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Fri 29/07
Alumni Auditorium
Newman Blue
Newman Green
Newman Purple
Newman Red
Forum Seminar Room I
Forum Seminar Room II
Newman Collaborative
Peter Chalk 2.1-2.3 (Room 3)
Peter Chalk 2.3-2.6 (Room 4)
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 9
Session 10
Cooperative breeding
Personality variation
Social networks
Human behavioral
Mate choice
Phenotypic plasticity
Environmental change
Parental care
Vocal communication
Sperm competition &
Constance Dubuc
Subordinate breeding
opportunities and strategic
growth in wild Kalahari meerkats
Kimberley J. Mathot
Josh A Firth
An experimental test of state
Prior social networks amongst
behavior feedbacks in shorebirds wild birds predicts subsequent
spatial arrangements
Abigail E. Page
Social network centrality and
fitness in two hunter-gatherer
Sarah Leclaire
MHC-based mate choice: An
odor mechanism mediated by
Willem Frankenhuis
Evolution of sensitive periods in a
model of incremental
Josefin Sundin
Coral reef fishes show negligible
behavioural adjustments to
elevated CO2
Eric L. Walters
Testing the bet-hedging
hypothesis in the acorn
Maria Moiron
The role of state-behavior
feedbacks in explaining
personality differences
Andrea Bamberg Migliano
Hunter-gatherer social networks
are optimized for cultural
Jamie Winternitz
Drivers of MHC-dependent mate
selection in humans and
David Richardson
Social mate choice under
reduced constraints: MHC,
heterozygosity, and age
Barbara Taborsky
Behavioural and genomic
mechanisms underlying longterm
effects of social experience
Talisin T. Hammond
Fanny Ruhland
Dianne H Brunton
Do differences in activity budgets Changes in maternal behaviour
Female song rate and structure
mediate responses to
during cocooning in a wolf spider predict reproductive success.
environmental change?
Jessica A. Cusick
Recruitment and fitness benefits
of helpers in a cooperative
Marion Nicolaus
Density fluctuations represent a
key process maintaining
personality variation
Yi-Ru Cheng
Network position reveals social
stress in a cooperatively
breeding bird
Daniel Smith
The Ontogeny of Cooperation
and Partner Choice Among
Susan N. Gershman
Crowd control: Sex ratio affects
male sexually-selected cuticular
Bruno Alves Buzatto
Conditional strategies under the
light of the environmental
threshold model
Buddhi Dayananda
Effect of climate change on
cognitive ability of hatchling
Esther Niemasik
Group size and heterospecific
competition pressures impact
genetic fitness returns.
Hannah Williams
Ecological consequences of IIDs
in behaviour for a social
Damien Farine
Consistent community structure
results from repeatable
movements by wild songbirds
Simon Evans
Explaining inheritance of
reproductive timing in a modern
human society
Tom Price
Attractiveness in older males
relies on their microbiota
Ignacio Escalante
Plasticity or biomechanical
changes? Effect of autotomy in
harvestmen locomotion
Paul Jerem
Sarah Golüke
Alexis C. Billings
Human disturbance vs predation Female zebra finches smell their Complex information about
risk: do responses differ?
predation risk in acoustically
simple alarm calls
Jonathan P. Green
Helper investment in
cooperatively-breeding birds is
Renata Mazzei
Intraspecific social behavior
variation in the cleaning goby
Elacatinus prochilos
Margaux Rat
Networks of sociable weavers
reflect dominance, kinship and
Juan Du
Child Survival and Kin Effects in
a Pastoralist Society
Gustavo S. Requena
Body condition affects parental
males' mating success in
Sarah Dalesman
Population variability in plasticity
responding to native and invasive
Reehan S Mirza
Low environmental calcium
impairs alarm cue response in
Ben Halliwell
Functional and taxonomic
diversity of parental care in
squamate reptiles
Arik Kershenbaum
Andri Manser
Uncovering context-specific howl Sperm Competition Suppresses
type usage in wild wolves
Gene Drive in a Natural Mouse
Emma M. Wood
Social effects on telomere
dynamics in a wild cooperative
David F. Westneat
Responses to novelty reveal
plasticity and not a “novelty”
Ipek G. Kulahci
Lemurs groom-at-a-distance
through vocal networks
James Thompson
Nagalingam Kumaran
Ontogeny and the sexual division Sexual selection in Bactrocera
of labour amongst BaYaka
fruit flies
Shannon Whelan
Male experience buffers female
laying date plasticity
Jenny Ouyang
Light at night affects behavior
and physiology in a songbird
Anne Storey
Physiological correlates of
seabird parental decisions
change with food availability
Yishai Weissman
How and What Information is
Encoded in Hyrax Snorts
Session 11
Session 12
Family conflict
Session 13
Session 14
Parental care
Pollution & sexual
Claudia Kasper
The genetic and environmental
determination of cooperation
Elise Huchard
Competitive growth in a
cooperative mammal
Nyil Khwaja
Flexibility but no turn-taking in
provisioning riflemen
Manon K. Schweinfurth
Reciprocal trading of different
commodities in Norway rats
Wendt Muller
Favored trait combinations?
Parent-offspring coadaptation in
blue tits
Katherine Sasser
Kathryn Arnold
Intraspecific competition leads to Prozac perils: Antidepressants
alter avian courtship traits
tradeoffs with parental care,
affecting fitness
Alessandra B. Schnider
The effect of relatedness on
cooperation in female vervet
Peter Buston
Liliana D'Alba
The four elements of withinSelf-defense in lizard eggs
group conflict in animal societies
Shumpei Sogawa
Dieter Lukas
Dear enemy based on Tit-for-Tat Killing competitors’ offspring
in territorial cichlids
provides female mammals
greater resource access
Gerald Carter
Does reciprocity explain food
sharing in vampire bats?
