vigorous. Imports and distribution are safely ensured.
“We can face the future with complete confidence,” stated Lord Woolton. “In the coming year
the food supplies at our disposal will have greater nourishment value than at any time in the last
15 years. As a result of the magnanimous measures taken by the U.S.A., we shall be able to
provide a much more varied diet next year for the people.”
How many people in Germany are aware that there is no bread rationing in England?
(Page 3)
Many months ago the oppressed peoples of Europe found a common symbol to express their
loathing of the invader and their confidence of liberation: the symbol ‘V’.
In a former issue of Luftpost, distributed at the end of May, the story has already been told how
this symbol, written up by unknown hands, appears on walls and pavements, or how it is rapped
out in the Morse code (...-) on tables and doors.
For the French and Walloons it stands for “Victoire” (Victory), for the Dutch and Flemings it
stands for “Vrijheid” (Freedom); and in Prague, where it has been in use since April 1939, it
stands for “Vitezi” (Victory).
For months the German authorities in the occupied territories have been conducting a special
campaign against the little letter ‘V’. Last June the traitor Max Blokzijl, that hireling of the
Germans, threatened the Dutch with terrible consequences if they went on with the ‘V’
conspiracy. For them he said the letter would stand for “Vernietigung” (destruction), Reich
Kommissar Seyss-Inquart also exerted himself to stop the Dutch from using this anti-German
symbol. The Quisling-propagandist Lunde in Norway tried to do the same thing, and measures
were taken against the letter ‘V’ also in France, Belgium and Denmark. Wherever it appeared it
had to be instantly removed, and threats and penalties were lavished around.
All the more crass and ridiculous therefore, is the swindle to which the German Minister of
Propaganda has now resorted in a last attempt to render the ‘V’ movement harmless On July
12th Hans Fritzsche suddenly stated on the Deutschlandsender that this ‘V’ was not at all the
symbol of European resistance to the Thieves’ Order – on the contrary! It was the sign of belief
in German victory. And – according to Fritzsche – it stood for the well-known German word
“Viktoria”. This nonsense was solemnly broadcast by the German wireless in several languages
to all the oppressed nations!
The purpose of this manoeuvre is clear: the lying German propagandists mean to take
possession of the letter ‘V’ on behalf of the III Reich and thus stop it from being used
throughout the world.
Fortunately the peoples of Europe cannot be so easily deceived. After all, it was they who
invented the symbol, and many of them have been prosecuted and punished for using it. Seldom
has German propaganda made itself more ridiculous than by this blatant lie.
Moreover, now that the ‘V’ sign has been claimed by the oppressors as their own, its use can no
longer lead to prosecution in the occupied territories. German soldiers and officials will have to
TRANSLATION OF EH.510/10, LUFTPOST, No. 10, 22. JULI 1941
look on whilst it is written up everywhere, no longer secretly by night, but in the broad light at
day – this ‘V’ with many meanings, the image of the liberation of Europe and the destruction of
the Hitler regime.
And if it appears inside Germany – how can Himmler know what the Germans mean if they
spread the ‘V’ sign far and wide? He can shout “Viktoria Heil!” and “Final Viktoria in 1941!”
as much as he pleases – there are other words too that begin with ‘V’!
(Reproduction of R.A.F. leaflet EH.508, caption being as follows)
YOU ARE TOO LATE, HERR DR. GOEBBELS! This leaflet was dropped on Germany
several months ago. You can’t steal the ‘V’ now!
(Cartoon of Hitler shovelling German soldiers into the flames. Caption reads)
The Berlin Propaganda Ministry spread a rumour in advance that the Pope in his speech of June
29th would give his blessing to the campaign against Bolshevik Russia. Nothing of the sort
On the contrary, the Pope made it completely clear that Hitler’s Russian campaign was by no
means a work pleasing to God. The same is true of the German bishops who, on July 6th, issued
a Pastoral Letter, in which they opposed the anti-Christian measures of the III Reich.
The Pope stated: “The Faithful suffer persecution for their religion and for their loyalty to the
Church. Our anxiety and fear for all who are so persecuted prevents us from proclaiming what
bitter griefs they must all endure.”
Is the man who is responsible for these bitter griefs truly suited to be a Knight of the Cross?
‘V’ as is well-known stands for ‘5’.
In Chapter V of the Book of Daniel, Verse V, it is written:
“In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote... and the king saw the part of
the hand that wrote.
“Then the King’s countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him…
“And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
“This is the interpretation of the thing: Mene; God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it.
“Tekel; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.”
(Page 4)
On December 31st 1940 Hitler boasted: “We guarantee that each bomb will be answered with
ten, or if necessary with a hundred!”
