Download Merkaba - Stephanie Beinart

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In conversation with some healing friends recently, one described an
experience she had encountered in meditation. When she & I both used the
word ‘Merkaba’, others said they had never heard of it, so I thought I’d
mention it briefly here, in case anyone else has a similar experience.
What is a Merkaba?
Mer is light, Ka is spirit & Ba is soul. The word is Egyptian in origin.
Merkaba is a living energy field. Everything in the Universe has a Merkaba field
around it, even our planet. This field is said to extend up to 50 ft from our
body. In ancient tradition it is described as the human lightbody. The
Merkaba uses concepts of Sacred Geometry. Those who experience it
describe it as a rotating geometric shape, filled with light. It is described as a
tool that helps humans reach their full potential. This specific geometric
shape aligns the mind, body & heart together.
The person primarily responsible for bringing knowledge of the Merkaba into
the public domain is DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK, famous for his involvement
with the Flower of Life Research. The Flower of Life is a geometric shape & was even
sketched by Leonardo da Vinci.
Drunvalo Melchizedek writes about his experience of ‘Combining the Sacred Space of the
Heart with the Mer-Ka-Ba’, in his book “Living in the Heart”. I haven’t read this book for some
years, but if I remember correctly, it comes with a Heart Meditation CD.
The energy fields of the heart & the Merkaba synchronise. This is experienced differently by
each person. It may happen fairly soon or it may take years. It occurs when you are ready as
everything happens in it’s own time & in divine order.