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Place explanation
In the city, you will find many excellent but little-known places in kyoto.
Also, you can make your own sightseeing plan.
Eiga Mura village
The Japanese equivaleut of the American Western movie is the jidai geki of samurai drame,
which portrays the adventures of samurai rather than cowboys, packing swovds insted of
This village is open to the public.
Honnou-ji Temple
This Temple is famous place for its connection to the Honnou-ji rebel, Mitsuhide Akechi,
who betrayed the great military leader, Nobunaga-Oda.
Oda committed suicide as a result.
Kitano-Tenmangu Shrine
This shrine is dedicated to the Heian Era scholar Sugawara Michizane, who is revered as a
god of learning.
Oeople thought these were caused by Michizane's wreaking vengeance, and they built
kitano-tenmangu to appease him.
Kouryu-ji Temple
One of the oldest temples in Japan.Most of the Buddha statues that these buildings house
were carved in the 7 th and 8 th centuries.
*Miroku Bosatsu
Miroku Bosatsu expression is full of variety and gives a distinctly different impression when
viewed from a ditterent angle.
Kyoto gosyo
Originally built as theEmperor's second palace, kyoto Imperial Palace (kyoto Gosyo) was
used the imperial palace from 1331 to 1867 after the original main palace burnt down.
It consists of many large wooden buildings constracted in the Shinden style.
Myoshin-ji Temple
One of the main temple of the Rinzai sect, Myoshin-ji temple was built in 1342.
Together with Daitoku-ji Temple, it has the most elaborate layout of any zen Temple, and
has 43 tatchu in addition to the sammon and various halls.
Nijyou-jyo Castle
This castle was built in 1611 as the Kyoto residence of Tokugawa Ieyasu.The honmaru (main
court) was burnt down in 1788, and the only original part remainihg is the ni-no-maru
(second court).
The present hon-maru, built in 1827, is a copy of the one that originally stood in also
famous for its many cultural freasures from the Momoyama Era, such as the karamon
(Chinese Gate) and Ni-no-maru Garden.
Nishi Honganji Temple
This Temple is the main temple of the Jodo-shinshu Hongan-ji sect.
It features five buildings designated as national treasures besides a large number of
beautiful works of art is famous for its many examples of the showy and goigeous artistic
atyle of the Momoyama Era.
Rozan-ji Temple
This temple, founded by the Priest Ryogen, is said to have been built on the ruins of the
residence of Murasaki Shikibu, the author of the Genji Monogatari.
Shokoku-ji Temple
The second of the five greatest Temples in Kyoto.
Shogun Yoshimitsu Ashikaga has built this.
To-ji Temple
This temple was built in supplication for national peace at the time Heiankyo was
constructed, and was located on the east side of the Rajomon Gate, the main gate of the
To-ji Temple became a seminary for Mikkyo (Tantric Buddhism) under kukai and eventually
developed into the chief Buddhist temple in Japan and the site of all services held to pray
for the pease and securiy of the country.
Toji-in Temple
This is the family temple of the Ashikagas.
Reiko-den Hall contains thirteen wooden statues of the various Ashikaga Shogun.
The garden has an eastern and western section.
The former contains a lovely lake, Fuyo-ike Lake, and the latter contains a Tea Ceremony
Room known as Seirentei.