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GCSFE Summit, Berlin, Germany - October 2014
KP Morgan's
Upcoming Event in
Berlin 15th – 16th
October 2014
Change your approach to
your sales force and
Customers, and find your
future sales model
Be a part of our two days successful
international forum Global Commercial
and Sales Force Excellence Summit by
KP-Morgan Group Berlin, October 2014
mainly focused on Customer Experience,
Sales Force Effectiveness and Challenging/
Evolving Commercial Models. This is a
perfect opportunity to share best practices
with peers facing the same challenges. Today
whole purpose of a company as an entity is to
provide value to customers in exchange for
a payment. Every activity that the company
accomplishes is part of the system that
brings the perceived value that a customer
Join our successful summit, raise your
challenges, and exchange your experience
with the top experts, senior level of the
audience and decision makers from the
industry! / [email protected]
You should not miss this annual
opportunity if you are - Chiefs,
Directors, Heads, Senior Manager,
Leaders and Executives from:
Sales Force,
Commercial Effectiveness,
Customer Excellence/Experience,
Market Access,
Brand & Product,
Business Planning/Intelligence/Support,
Marketing Sales Operations,
Sales and Marketing,
Marketing/ Marketing Intelligence,
eMarketing & Digital Marketing,
Business Analyst,
Training and Development,
Business Development,
2 Days Conference
GCSFE Summit, Berlin, Germany - October 2014
Get a clear insight on the topics:
Commercial Capabilities
Evolving Health Authority and Customer Needs
New Commercial Models to establish Excellence
New Commercial Models to Deliver Customer Experience
Evolving Patient Needs
Changing Health Authority Models
Capturing insights - digital/payer/physicians and other HCP
Transforming data in to intelligence
The Evolution of KOLs and Stakeholder Engagement
Managing Generics and Decreasing Margins
Commercial effectiveness in context of Emerging Trends
The new trends - non-prescription and prescription models
Latest Trends and future developments in commercial and SFE.
What should be the direct KPI's to measure the real SFE?
How the technology is transforming the sales effectiveness
Customer Engagement
Effective Use of evolving e-capabilities, social media, Cloud Base
Managing Innovation
Role of Organizational effectiveness and Learning and Development
How to improve sales and marketing operations
Account Based Selling & Database Management
Integration CRM in to Account Management
Pharmacy Strategy & Achieving Pharmacy
Importance of improved customer database
How to create better effectiveness for your digital & marketing
Alternative ways to measure SF success and rewards focused to
customer loyalty and centricity
Change Management - What should you consider when driving
a change?
Emerging Markets SFE Practice and the Difficulties Encountered
KAMs Commercial Effectiveness
Selling Model Evolution and Get the best of Commercial Models
How can alternate channels be integrated in the current business
How to integrate market access to commercial activities?
Importance of FLM effectiveness and how is it a key to sales force
Digital channels and best practice examples
Muti Channel Marketing
Mobile Healthcare
At a glance Past GCSFE Summit Berlin 2013
Recognized Key Note Speakers
Susana Bento
Business Planning Director,
Global Commercial
Capabilities, AstraZeneca
Agathe Acchiardo
Head of Commercial
Excellence, AstraZeneca
Yves Lavail
Executive Director Europe,
Commercial Excellence,
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Maryse Le Hur-Gurunlian
Associate Director Sales
Excellence EMEA, Celgene
Roland Lepik
Head of Baltics, Novartis
Bernd Stoiber
Former Vice President,
Strategy and Business
Development International,
Mervyn Ward
Director, Rx Strategy Ltd
Simon Gledhill
Expert Partner, iWisdom
Ishil Kusculuoglu
Director Commercial
Operations EMAP, GSK
Andreas Wandelt
Vice President Sales and
Marketing Services, Pfizer
Adrienne Major
National Sales Manager,
Lyn Wallace
Partner, Wallace HCL
Deep Bhandari
Director Sales and
Marketing Excellence, UCB
 to name a few!
For more details or request a complete agenda, please
contact Karen Radley at [email protected]
GCSFE Berlin 2014 Code:
Register with this coupon
and get 35% discount!
Validity of this coupon depends on the
availability of the seats. This coupon is
valid till 30th July 2014. Discount applies
on original investment for the 2 days
Orphan Drug Access and Availability / [email protected]
2 Days Conference