Gabriela K Hajduk
Inbreeding and infidelity in a
cooperatively breeding bird
Bob Wong
Sex interrupted: pharmaceutical
pollutant impacts pre- and
postcopulatory sexual selection
Session 15
Sensory ecology
Ana Duarte
Burying beetles cause shifts in
microbiome of a breeding
Shin-ichi Kudo
Male egg-caring is sexually
selected in giant water bugs
Toshitaka Suzuki
Anuradhi Jayaweera
Experimental evidence for
Effect of sexual cannibalism on
compositional syntax in bird calls male sperm allocation
James Rouse
Learning and memory
mechanism controlling plastic
sperm competition responses
Dan Mennill
Peter Morse
Vocal learning in the wild: an
Male Southern Blue-Ringed
ontogenetic playback experiment Octopus are Stingy with their
Javier delBarco-Trillo
Increased sperm DNA
fragmentation: a cost of high
sperm competition
Andreas Sutter
Sexual selection and a selfish
genetic element in mice
Session 16
Session 17
Session 18
Session 19
Session 20
Inter-group conflict
Mating systems &
sex-role evolution
Conservation &
behavioral ecology
Population differentiation
& speciation
Movement ecology
Cynthia Tedore
Generating RGB imagery that
looks color realistic to animal
Jennifer Hellmann
Intergroup interactions influence
intragroup behavioral dynamics
in a social fish
Eduardo Rodriguez-Exposito
Spatial population structure, bethedging and polyandry: an
empirical test
Samuel Smithers
Is visual contrast enhanced by
combining polarization and
intensity information?
Andrew N. Radford
Consequences of out-group
conflict on within-group
Jussi Lehtonen
Neelkamal Rastogi
Jodie Gruber
Why anisogamy drives ancestral Nest site selection in ecologically Geographic divergence of
behavioural traits in invasive
dominant ant species
sex roles
cane toads
Ambika Kamath
Matching movement patterns to
mating patterns in an Anolis
Bibiana Rojas
Chemical defences override
visual signals in a multimodal
warning display
Harry H. Marshall
The maintenance of intergroup
foraging niche differences in
banded mongooses
Karoline Fritzsche
Sex-ratio bias causes the
evolution of sex-role reversal
Colleen Cassady St. Clair
Proactive use of reactive
behaviour could enhance
coexistence with wildlife
Jason Keagy
Transcriptomics of female mate
discrimination in recently
diverged stickleback species
Carrie L Branch
No genetic structure despite
limited movement in mountain
Michael Bonsall
Dr Minna Saaristo
Janne. K. Valkonen
On the origin and maintenance of Pharmaceutical alters mate
The dazzling warning signal of
parental care
choice and gene expression of a European adders
Claudia Fichtel
Intergroup encounters in a
Malagasy primate (Propithecus
Chiara Benvenuto
Drivers and consequences of
sequential hermaphroditism
under different mating contexts
Ravi Jambhekar
Impact of Invasive Weed on
Butterfly Behaviour and Habitatuse.
Stephen H Montgomery
Oliver Höner
Adaptive divergence in brain
Why some males remain at
composition between ecologically home when most others disperse
distinct incipient species
Charlotte Regan
Maternal care varies with home
range quality in Soay sheep
T. Jean M. Arseneau
Lutz Fromhage
The carrot and the stick promote Parental investment,
participation in intergroup fights competitiveness, and sex role
Michael Magrath
Improving the reintroduction
success of captive-bred
helmeted honeyeaters
Rudi L Verspoor
Hybrid incompatibility, not
polyandry, stops a selfish genetic
element spreading
Michael G Bertram
Pervasive endocrine disrupting
contaminant impacts male mate
Patrick Tomkins
An agricultural contaminant
impacts the reproductive
behaviour of the guppy
Amanda M. Franklin
Femtosecond lasers to
manipulate colour signals of
stomatopod crustaceans
Yves Bötsch
Experimental evidence for
impacts of leisure activities on
forest birds
Roi Dor
What is driving differentiation of
house sparrow populations in
Raoul F. H. Ribot
Predicting black swan events:
finding water in the desert
Lucy C Steward
“Outsiders” are important in
spatially connecting a structured
Sat 30/07
Alumni Auditorium
Newman Blue
Newman Green
Newman Purple
Newman Red
Forum Seminar Room I
Forum Seminar Room II
Newman Collaborative
Peter Chalk 2.1-2.3 (Room 3)
Peter Chalk 2.3-2.6 (Room 4)
Session 21
Session 22
Session 23
Session 24
Session 25
Session 26
Session 27
Session 28
Session 29
Session 30
Social evolution
Sexual selection
Personality variation
Hormones & behaviour
Early life effects
Parental care
Cognitive evolution
Olof Leimar
Genes as cues of relatedness
and social evolution in
heterogeneous environments
Caitlin A. Stern
Julien Renoult
Seasonal sociality: flexibile group Aesthetics evolution: insights
living illuminates the evolution of from neuroscience
Luis A. Ebensperger
Group stability modulates social
benefits in a plural breeding
Teresa Dzieweczynski
Mating under the influence:
ethinylestradiol affects mate
choice in Betta
Mark A. Whiteside
Fitness consequences of early
life habitat complexity: a holistic
Ariane Mutzel
Provisioning in flycatchers:
Combining life-history and
optimal-foraging theory
Enrico Sorato
The genetic architecture of
personality traits in the red
Blanca Jimeno
Endocrine stress response has
sex-specific effects on survival
Mylene Mariette
Prenatal acoustic communication
programs avian offspring for high
ambient temperatures
Jeanne Bovet
Mapping female bodily features
of attractiveness
Julian Evans
The influence of individual and
social characteristics on
Wolfgang Goymann
Corticosterone concentrations
reflect parental roles and
parental expenditure in coucals
Madeline K. Strom
Habitat specific fitness
consequences of group-living in
Octodon degus
Elizabeth J. Herridge
Sexual selection on seductive
female characters
Sophie Picq
Animal personality and
speciation in coral reef fishes
