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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Beat the Beer Belly
By Greg Williams - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
The nutritional advice given within these pages is for information purposes only and
in no way supersedes any prior advice given by a medical practitioner, registered
dietician or nutritionist. Should you follow the advice herein you are choosing to do
so of your own free will, without coercion and in the full knowledge that the dietary
recommendations have not been personally designed for you and that should you
suffer from a medical condition of any kind or suspect that the dietary regimen may
cause you a medical problem of any kind whatsoever that you should speak to a
qualified medical practitioner for
advice. Further, if you choose to follow the dietary recommendations and feel that it
is affecting you adversely or that you are feeling negative side effects in any way
then you should cease it immediately and consult your doctor. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Hey, congratulations on signing up for this free report on how you can ‘beat the beer belly’ even when
drinking alcohol.
So you like to have the occasional drink?
That’s not unusual.
Most people do.
It’s part of the culture for a lot of us.
Some of us have to do it… part of the job (entertaining clients, etc).
But most of us also wanna get a good body and be as healthy as possible at the same time.
That’s why I put this book together.
To show you how it is possible to do both.
You see, there is a common misconception that if you want to get healthy, lose fat and build muscle
then you need to lead a boring life.
Avoiding social occasions and eating dull food.
That honestly couldn’t be further from the truth.
It’s been a big passion of mine, since I learnt everything I know about nutrition, to be able to show
people that eating the right way is actually MORE enjoyable and certainly never boring.
I genuinely do hope that you can use the information here to help you still enjoy nights out without
damaging your body and health.
Before we get in to it I better just explain who I am…. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Who the hell am I anyway?
I’m Greg Williams, a nutritionist, and expert at helping people to lose fat fast, from Billericay, Essex,
When I was younger I always tried to stay in fairly good shape and eat fairly well.
Obviously I would go out drinking with my mates, and have the occasional McDonalds, but I thought I
was doing ok in general.
However, I never managed to get a really impressive physique (which I now know was because I was
eating the wrong foods).
I am now a nutritionist but did have a busy office based job for many years.
While working in the office my nutrition suffered quite a lot.
And so did my body.
I didn’t have time to eat properly or to prepare food, and looking back now, I know I also didn’t have
the knowledge that I needed about the foods I really should have been eating.
A major part of the job was also to entertain clients regularly, at least once a week.
That always involved going out to nice restaurants and bars/pubs with them.
And a lot of booze.
Drinking alcohol was part of the job.
It was expected.
Rightly or wrongly, I could never have taken a client out for a night and told them I wasn’t drinking.
It’s a sad fact that it would have affected my relationship with that client,
which would mean the company, and my commissions, would have suffered.
I was career driven.
I had many late nights at the office.
I was out entertaining clients regularly, and had to travel fairly often.
The precious free time that I did have when I wasn’t working I wanted to spend with my friends
and family…
not stuck in the kitchen preparing foods and cooking healthy meals.
Even when I was with my family I wasn’t much fun because I lacked any real energy after a long day
at work.
Over time, I gradually got fatter and fatter.
I was playing sport occasionally, though less regularly than when I was younger, but I couldn’t get rid
of my beer belly.
My home life was suffering too….
I lacked energy and sex drive. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
I hated how I looked in the mirror.
I was getting a lot of colds and my energy levels were crap.
I was doing my best to eat well but found it hard with work,
and just got confused with what I was really meant to be doing to lose the fat and add some muscle.
Which meant I had given up even trying.
I kind of accepted that because entertaining clients and working long hours was part of the job, it was
basically impossible for me to keep my nutrition on track and get a body that I was happy with.
But then I decided to take action.
I decided that I didn’t have to accept the fact that my health should suffer.
I started to do some more research into nutrition.
I went on a number of courses and gained qualifications.
I also met up with some of the top guys in the nutrition field to learn from them.
I had a hunger (see what I done there?!) to learn and still do to this day. I always will.
What I learnt was incredible.
I’d been making mistakes…
Big ones!
What I had thought was the right way to eat and drink, turned out to be very wrong.
Low fat diets, no carbs at night, juicing, counting calories, avoiding saturated fats….
All bull shit!
Using my new found knowledge, I managed to lose a massive amount of fat in a very short space of
It was actually pretty simple when armed with the right knowledge.
