Download Dry Extract of Belladonna 0.01 gm. Phenobarbitone 0.02 gm

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Each tablet contains:
Dry Extract of Belladonna 0.01 gm.
Phenobarbitone 0.02 gm.
- Bellacid is an antispasmodic and sedative compound that contains two synergically active
substances, belladonna and phenobarbitone.
- Belladonna is a cholinergic depressant, it therefore inhibits excessive motility of the viscera such
as the stomach, intestines, colon, ureters, urinary bladder and biliary passages. It also diminishes
excessive gastric and other secretions. Phenobarbitone is a central sedative, an action which is
required in such cases where spasm is coupled with anxiety. Moreover, the barbiturates enhance
the anticholinergic action of belladonna.
(1) Peptic ulcer
(2) Hyperacidity
(3) Intestinal colic
(4) Spastic colon
(5) Pylorospasm
(6) Dysmenorrhea
(7) Nocturnal enuresis in children.
- Prostatic enlargement.
- Paralytic ileus, pyloric stenosis, and ulcerative colitis.
- Myasthenia gravis.
- Narrow or angle closure glaucoma.
- Ischaemic heart failure, and myocardial infarction.
- Sever respiratory depression.
Side Effects
- Adverse effects are dose-related and are usually reversible when therapy is discontinued and
includes; dry mouth with difficulty of swallowing, reduced bronchial secretion, dilatation of eye
pupil (mydriasis), with loss of accommodation (cycloplegia), transient bradycardia, followed by
tachycardia, and constipation.
- Hypersensitive reaction is not uncommon, and may occur as conjunctivitis, or skin rash.
Drug Interactions
- The effect of belladonna may be enhanced by the concomitant use with other
drugs having:
anti-muscarinic properties as amantadine.
phenothiazine anti-psychotic, and tricyclic anti-depressants.
- MAOIs may enhance the anti-muscarinic effect.
- Anti-muscarinic and parasympathomimetics may counteract each others effects.
- Valproate and Phenytoin rise phenobarbitone concentration in plasma.
Warnings & precautions
- Children and elderly as the drug may cause confusion to them.
- In patients with conditions characterized by tachycardia, such as Thyrotoxicosis, heart failure
where they may further accelerate heart rate.
- In the treatment of parkinsonism the dose should be increase gradually and should not be
withdrawn abruptly.
Dosage and administration
1 to 4 tablets daily.
For nocturnal enuresis: 1/2 to 1 tablet, 1 hour before bedtime.
Store below 30C and R. H. below 70%.
Boxes of 300 tablets, in strips of 10 tablets each.
Produced by: Chemical Industries Development (CID), Giza - A.R.E.