Catherine Young
War and peace in the group
living crimson finch
Juan G Rubalcaba
Female nest ornamentation and
its fitness consequences in
Claudia A.F. Wascher
Arja Kaitala
Sociality and health in a complex I’m sexy and I glow it: glow
bird society
Session 31
Cooperative breeding
Marie Fan
Marcus Michelangeli
Pretty in purple: male plumage in A novel behavioural syndrome
a faithful fairy-wren
and its link to microhabitat
Session 32
Parental investment
Rachael E. Bonoan
Seasonality of Mineral
Preferences in Honey Bees
Ines Klemme
Learned parasite avoidance is
driven by host personality and
David Wilson
Heritable vocal performance in
North American red squirrels,
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
Julia Schroeder
Peter Kappeler
Revisiting the individual-level link Cognitive abilities and fitness
between paternity and paternal
proxies in a wild primate
Tali S. Berman
The goat’s table manners:
avoiding ingestion of herbivore
Sara Beros
Vitellogenin acts as a
behavioural modulator in
tapeworm-infected ants
Michael Thom
Modelling the evolution of
individuality signalling under
sexual selection
Clare Andrews
Developmental telomere
shortening predicts risk-sensitive
foraging in adult starlings
Min Wu
Sociogenomics of Maternal Care
and Mother-offspring Interactions
in Earwig
Niclas Kolm
Female brain size and the
assessment of male
Frants H. Jensen
Distributed search strategies in
deep-diving long-finned pilot
Henrik Flink
A mere fluke: can parasites help
predators limit fish invasions?
Daniela Perez
Social context affects synchrony
in fiddler crab waving displays
Yong Zhi Foo
The effects of sex hormones on
immune function
Dustin R. Rubenstein
Epigenetics and the fitness
effects of unpredictable early life
Louis Sallé
Temperature, age and altitude
drive nest insulation in tits
Alex R. DeCasien
Limited evidence for
encephalization and longevity coevolution in mammals
Yoonjung Yi
Food solicitation in Javan
gibbons principally relates to
learning diet
Svensson, P A
How cunning are puppet
masters? Mind-bending parasites
in sticklebacks.
Johanna Chemnitz
Somatic state affects long
distance pheromone
communication in burying beetles
Craig RA Barnett
Are nestling size hierarchies an
outcome of parent’s boldness?
Suzanne C. Mills
Environmental stress, hormones
and behavior
Jacquelyn K. Grace
Ines Braga Goncalves
Transient stress affects
The evolutionary ecology of
behavioral ontogeny in a wild bird pipefish brooding structures
James P. Higham
Yosuke Kojima
The primate social brain revisited Gravid snakes crave rare, toxic
Katja Rönkä
Geographic variation in predation
pressure on polymorphic,
aposematic moths
Fabian S. Rudin
Changes in dominance status
erode personality and behavioral
Philippe Vullioud
Stress hormone and cooperative
effort in Damaraland mole-rats
Michael G Emmerson
Conspecific number and density
modulate gregariousness in
adolescent zebra finches
Ben Ashton
Group size predicts general
intelligence in a cooperative
Sophie Labaude
Temperature, manipulative
parasites and amphipods
behavior: consequences for
trophic chain
Carly L Lynsdale
Parasitism in Asian elephants
Session 33
Session 34
Mate choice
Emma Vitikainen
Thomas Ray Haaland
Alloparental favouritism by sex in Differential allocation: A new
theoretical framework
a mammalian cooperative
Wolfgang Forstmeier
Are we misguided by
preconceptions on mate choice
for quality?
Jayden van Horik
Fast and flexible learning in
pheasant chicks
Rita Covas
Benjamin Jarrett
Cooperative breeding on islands: Parental behaviour increases the
reconciling reduced seasonality potential for evolutionary change
and increased unpredictability
Antje Engelhardt
Female cryptic choice in
primates: eventuality, evidence
and study prospects
Ellis JG Langley
The relationship between social
rank and spatial learning in
Sarah Guindre-Parker
Unpredictable environmental
conditions and alloparental care
in superb starlings
Kirsty MacLeod
Minutes matter: brief hatching
asynchrony affects hihi chicks
Ginny Greenway
Do female seed bugs choose to
avoid mating failure?
Oded Keynan
Allee effects in the cooperatively
breeding Arabian babbler
Irja I. Ratikainen
Differential parental allocation to
offspring size vs number
Session 41
Session 42
Session 35
Maternal effects
Alexandra Capodeanu-Nägler
Variation in offspring dependency
on posthatching care in burying
Session 36
Ferran Sayol
Environmental variation and the
evolution of large brains in birds
Session 37
Tammy M. Duong
Size matters: size dependent
prey selection in adult dragonflies
Ossi Nokelainen
Predator community structure
alters the warning signal efficacy
in moths
Session 38
Session 39
Session 40
Movement ecology
Sex allocation &
sex ratios
Conservation &
behavioural ecology
Diana A. Robledo Ruiz
Does paternal
immunocompetence affect
offspring vulnerability to maternal
Peter Korsten
Prenatal maternal hormones do
not correlate with offspring
Jolyon Troscianko
Disruptive Camouflage Disrupts
Search Image Formation
Mark Briffa
A waste of effort? Analysis of
skill during animal contests
Johanna Hedlund
Point of no return –zero
philopatry in a philopatric bird
Lee Koren
Maternal testosterone and
wildlife sex ratios
Sarah Collins
How has reintroduction affected
the song of the cirl bunting
Paul George Lovell
Separating the roles of
concealment and disguise in
disruptive colouration
Dr Sarah Lane
Can post-fight personality
change explain winner and loser
Mario B. Pesendorfer
Context-dependent scatterhoarding drives indirect
competition among oaks
Susanna Pla
Factors influencing
hermaphroditism in Teleost fish
Bruce Waldman
Enhanced call effort in frogs
infected by amphibian chytrid
Theo Robert
When do male bumblebees
(Bombus terrestris) learn?