My body changed dramatically very quickly, as did my health and energy levels.
My performance and concentration at work really improved.
I also felt much fitter when playing 5 a side football with my mates, and I became a better husband.
What I learnt showed me that it is possible to have a busy work and social life,
and still stay healthy and get the body that you want.
It doesn’t take hours of food prep.
It doesn’t mean boring meals all the time.
And it doesn’t mean avoiding alcohol!
Now maybe you don’t have to go out entertaining clients as part of your job. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
But it’s highly likely that at some point you still want to go out on the piss every now and then.
I get that.
It’s one of the ways in which we socialise and relax.
It’s simply a way of life for a lot of us.
It’s how we’ve grown up.
But let’s be honest….
if we want to get a body we are proud of
then we are gonna have to tame things down a bit every now and then….
….or at least be a bit cleverer about how you do these things.
So how can you be cleverer?
Well there are a number of ways.
I like to look at it in 3 separate phases….
…the before, the during, and the after boozy night out (or boozy night in!). - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Let’s just quickly be honest for a second
Before we get into it, just so we’re clear up front, I’m not gonna lie to you…the best thing to do is
avoid alcohol.
You know that. I know that.
It can screw up our testosterone (which for the guys in particular is a bad thing), has a high calorie
content, and severely dehydrates you.
If you aren’t careful, it will cause fat gain, it will prevent muscular gain, and it can affect your sex drive.
But there’s not always a lot of point in just telling you that.
Because many of you can’t, or won’t want to, cut it out.
I want to tell you things you will do and if I know you won’t definitely cut out alcohol, then I
want to show you how to limit the damage (or try to turn a negative into a positive).
This is how I work with all my clients.
I work to understand their lives and help to build personalised nutrition plans around their lives.
So many nutritionists will just tell people the one way to eat, but so many people will struggle because
it doesn’t fit their lives.
If cutting out alcohol doesn’t fit your life, then we’ll find a way to work around that. That’s
where the strategies in this report will come in useful. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
What happens when we drink?
Yep, we get pissed!.....but there’s more to it than that, which is worth us understanding so that some
of the steps we’re going to be taking will make more sense.
You don’t need me to describe the feelings you get when you have a hangover…..
Some of us may cope with them better than others, but anyone who has drunk before has probably
experienced some degree of a hangover.
It’s caused by a number of factors:
Peeing. When we drink, we need to pee a lot. Alcohol is a diuretic and acts on the kidneys
making you pee out more than you take in. This is one of the ways the body gets rid of the
alcohol you are drinking. But it also increases the chances of you getting dehydrated.
Dehydration is one of the major causes of a hangover, so minimising dehydration is very
important for our health.
Sleep Quality. Yeah we normally fall asleep when we are drunk (I’m terrible for this, often
falling asleep at parties and round people’s houses – I actually fell asleep at the dinner table
once after we’d invited some friends over – what a host!).
But the problem is that the quality of the sleep is normally pretty shit if we have had a drink.
It’s not a deep quality sleep, and so we are likely to wake up feeling more tired than normal in
the morning.
Headaches. Drinking alcohol can cause the blood vessels to dilate, which can give us
Dodgy Stomach. When we drink it raises production of acids in our stomachs. It will also
slow down the rate at which the stomach empties itself, which can lead to sickness or
stomach aches.
Immune System. The fact is that alcohol is a toxin in our body, which can cause an immune
system reaction. This reaction can affect our appetite, concentration, and memory, and make
us much more susceptible to colds and illnesses.
Drop in blood sugar. When some people drink, their blood sugar levels can drop quite
steeply which may result in tiredness, weakness, and moodiness.
Ok, so now we know what a hangover is, and how alcohol can affect us, let’s work out how to limit the
damage it causes.
Like I said earlier, we’ll look at this in 3 different stages; Before, During and After. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Before Drinking
Before you even go out drinking, there are a number of things you can do to help limit the damage.
I’ll start with the dietary parts…..
Green Tea
Green tea is something I would recommend that most people drink anyway (not everyone, but most
However, I definitely recommend drinking some Green tea before a night on the sauce, as it helps to
protect the liver from the alcohol and speeds up detoxification of the alcohol from the body.