He committed this boast at a time when his toadies and publicity-drummers were gloating over
the fate of Warsaw, Rotterdam and London, whilst German cities had as yet hardly suffered.
Meanwhile things have changed. Between June 16th and July 10th the R.A.F. has dropped
3,500 tons of bombs alone on the Ruhr area, Cologne and Bremen. And instead of answering
TRANSLATION OF EH.510/10, LUFTPOST, No. 10, 22. JULI 1941
with 35,000 or even with 350,000 tons of bombs, in accordance with Hitler’s grandiloquent
promises, the German Air Force during the same period carried out fewer and lighter attacks on
England than at any time for over a year.
By destroying German war factories in the West, the R.A.F. is weakening the German attack in
the East. Still more important in this respect is the R.A.F.’s destruction of German Coastal
Shipping. During the first 17 days of July, 62 ships of 240,000 tons were sunk or damaged on
the Dutch and French coasts alone; the result is a gigantic extra strain on the already
overburdened inland transport system, on the railways and canals, which for their part have also
suffered from the night attacks of the R.A.F. It thus becomes increasingly difficult to maintain
the campaign in the East.
What Germany has suffered so far is only a foretaste of what is to come. The R.A.F. is growing
more and more quickly, both in size and in strength. It will not be long before, with the
lengthening nights, more and more of the new giant bombers that are being built in England and
America – carrying the new British “District Bomb”, which has five times the blasting-power
of any other bomb – penetrate deeper and deeper into Germany.
Hitlerite Germany has often exported death and destruction. Now it is beginning to import
In Box:
Völkischer Beobachter, October 25th 1940: “The gigantic bombardment of London is without
precedent in history.”
Völkischer Beobachter, October 27th, 1940: “Once again Londoners experienced a weekend of
horror… a short time after the ‘all clear’ the 268th alarm was sounded, and a new ram of bombs
bringing death and destruction descended on several London districts.”
(Pictures of Goering, Churchill and Roosevelt. Joint caption to pictures)
Hermann Goering, on 9.8.39: “We shall not expose the Ruhr district to a single enemy bomb.”
Churchill, on July 14th: “From now on we shall bomb Germany on an ever increasing scale,
month by month, year by year, until the Nazi Regime has either been exterminated by us or –
better still – torn to pieces by the German people themselves.”
F. D. Roosevelt, on March 15th: “From now on our war effort shall be ever greater and more
powerful, until total victory has been achieved.”
AN OMEN: 1914 – 1940
You have allowed yourselves to be persuaded, that Germany lost the last war because the army
was wickedly stabbed in the back during its retreat in 1918. Impartial military experts and
historians think otherwise. They told you, and still tell you, that the war was already lost in 1914
at the Battle of the Marne.
This strategic defeat for the German Army, which has been described by your own historians as
the “turning point” of the war, frustrated the plans of the General Staff, which were directed
towards a quick victory in the West. Then too, it was only in the West that final victory could be
Today Hitler assures you that a German victory is absolutely certain. But just as Germany lost
the last war in 1914 on the Marne, so it has lost this war when the German Air Force was
defeated over England in August and September 1940. In that critical summer it would perhaps
have been possible to strike the decisive blow at England by an invasion. But it was not to be.
TRANSLATION OF EH.510/10, LUFTPOST, No. 10, 22. JULI 1941
The invasion had to be postponed. You missed your best opportunity: and it was your only
Soon your Air Force will no longer be able to cope with the R.A.F. Soon you too will learn what
we English already know: that the U-boat war alone cannot bring about a decision any more
than in 1914-1918. And the German Army? Seeing that it could not dare to attempt any
invasion before June – how can it hope to do anything, after it has been so badly mauled in the
You needed four years to realise that the last World War was already lost on the Marne; four
years of useless sacrifices, of vain efforts and senseless bloodshed. How long do you need this
time to realise that you have already lost this second World War too, because you cannot win it
even if you occupy the whole continent of Europe? Do you want once again to spend four years
of useless sacrifice of lives and property, to allow your homes to be annihilated and your towns
to be destroyed, simply in order to save the face of the unscrupulous gang that has so basely
deceived you?
Hitler has told you that a defeat in this war would mean the end of Germany. The end of
Hitlerite Germany – yes, certainly! Its destiny is in any case already sealed and determined – by
the universal hatred of civilised mankind and the armed might of Great Britain, America and
Russia. Any of you who has not been struck blind and can still think for himself can already see
the fiery letters written by the hand of destiny on the wall! It is not yet too late.
Broadcasts in German:
Latest News daily at 2.00, 6.00, 6.30, 11.00, 14.00, l5.00,
16.00, 18.00, 18.20, 22.00, 23.00 hrs. (German Summer-time)
Wavelengths: 49 and 373 Metres, and also 25, 31, 41, 261, and 285 metres.