Charli Davies
Trans-generational effects of
androgens in a female-dominant
Rafael C Duarte
Visual modelling predicts
seahorse predation efficiency on
algal-dwelling shrimp
Hanne Lovlie
Exploring individual aggression
and winner-loser effects on male
Eve Davidian
Benefits of male philopatry in
mammals with male-biased
Davina L Hill
Sex-biased resource allocation
depends on a mother's diet
Yiting Jiang
Anti-predator escape distances
of common and threatened bird
Sofía Rodríguez-Brenes
When chytrid doesn't kill: females
discriminate against infected
María Larrava
Developmental stress could
enhance learning and memory in
novel environments
Dom Cram
Maternal strategies to protect
offspring telomeres, in wild
Diana Umeton
Testing the illusion of ‘flickerfusion’
K. Charlotte Jandér
Costly fights increase with
competition for resources in
female figwasps
Souvik Mandal
How do wasps get familiar with
their foraging landscape?
David M. Shuker
The evolution of polyandry in a
mostly monandrous wasp
David Hamilton
The detail in the devil:
uncovering Tasmanian devil
transmission networks
Session 43
Session 44
Intrasexual competition
Session 45
Parental care
Session 46
Session 47
Pair bonding
Session 48
Session 49
Session 50
Inbreeding &
genetic variation
Information use
Cooperative breeding
Life-history evolution
Social networks
Dario Josi
Predation and habitat
characteristics determine social
structure in cooperative cichlids
Rienk W. Fokkema
Reproductive behaviour under
social competition: family size
and competitive ability
Samuel Ellis
Survival, reproduction and
growth in dynamic ant nest
Charlotte Rosher
Relatedness and senescence
reduce aggressive male
interactions over mating
Eva Ringler
Adopt, ignore or kill? Parental
decisions in a poison frog
Florian Müller
Nocturnal departure times of
migratory songbirds with distinct
migration routes
Nataly Hidalgo Aranzamendi
Divorce in a tropical bird: incest,
infidelity and territory quality
Joseph L Woodgate
Exploration vs exploitation: lifelong tracking of bumblebee
foraging routes
Aneta Arct
Heterozygosity - fitness
correlations: the role of
environmental condition
Lucyna Wojas
Gathering social information by
eavesdropping in nonlearning
model bird species.
Sjouke A. Kingma
Will Allen
Predation risk drives cooperation The axes of life history variation
and communal breeding
in reptiles and amphibians
Lysanne Snijders
Tracking the social behaviour of
a small songbird
Erin McCullough
Male-male competition, female
choice, and selection of physical
Sandra Steiger
Parental care increases
attractiveness of male burying
Heiko Schmaljohann
Plastic reactions to
environmental cues along the
migration route
Elspeth Kenny
The adaptive significance of
Alice Charalabidis
More choosy under a risk of
predation or competition?
Brian Mautz
Inbreeding has sex-specific
effects on inbreeding avoidance
Kenneth Schmidt
Behavioral indicators and
eavesdropping on cues of
predation risk
Julie Kern
Recent immigrants are less
valuable to group members than
Rufus Johnstone
Dynamic trade-offs between
tissue types during growth
Ron Chen
Spatiotemporal profiling reveals
multi-scale social dynamics in
Eurasian jackdaws
Bodhisatta Nandy
Cost-benefit of aggression:
plasticity under perceived
competition in males
Tina Barbasch
Plasticity and Personality of
Parental Care in the Clown
Shay Rotics
Wintering in Europe instead of
Africa increases juvenile bird
Malika Ihle
Behavioural compatibility, fitness
and divorce in a wild bird
Gaelle Fehlmann
Raiding baboons: sit-and-wait
predators of the urban
Irene Godoy
Teri B Jones
Inbreeding risk, avoidance, and The role of dominance and
costs in a wild primate population personality in social information
Hirokazu Tanaka
Helpers improve breeder’s
condition in a cooperatively
breeding cichlid
Raquel Monclús
The costs of reproduction:
postpartum foraging and stored
Julia Lehmann
Foteini Spagopoulou
Stable social network positions in Do high mate competition
environments influence male
reproductive success?
Hannah West
The evolution of male care in
Rosemarie Kentie
Chloé Laubu
Wintering north or south of the
Mismatched partners that
Sahara correlates with breeding? achieve postpairing behavioral
similarity improve their fitness
Pierre JC Chuard
The pretty ones kneel: food
competition in wild-caught
Per T. Smiseth
Intraspecific competition and
inbreeding depression
Michael Taborsky
Reciprocal trading generates
higher levels of cooperation than
kin selection
Alycia Lackey
Understanding lifetime
reproductive success in a
polyphenic salamander
Christina R Stanley
Stability of social relationships
and networks in free-ranging
Curtis Creighton
Evaluating alternative
hypotheses for the evolution of
biparental care
Claudia Mettke-Hofmann
Costs and benefits of decisions
in early and late migrants
Marine Cusa
Seasonal dietary variation in an
abundant arctic fish species.