I must admit I’m not a big fan of normal green tea, but you can get some great flavoured ones which I
do find really nice.
Don’t just ignore this point. There will always be a flavour out there that you do like – you just need to
find it, and it can really help.
The antioxidants that it contains have been shown to reduce the level of alcohol absorption in the GI
tract, which leads to a reduced inflammatory response and quicker elimination from the body.
So have a few cups of green tea before going out.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is also known to help protect the liver and speed up detoxification of the alcohol.
There are probably some minor benefits to regular supplementation of milk thistle, even if you aren’t
drinking alcohol regularly, but I definitely do always recommend having some before and after a drink
fuelled night out.
You can buy this from many places – including Holland and Barrett – in capsule form, so it’s simple
and convenient to take.
Curcumin is found in the spice Turmeric (and also in small amounts in ginger), and has been shown
to protect the liver (which takes a bit of a battering when we drink alcohol).
It has numerous health benefits, in particular the fact that’s its anti-inflammatory and can help prevent
to cancer.
The anti-inflammatory benefits are especially important for us when drinking alcohol, as our body is
placed under a lot of stress when we drink.
An additional benefit is that it has been shown to help preserve testosterone levels when drinking.
As I mentioned earlier, alcohol can have a significant effect on testosterone levels, so using Curcumin
to help prevent that drop is very important, especially for the guys.
Because of these benefits, it can be a great idea to try to have a meal with some turmeric in before
going out. I find it works well in a nice homemade curry. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Water and Electrolytes
This will come as no surprise to you but drinking dehydrates you.
Before going out, make sure you drink a lot (I’m talking SHIT LOADS) of water to prevent dehydration
and protect the liver.
Now here comes a real important secret….
If possible, add in some electrolytes (I use these
This particular product helps to provide the body with vital nutrients – which can be lost through sweat
– and keep the body hydrated, and so is mainly targeted at athletes.
However, most people (including non athletes) can benefit from taking the electrolytes in a product
such as Elete because they support a number of vital functions in the body.
It is a great value product that lasts absolutely ages because only a small amount is needed, and can
really help to make a difference when drinking.
They help to not only keep the body to stay hydrated (VERY important for when we are drinking
alcohol), but electrolytes help the brain and nervous system transmit and receive important signals,
help the body's cells generate energy, and allow the muscles to contract and relax.
Magnesium, for instance, is an essential mineral in these electrolytes that is involved in more than
300 enzyme reactions in the body.
Therefore, these electrolytes are going to keep us hydrated and provide us with vital vitamins and
It really helps with the hangover as well.
Electrolyte Beers
There has actually been a beer invented that includes added electrolytes.
Now I’ve not tried this and can’t comment on the quality or taste, but the fact that someone has
bothered to even create it does help to show the value in including electrolytes in your drink around
the time you are drinking alcohol.
You might not have this beer on offer in the bars where you’ll be drinking, and may not want to drink
beer, but electrolytes in your water is a simple step that can be taken beforehand.
This article gives more details on the beer, in case you’re interested….
You should ideally try to eat a meal before going out.
It’s likely that you are going to have a fair amount of carbs in your drink when you are out, so a meal
consisting primarily of protein and vegetables will help to fill you up and minimise cravings for shit
food when you’re drunk.
It will also help to soak up some of the alcohol and provide your body which some much needed
nutrients. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Next Day Preparation
A lot of the damage from a heavy night out can often be done the day after.
How many of us wake up with a hangover and feel like eating the same healthy foods that we eat on
a normal day to day basis?
No, instead you start planning a monster Chinese takeaway in the evening, with a greasy bacon
sarnie in the morning.
So anticipate this.
Think of foods that are good for you that you will be happy eating when you are hungover.
And make sure you have these foods in the house, and as ready as they can be.
By that I mean do any prep that you can do in advance cos I know when I'm hangover I’m a lazy
I talk about my go to foods in the ‘After’ section but everyone is going to be different.
What you should choose to eat will also be dependent on what you are planning on drinking on the
night out (see carb cycling section for more info).
With all the peeing you are going to be doing you will be depleting your body of important vitamins.
Additionally, because your immune systems will be put under stress from the drinking, it can always
do with some extra help.
