Download W3C standards to boost broadband adopXon

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W3C standards to boost broadband adop-on two concrete applica-on cases [email protected] We finally have more bandwidth: now what? •  We need standards to: –  enable new methods of dissemina-ng contents without the need of central mediators (silos) –  provide easy to use and powerful Web based tools for UG Social mul-media contents prosumers New content dissemina-on mechanisms and improved efficiency •  Social Web WG and IG will help out •  FP7 eCOUSIN (hMp://www.ict-­‐ has already produced some interes-ng prototypes of content dissemina-on chains based on Social Web ac-vi-es –  Opensocial + OMA Snew Implementa-on Up and Running on a Qnap NAS, leveraging on a customized version of Apache Shindig (PHP) FP7 eCousin: personal sharing clouds Producing/enriching/Consuming •  help developers to include advanced mul-media capabili-es into their WWW and smartphone apps in a simple, direct and fast manner. •  HTML5 and WebRTC will help out •  Kurento (FP7 FI-­‐CORE, FP7 NUBOMEDIA) is providing enablers WebRTC prac-ces •  Webrtc it is not yet available to developers in some very major device vendor offer…. •  Currently most WebRTC efforts and aMen-on are concentrated on the client-­‐side of the problem. •  Find more @ hMp:// hMp://­‐ •  But WebRTC services may benefit from a server-­‐
side infrastructure: –  to provide a signaling mechanism making possible clients to find each other –  provide capabili-es in the media plane Kurento (Demo)