Dr Hazel J Nichols
Inbreeding tolerance and
avoidance in a cooperatively
breeding mammal
Rachael Shaw
Happy wife, happy life? Male
robins cater to female demands
Nora Carlson
Information encoding strategies
in UK tit species
Sun 31/07
Alumni Auditorium
Newman Blue
Newman Green
Newman Purple
Newman Red
Forum Seminar Room I
Forum Seminar Room II
Newman Collaborative
Peter Chalk 2.1-2.3 (Room 3)
Peter Chalk 2.3-2.6 (Room 4)
Session 51
Session 52
Session 53
Session 54
Session 55
Session 56
Session 57
Session 58
Session 59
Session 60
Cultural evolution &
social learning
Cooperation &
group living
Personality variation
Genetics of
sexual selection
Family conflict
Mating systems
Urban behavioural
Cognitive processes
Anti-predator strategies
Lucy Aplin
Cultural inheritance of foraging
skills in great tits, Parus major
Manuela Ferrari
A reduced propensity to
cooperate under enhanced
exploitation risk
Will Sowersby
Environmental stochasticity and
the evolution of animal
David Wheatcroft
Innate song discrimination in a
closely related songbird species
Geoff While
The evolutionary ecology of
family living in lizards
Ulrike Scherer
Personality affects mate choice
in a monogamous cichlid,
Pelvicachromis pulcher
Noa Truskanov
Learning from seeing a solution:
a challenge to social learning
Michal Polak
Caspers BA
Adele Mennerat
Is male ornament size genetically Odor based parent recognition in Reduced brood failure in mixedcorrelated with offspring fitness
one-day old songbird chicks
paternity blue tit broods
Helena Larsdotter-Mellström
Immunological costs of chemical
and acoustic signaling in a
Pierce Hutton
Flexibility of physiological and
behavioral responses to light
Pizza Ka Yee Chow
Staying perfect: memory and
behavioural traits in problem
Lesley J. Morrell
Anti-predator aggregation in a
murky world
Maxime Dahirel
Behavioural responses of
arachnids to urbanisation: the
role of intra- and inter-specific
Wiebke Schuett
Forest age and urbanization
influence behaviour of ground
Thomas Bose
Effects of inhibition: deadlockbreaking and dithering in activity
Gilberto Pasinelli
Do wood warblers Phylloscopus
sibilatrix consider predation risk
when settling?
L. Max Tarjan
Space use and reproductive
success of male sea otters
Sophie L. Mowles
Multimodal communication in
courting fiddler crabs reveals
male performance capacities
Lyanne Brouwer
Testing the key hypotheses to
explain variation in extrapair
David Lawson
Floral spatial fragrance patterns
and multimodal signals
Kirke Munch
Mate familiarity influences social
learning strategies in a
monogamous lizard
Robert J. Dugand
David López-Idiáquez
An empirical resolution to the lek Longer postfledging period
increases offspring survival
reducing future parent
Sigrunn Eliassen
Alex Szorkovszky
Richard Merrill
Jos Kramer
Sorting guppies in groups reveals Discrete genetic modules
Extra-pair mating and
Parent-offspring competition and
underlie divergent attraction
the social traits of individuals
cooperation in anti-predator
the evolution of family life
behaviours in Heliconius
Loren D. Hayes
Julien Martin
Lucas Marie-Orleach
Aviad Heifetz
Costly breeding: Why do females Genetic basis of between- and
Indirect genetic effects on
The blessing of having younger
breed plurally?
within-individual variance of
reproductive behaviour and
Sara Calhim
Joachim G. Frommen
Gamete evolution in Tardigrades The use of urine as aggressive
signal in cooperative cichlids
Kathryn S Peiman
The effect of noisy miners on
urban avian communities
Elizabeth McKenna Kelly
Counting on your friends:
sociality and quantity
Carita Lindstedt-Kareksela
Sex-linked deception in costly
antipredator defence in social
Luca Lamoni
Multi-agent models to study
humpback whales' song cultural
Sheng-Feng Shen
Andrew Sih
Ecological transitions in grouping Personalities, movement
benefits in burying beetles
ecology, social networks and
parasites in sleepy lizards
Kiyoko M. Gotanda
The role of humans in the
evolution of Darwins finches
Andreagiovanni Reina
A model of the honeybee
best_of_N nest-site selection
Theodore Stankowich
Weaponry vs. Wits: evolution of
defenses and intelligence in
Marco Smolla
Josefine Bohr Brask
The effect of population structure Can social structure explain the
on social learning dynamics
presence of cooperation in
Sebastiano De Bona
Item Response Trees: how to
best analyse qualitative
alternative responses
Patricia L. Jones
Attraction and defense: The
influences of plant toxins on
Shreekant Deodhar
Wild lizards: repeatability in riskaversion & display behaviours
over lifetimes
Patrick S. Fitze
Experimental evidence that
RockPaperScissors dynamics
can evolve in most species
Aneesh P. H. Bose
When to eat your children?
Parent-offspring cannibalism in
Luke J. Eberhart-Phillips
Demographic origins of avian
mating system diversity
Maximilian Körner
Can males afford honesty?
Forceps size &
Immunocompetence in Earwigs
Megan Head
No habitat dependent selection
on male sexual traits
Faye Thompson
When to discriminate against
kin? Forced eviction in banded
Isabel S Winney
Mothers, not genes, determine
promiscuity in a cross-fostered
Jacob D Berson
Gareth R. Hopkins
Cuticular hydrocarbons: Reliable Effects of artificial light at night
signals of quality?
on cricket mating behaviour
Christina Meier
Bonnot Nadège
Cognitive Processes in Executive- To flee or not to flee when coping
Control Paradigms
with risk?