Therefore, taking a quality multivitamin tablet before drinking is always advisable.
Ok, I think that’s all the prep taken care of.
Now all you need to do is put on some nice clothes, have a shower, apply a splash of Sex Panther
(60% of the time it works every time*), and you are good to go!
* this is a quote from the hilarious film Anchorman. It’s not just a random aftershave that I’m
recommending! - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Right, the prep is sorted.
You are in the pub/bar/restaurant/party/school :o) and raring to go.
What can you do to keep things as healthy as possible, and lessen the effects for the following day?
Let’s start off by looking at what you are actually drinking.
The Best Drink?
It’s hard to say there is one ‘best drink’ but if you pushed me for one I would say it would be red wine.
Now this isn’t necessarily the lowest calorie option (we’ll get to those in a bit) but there are other
benefits to think about.
The great thing about red wine is that is contains something called Resveratrol.
Resveratrol is most well-known for supposedly increasing lifespan, though some studies would argue
that this is not the case, especially in humans.
However, it can protect us from heart disease, and improve our insulin sensitivity (an important factor
for fat loss).
It has also been shown to help in the reduction of blood pressure and the risk of osteoporosis.
For these reasons, I generally suggest that red wine is normally the best alcoholic drink of choice.
Below I’ve listed the calorie content of a number of popular drinks.
Now calories aren’t the be all and end all.
There are other things that you need to think about, but picking low calorie drinks will definitely be a
step in the right direction…
…especially when you consider one pint of lager is the equivalent of a slice of pizza or 100g of
Gin or vodka and tonic = 126
Dark rum and coke = 142
Medium glass of white wine (175ml) = 130
Medium glass of red wine (175ml) = 120
Bottle of wine (white) = 555
Bottle of wine (red) = 510
5% Lager (pint) = 240
Cider (pint) = 180-250
Stout (pint) = 210
Bitter/Ale = 180-230
Liqueur (50ml) = 100-170
Brandy (50ml) = 110
Whiskey (25ml) = 55
Mixed drink (Ready to drink) (275ml bottle) = 160-228
Now obviously the above numbers are approximate.
It can vary with each brand of drink and, in particular, the alcoholic content of the drink. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
For example, a 5% beer will likely have more calories than a 3.5% beer.
An important point to remember as well is that the mixer you choose with your sprits can increase the
calories of your drink.
For example, a vodka and coke will have more calories than a vodka and soda water.
You need to try and pick something not filled with sugar or any other crap.
So that rules out coke, lemonade, and especially Red Bull.
Side note - if you need Red Bull to get through a night out, you either need get more sleep or better
quality sleep (I can help with that), require a better nutritional lifestyle (I can help with that), or maybe
you need to find more interesting people to socialise with (can’t help with that, sorry!).
You should try to focus on drinks with a lot of fluid.
This may be a fairly obvious point, but if you drink shots all night, you are going to end up drinking lots
more than if you drink pints of beer.
The pint just takes longer to drink (unless you are like this guy)
You can apply this principle if you drink spirits as well.
Some places will only give you a dash of mixer, for example, with your vodka.
When ordering, ask for it in a bigger glass, and ask for some more mixer.
You’ll end you drinking less alcohol but will still enjoy yourself just as much.
I have heard of some people watering down their wine and saying that it actually improves the taste.
I must admit I haven’t tried that….and I doubt many of you will either….
But apparently it’s good!
I’ll be honest.
What I’m about to suggest is something I rarely do on a night out.
But you should.
So I’m putting it in in here even though most of you won’t bother,
But you really really really should try to drink some glasses of water in between alcoholic drinks.
It really can work wonders.
I find I generally won’t do it if on a night out in a bar or pub.
There’s nothing stopping me, I just don’t seem to bother.
However, if you are having a meal in a nice restaurant, you can always get a jug of water for the table
and sip on that as well as whatever else it is you are drinking. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Not only does it help to keep you hydrated, it also probably stops you from drinking quite so much
It will also help to dilute the toxins in the body and can reduce any stomach irritation.
Just one point to make here.
When you are drunk, it’s very easy to get hungry and start to eat shit food.
Hopefully, if you ate before you went out, then this is less likely to happen.
But if you do eat, then try to make sure it’s not too bad.
