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Do Biopsies Spread Cancer?
Do Biopsies Spread Cancer?
PR Newswire
SAN DIEGO, Aug. 23, 2012
SAN DIEGO, Aug. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Cancer is almost always diagnosed by biopsy, a
surgical procedure that removes tissue samples from tumors. The samples are viewed under a
microscope by a pathologist to determine the presence and type of cancer. According to TMD
Limited, a medical tourism company, it is the fear of biopsies spreading cancer that drives over
half a million US citizens out of the country for medical treatment each year.
Doctors routinely recommend biopsies to diagnose cancer. PET and CT scans usually follow. All of these tests can harm the patient.
All cells are surrounded by interstitial fluid. This fluid drains into the lymph system through
lymph channels, to the upper left chest, where the major lymphatic channel drains directly into a
blood vessel. When a scalpel or needle invades tissue with cancer cells, there will be some
bleeding, spilling cancer cells into the blood vessels or the lymph system via the interstitial fluid. Once a few of the billions of cancer cells break away and enter the bloodstream, they travel to
distant organs and start to grow. This process is called 'seeding'. The dangerously high
amount of radiation in PET and CT scans damages normal cells, which produce abnormal cells
when they divide, and those abnormal cells can become malignant.
When preforming prostate biopsies, doctors often aspirate cells from 30 different samples. Thirty chances for cancer to spread. While needle aspirations are safer than surgical biopsy,
there are still dangers. According to Bloomberg News, patients having prostate needle biopsies
are seeing an increasing number of anti-biotic resistant infections, such as E. coli. Two of every
100 men undergoing prostate biopsy will develop sepsis, a potentially lethal blood infection. Another study showed that 9 of 100,000 men who tested negative for cancer died within a
month of their biopsy.
Do Biopsies Spread Cancer?
Breast biopsy complications can include pain, swelling, bleeding, and drainage from the biopsy
site, infection and false positive results, leading to unnecessary treatments.
Doctors and researchers have noted that biopsy of a tumor can cause seeding, or spread of
cancer cells along the path of the needle track at the biopsy site. Author and health researcher Karl Loren
has documented 73 cases of seeding from biopsies causing metastasis on his website,
Dr. Vincent Gammill, Center for the Study of Natural Oncology in Solana Beach, California,
presented a case of a woman who had successfully treated her breast cancer naturally since
1994. Last year, her conventional oncologist convinced her that she was a fool to refuse a
needle biopsy. She now has new tumors at each of the puncture sites.
"I rarely see distant metastasis until after a biopsy – and then it grows rapidly everywhere,
especially in the bones," Gammill said.
In 2011, researchers for Mayo Clinic College of Medicine reported that transperitoneal biopsy of
cancer of the bile duct is associated with a higher rate of peritoneal metastasis and they
recommend the procedure not be performed if a curative method exists.
While conventional medical doctors must follow AMA protocol, many are questioning the
wisdom of biopsies. And as patients become more educated, they are beginning to question
the need for invasive and sometimes dangerous tests. There are tumor marker blood tests,
ultrasounds, sonograms and MRIs that can also determine the presence of a tumor without
risking the spread of cancer or infections. Patients who travel outside the country for safer
testing and treatment are taking responsibility for their own healthcare. Surprisingly, many alternative health centers outside the states still require biopsies. One small
private clinic in Baja, Mexico does not. "Many patients come to us because they don't want to
have a biopsy. Especially breast and prostate patients. We respect their wishes, and offer
tumor marker testing, color Doppler sonograms, ultrasounds and whole body thermography
instead," says Dr. Antonio Jimenez of Hope4Cancer Institute. 2/3
Do Biopsies Spread Cancer?
This clinic does not use any chemotherapy or radiation. They use a wide variety of mainstream
treatments from around the world, including local and whole body hyperthermia, SonoPhoto
Dynamic Therapy, immune modulation, IV therapy, natural vaccines, nutrition and detoxification
among others. The treatments are painless, non-invasive and have no side effects. Today patients are educated in a way that was not possible before the use of computers. Patients can do their own research and learn about the risks and side effects of treatments and
procedures, and get a clear understanding of what is involved before they commit to treatment. The more patients learn, the better choices they can make. And because over half a million
patients are going to Mexico and other countries for treatment, it appears that the choice is
often to opt out of conventional modalities.