Mon 01/08
Alumni Auditorium
Newman Blue
Newman Green
Newman Purple
Newman Red
Forum Seminar Room I
Forum Seminar Room II
Newman Collaborative
Peter Chalk 2.1-2.3 (Room 3)
Peter Chalk 2.3-2.6 (Room 4)
Session 61
Session 62
Session 63
Session 64
Session 65
Session 66
Session 67
Session 68
Session 69
Session 70
Human behavioural
Sexual selection
Sexual conflict
Warning signals
Personality variation
Vocal communication
Conservation &
behavioral ecology
Sensory ecology
Jessica Barker
Ruth Mace
Local competition promotes both Cultural tag structures
costly harming and policing
cooperation and mate choice in
rural China
Cécile Vanpe
Sexual selection explains
Rensch's rule in large mammals
Teagan Gale
Disentagling physiological costs
of reproduction from costs of
male presence
Hannah M Rowland
Variable predator avoidance
learning and the fitness of
aposematic prey
Mariana Velasque
Cognition, personality and
energetics in hermit crabs
Gabriella Gall
Conflict dependent use of
vocalisations coordinating group
movement in meerkats
Georgia Ward-Fear
Ecological Immunisation: Using
CTA to mitigate invasive species
Manfred Milinski
Nikhil Chaudhary
Humans use extortionate
Variation, Benefits and
strategies to enforce cooperation Inheritance of Social Capital in
Muller Doriane
Adaptive value of learning under
sexual selection in changing
Matthieu Paquet
Female manipulation of male
care via maternal effects
Emily Burdfield-Steel
Red or Dead - honest signalling
in the wood tiger moth
Adrian Bell
Colony-level, limb preference in
the red wood ant
Amy E Leedale
Kin recognition using vocal cues
in cooperatively breeding birds
Maider Iglesias-Carrasco
Nico K. Michiels
Effects of eucalyptus plantations, Light tricks reveal the invisible:
temperature and predation on
Active photolocation in fishes
amphibian ecology
Elinor M. Lichtenberg
Alternative food handling tactics’
impacts on bee foraging
Stephen Heap
Self-structured cooperative social
environments through betweengroup competition
Djuke Veldhuis
Human adaptability: responses to
changing livelihoods in Papua
New Guinea
Patricia LR Brennan
Visualizing copulation in
vertebrates to understand genital
Urs Kalbitzer
Johanna Mappes
Female sociality, sexual conflict, Should aposematic prey be
and offspring survival in capuchin conspicuous, distinct, or both?
Raphaël Royauté
Developmental diet affects
integration in the house cricket
Filipe C. Ribeiro da Cunha
The evolution of rule to overcome
deception through antipredator
Heikki Hirvonen
Significance of plasticity of brains
and behaviour in salmon
Pierre-Paul Bitton
Active photolocation: a
widespread prey-predator visual
enhancement ability?
Ming Liu
An explanation for flower
constancy through nectar
dynamics in flowers
John McNamara
The effect of reputation on
cooperation and population
Mark Dyble
Sex equality explains the low
relatedness of hunter-gatherer
Antje Girndt
Male promiscuity does not pay
Mareike Koppik
Changku Kang
Thomas M. Houslay
Impact of sex peptide and diet on Body size affects the evolution of Does danger affect
Drosophila lifetime fecundity
startle display in moths
Michal Budka
Marco Musiani
Functions of duets and chorus in Behavioural ecology, genetics
Chubb’s cisticola
and conservation units in caribou
and wolves
Sandra Winters
Visual biases and the evolution
of species discrimination in
Russell Hill
Anthropogenic Impacts on
Samango Monkey Risk-Taking
Ian M Hamilton
How long to hold a grudge? A
game of forgiveness
Erik Postma
Constraints and trade-offs in
performance: Are triathletes
Darwinian demons?
Jonathan Henshaw
A unified measure of linear and
nonlinear selection
Michael Hawkes
Sexual conflict and insecticide
Tomasz S. Osiejuk
Individual identity and functions
of duets in Yellow-breasted
Maxwell Burton-Chellew
Social learning can favour or
disfavour cooperation
Virpi Lummaa
Selection on human life-history
traits during a demographic
Alison Wright
Jana Eccard
The adaptive potential of sex
Bruce effect in rodents, an
chromosomes in encoding sexual adaptation to low densities?
Session 71
Family conflict
Session 72
Life-history evolution
Session 73
Male mate choice
Aisha C. Bründl
Increased laying costs leads to
full compensation in parental
Claireaux Marion
Behavior-selective fishing
induces changes in life-history
James L. Savage
Familiarity promotes negotiation
in parental care
Francesca Santostefano
Machteld Verzijden
Behaviours mediate genetic life- Male fruitflies can learn to prefer
history trade-offs in Field crickets an arbitrary female trait
Kat Bebbington
Immediate costs and delayed
benefits of sibling rivalry
Lucy E. Ford
Copying with rotting food:
hurrying up burying beetles
Shana Caro
Sibling rivalry and divorce lead to
the evolution of dishonest
Brandon Quinby
Latitudinal Variation in Life
History Strategies in,
Nicrophorus orbicollis.
Session 81
Alternative reproductive
Session 82
Collective behaviour
Session 74
Maternal effects
Jean-Guy J. Godin
Shirley Raveh
Male mate choice influenced by Maternal effects influence
the phenotype of audience males offspring behaviour in the
European earwig
Emmanuelle Sophie Briolat
Juli Broggi
Testing signal honesty in
Dominance and metabolic rate in
warningly-coloured burnet moths zebra finches: an experimental
Gabriella Gamberale-Stille
Generalization bias, stimulus
salience and warning signal
Session 75
Josefina Zidar
Sara Waller
Early cognitive stimulation affects Unsolicited Cat Calls: A Feral
adult personality in the red
Session 76
Session 77
Anthropogenic noise
Weaponry &
male-male competition
Chang-Yu Chang
Near Infrared Vision Modulates
the Burying Behavior in Burying
Tin Yan Hui
Confronting heterogeneity:
context-dependent foraging in a
tropical sand crab
Michał Bogdziewicz
Melquisedec Gamba-Rios
Nitrogen fertilization affects seed Predator cues recognition by
dispersal by rodents
bats: the effect on social
Hassen Allegue
Fine-scale biologging provides
new insights into seal foraging
Erin S. McCallum
Happy, mellow fish? Using
behavioural ecology to measure
anthropogenic impacts
Palestina Guevara-Fiore
Testing optimal foraging theory
with experimental evolution of
Drosophila melanogaster
Session 78
Session 79
Session 80
Foraging & cognition
Postcopulatory sexual
Speciation &
Michael L. Smith
Honey bee sociometry: from
colony founding to colony death
Selvino de Kort
The effect of aircraft noise on
bird song
Jema Rushe
Fred Dyer
The Evolution and Diversification Exploitation vs. Exploitation:
of Rhinoceros Beetle Horns
modulation of search in foraging
Jukka Kekäläinen
Sexual selection via female
remote regulation of sperm
surface carbohydrates
Mathew Berg
Assessing the ring species
hypothesis: from genetics to
Christelle Couchoux
Queen and worker conflicts in a
primitively eusocial sweat bee
Chris Templeton
Traffic noise drowns out great tit
alarm calls
Devin M. O'Brien
The costs of sexually selected
weapons in insect systems
Dovid Y. Kozlovsky
What makes specialized foodcaching chickadees successful
city slickers?
Christopher R. Friesen
The effect of exercise and
oxidative stress on sperm traits
Katharina J. Peters
Asymmetrical introgressive
hybridization and increased
hybrid fitness in Darwins finches
Amélie Fargevieille
Zoltán Tóth
Evolution of female ornaments: a Maternal effects influence larval
role of male mate choice?
phenotype in the smooth newt
Oliver Mitesser
Developmental time advances
onset of sexual production in
eusocial insects
Graeme Shannon
Road noise affects antipredator
behavior in a free-ranging
Juan Carranza
Population structure affects
antler size and longevity in red
Michal Arbilly
Pilfering may impose limits on
food cachers’ long term memory
Masanori Kohda
Female control of male’s
paternity recognition in
polyandrous cichlid
Hannah E A MacGregor
Male competition and
introgression of chemical signals
in wall lizards
Deike Lüdtke
Selection on female body
colouration through male mate
Tali Reiner Brodetzki
Game of Thrones: Polygyny in
the Desert Ant
Rick Bruintjes
A tool to predict impacts of
anthropogenic noise on fishes
John Fitzpatrick
Comparing evolutionary rates:
sexual weapons evolve faster
than ejaculates
Andrea Griffin
Adjusting foraging strategies: a
comparison of urban and rural
Kristin A. Hook
Antennation and paternity bias in
the seed beetle (Callosobruchus
Andrew T.D. Bennett
Sensory ecological maintenance
of diversity in a parrot species
Session 83
Intrasexual competition
Sarah Catherine Paul
Predation and parental effects
influence ladybird egg toxicity
and colour
Joannes van Cann
Maternal environment induces
adaptive pheno- and
epigenotypes in bank voles
Session 84
Tool use
Session 85
Session 86
Brood parasitism
Session 87
Session 88
Session 89
Session 90
Sensory ecology
Plasticity within &
between generations
Climate change
Rebecca Dean
Alternative mating tactics shape
the ocellated wrasse gonadal
Christos C. Ioannou
High-predation habitats impact
leadership structure in shoaling
Kavita Isvaran
Intrasexual competition and the
opportunity for selection in
female mammals
Alice Auersperg
Innovative tool manufacture in
the Goffin’s cockatoo (Cacatua
Rolando Rodriguez-Munoz
Senescence is now known to be
widespread in nature
Christina Riehl
Cooperative and parasitic
reproductive strategies in a
tropical cuckoo
Vivek Nityananda
Stereo vision and prey detection
in the praying mantis
Susan B. McRae
Limits to adaptive plasticity
during incubation in a threatened
Terene P.T. Ng
Linking behaviour and climate
change: insights from intertidal
Charlyn Partridge
Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin
Suzanne H. Alonzo
Olli J. Loukola
Kambiz Esfandi
determines lifetime behavioral
plasticity and reproductive
Sara Mynott
Simon Gingins
How climate change is changing
anti-predator defences
Trouble in Paradise: Dealing with
Conflicts in Mutualistic Cleaning
Mónica Cuervo
Pollinator attraction in Eucerabee pollinated sexually deceptive
Kristin Duffield
Gabriel A. Jamie
Marc Théry
Habitat structure shapes
Brain transcriptional profiles of
alternative reproductive tactics in collective movement in a wild
baboon troop
bluegill sunfish
Reproductive cooperation among
Learning to use a tool by an
unrelated males affects sexual
A dynamic terminal investment
threshold in male cricket calling
Can phenotypic plasticity help
specialist brood parasites
colonise new hosts?
The importance of UV
wavelengths for behavioral
ecology of newts
Katja Heubel
Variation in gonadal investment
along an ecological gradient
Julie S. Miller
Aligning genetic interests and
consequences for collective
behaviors in ants
Cristina Tuni
Reduced pre and postmating
traits in response to mating
Jessica E.M. van der Wal
The ecology of tool use in New
Caledonian crows
Sinead English
Reproductive senescence in a
long-lived, viviparous vector
Øistein H. Holen
Avian brood parasitism: Defend
early or wait and see?
Wladimir J Alonso
Joel Pick
Evolution of bright colours:
Cascading maternal effects and
worlds of prohibition and oblivion their evolutionary implications
Murielle Ålund
Brian Steidinger
Sexual selection affects climate Why not all pollinating fig wasps
adaptation in collared flycatchers pollinate their figs
Susan Balenger
Acoustic & Social Experiences
Shape Male Reproductive
Tactics and Condition
Jolle W Jolles
Personality variation drives
collective movements and
foraging in schooling fish
Isabelle B Laumer
Eat now or use tool? Decisionmaking in Goffins & orangutans
Barbara Class
Senescence of personality in a
wild bird
Bruce Lyon
Ornamental chick coloration in
coots: selection within or
between broods?
Ulrike Katharina Harant
Red fluorescence: first evidence
of functionality in reef fish
Jonathan Parrett
Danis Kiziridis
Sexual selection, adaptation and A unifying framework for the traitclimate change
based study of interactions
Susanne Zajitschek
Transgenerational effects of
sexual interactions
Tue 02/08
Alumni Auditorium
Newman Blue
Newman Green
Newman Purple
Newman Red
Forum Seminar Room I
Forum Seminar Room II
Newman Collaborative
Peter Chalk 2.1-2.3 (Room 3)
Peter Chalk 2.3-2.6 (Room 4)
Session 91
Session 92
Session 93
Session 94
Session 95
Session 96
Session 97
Session 98
Session 99
Session 100
Social evolution
Personality variation
Cognition & behaviour
Sexual conflict
Signals & coloration
Life-history evolution
Courtship displays
Jennifer E. Smith
Leadership in Mammalian
Societies: Emergence,
Distribution, Power, and Payoff
Christoph von Borell
Redouan Bshary
Growing into the self: personality Competition makes cleaner
development in rhesus
wrasse underwater naturalists
Stuart Wigby
Insulin signaling mediates maleinduced harm in female
Drosophila melanogaster
Megan Petersdorf
Eryn McFarlane
Intrasexual selection and male
Differentially expressed genes
rhesus macaque facial coloration and elevated metabolic rate in
hybrid flycatchers
Michael Krützen
Socio-sexual displays predict
paternity in Amazon River
Brett M Seymoure
Austin K. Dixon
Mimetic coloration, behavior and The spatial foraging behavior of a
vision corresponds to light
site attached damselfish
Arumoy Chatterjee
How do individual honeybees
communicate new food source
André Walter
Kin-mediated differences in
group feeding performance in
subsocial spiders
Lies Zandberg
Individual variation in mate
preference in great tits (Parus
Guillam E. McIvor
Social information influences
jackdaws’ response to a novel
Elena Berg
Kin selection and sexual conflict
in seed beetles
Staffan Andersson
Key innovation and evolution of
red carotenoid coloration in
Reuven Dukas
Sexual selection in fruit flies:
courtship interference versus
female choice
Matthew Bulbert
Context-dependent ant-mimicry
of the transformational mimic
Riptortus serripes
Samuel Ellis
Predation risk of acoustic
communication in a tree cricket
Paromita Saha
Niels J. Dingemanse
Equilibrium lost and regained:
Indirect genetic effects maintain
behavioural dynamics of a social variation in personality
Michael A. Pardo
A social bird tracks the group
membership of outsiders
Laura M Travers
Live fast die young life history in
female Drosophila melanogaster
Elisa P Badas
Sinlan Poo
Male quality is related to eggshell Predation risk and breeding site
value affect male guarding
Stefan Lupold
Evolution and adaptive
significance of copulatory
courtship in Drosophila
Baharan Kazemi
Richard Pearce
Mimicry evolution and salience: Foraging Behaviour in
Testing a classic case of mimicry Bumblebees (Associative
Learning and Group Foraging)
Jay Culligan
Decoding cuttlefish
communication using human
speech recognition models
Elizabeth Wiley
Modelling population
demographics in a cooperative
Charline Couchoux
Personality and the outcome of
agonistic interactions in eastern
Marie Diquelou
Responses to control in invasive
birds: personality selection or
Sally Le Page
Male relatedness or familiarity?
Which reduces female harm in
Tom D. Schultz
Color badges and aggression
among damselflies engaging in
scramble competition.
Ornela De Gasperin
Life history plasticity based on
successive sampling of
environmental information
Nao Ota
Audience promotes courtship
dancing exchanged between
sexes of a songbird
Julian Kapoor
Deceptive vocal mimicry in a
lekking hummingbird
Michel B.C. Sokolowski
Foraging for pesticides in the
honey bee: a new approach
Max Ringler
Brother were art thou callin’ –
Acoustic ranging in Poison Frogs
Jacqueline Dillard
Disentangling the correlated
evolution of cooperation and
monogamy in birds
Mats Olsson
Morphs, Telomeres and Dragon
Buddhamas P. Kriengwatana
Sex and developmental history
influence zebra finch auditory
discrimination learning
Barbara Tschirren
Male fitness consequences of
female-specific selection
Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar
A badge of status?
Kevin Arbuckle
The evolution of menopause in
mammals: a Darwinian puzzle
Katie E. McGhee
Female experience with
predators affects male courtship
and offspring care
Masaru Hasegawa
Nestling-mimicry –alternative
female attractant to
ornamentation– in barn swallows
Anne Heloise Theo
Heterospecific Foraging
Behaviour of Reef Fish in
Lakshadweep Islands, India
Rebecca Nagel
Importance of electric cues in
African weakly electric fish
Sigal Balshine
Monogamy did not drive
evolutionary transitions to
sociality among cichlids
Kate Laskowski
Personalities are an inevitable
outcome of development in
clonal fish
Rory Beresford
The effect of senescence on
brain size
Pavel Stys
Evolution and Function of
Traumatic Insemination in
Heteroptera: Behavioral Aspects
Alexis Chaine
Familiarity breeds contempt for
badge of status experiments in
Antonio M. M. Rodrigues
The evolution of reproductive
effort in social groups
Heather L. Auld
Male association preference for
rivals observed to actively court
Casey Peet-Paré
Ultraviolet hoverflies: mimicry
from a predator perspective
Elisabetta Versace
Physiological and behavioral
responses to fruit odorants in
Jelle Boonekamp
Does trait canalization reduce
biomarker performance as fitness
Melanie Dammhahn
Who takes the risk in a
landscape of fear?