Stick to foods you would only eat if sober (assuming that you eat pretty well when sober!).
That probably covers most of the things you need to think about whilst drinking.
But that’s far from the end of the story. What happens once you are home, and the following day,
plays a major part in our health, and is where many people often fail… - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Ok crunch time.
Here’s actually where a lot of the damage can be done.
Like I said, yes, the alcohol isn’t great for you, but most people make it a thousand times worse by
sitting around all of the following day eating shit in their dressing gowns, on their fat lazy arses.
First step?
You aren’t dying you pussy; you are just tired and dehydrated (and you know how to solve those
Ok, glad that’s cleared up.
So let’s get into the details.
Well firstly, like I said, you will be tired so make sure you have got plenty of sleep.
Sleep is a hugely important factor, and there are a number of strategies I share with my inner circle
members on ways to help improve their sleep.
But, if possible, try to not get to bed too late, and have a pee before going to sleep (to avoid waking
up in the night).
From a nutritional perspective, first step is to refer back to the steps in the ‘Before’ section.
So green tea, milk thistle, curcumin, and multivitamins can and will all help.
These are all pretty simple steps (especially the green tea, milk thistle and multi-vitamins) that
shouldn’t be forgotten.
The vitamin C and vitamin B, in particular, from the multivitamin will help your body rid itself of the
toxins you fed it with the night before.
Another simple step you may want to take is to have 1 or 2 aspirin with some water
(obviously don’t go exceeding any recommended doses written on the packet).
This has been shown to reduce headaches and minimise inflammation.
You may also want to take one or two when you get in from the night, before going to bed.
It can really help with your hangover.
If you do need to get rid of a headache, try to stick to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (or
NSAIDs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen), not acetaminophen (Tylenol).
This is because they won’t put an additional strain on your liver which is the last thing you want when
it’s already trying to metabolise the alcohol. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Again, drink LOTS of water (have some of this during the night out and immediately when getting
home as well if possible).
And, again, add electrolytes to the water, if possible.
Some of you are gonna wake up probably feeling tired.
And many of you will turn to a cup of coffee in the morning.
Now I’m not saying that you definitely should not do this BUT just be aware that coffee does
dehydrate you which is the last thing you want at this time.
Therefore, be extra conscious to take on more water if you are going to have some.
Hair of the dog
Drinking again will not be better for you. It will not make you feel better and it definitely won’t be good
for your body.
It will only dehydrate you even further.
It’s likely you are gonna want to eat as well.
So what to turn to?
Well, hopefully you prepared something the day before (like I told you!)….
I find eggs are great. I enjoy eating them, they are full of protein and healthy fats, and are quick and
simple to prepare.
They also contain cysteine, a substance that can help break down acetaldehyde, a toxin associated
with alcohol metabolism and hangovers.
Poached eggs with some bacon and mushrooms works well for me.
During the day I love to have protein smoothies.
My personal fave is getting into a blender loads of great food like blueberries, avocado, coconut milk
and vanilla whey protein powder. Maybe with a banana.
Gorgeous and so convenient. It’s simple to make and packed full of nutrients.
It’s also pretty low in carbs – which can be important if you had a shit load of carbs the night before.
Steak and mash can be good for the evening meal.
Or even steak and oven chips.
I wouldn’t normally recommend oven chips but they aren’t exactly the end of the world and in my
mind, you can’t really beat a steak and chips meal.
Beats a greasy, unsatisfying, Chinese takeaway any day in my book. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
I rarely recommend any overly strenuous exercise the next day, but trying to stay reasonably active
can help to make you feel better, and start to burn off some of the calories from the night before.
You need to take it fairly easy because you are already dehydrated so whatever you do make sure
you have some water with you.
My preference is to go out for a nice walk in the fresh air.
I don’t see there being any benefit in the whole “sweat it out” way of thinking but if that’s what makes
you feel better, then go for it, but just make sure you are taking on plenty of water at the same time.
Carb Cycling
Now depending on what you choose to drink (or eat) on a night out), it’s possible you will end up
consuming a lot of carbs.
I’m not necessarily saying carbs are a bad thing but for fat loss, most people would generally benefit
from reducing their carb intake.
However, if carb levels are kept permanently low then the body can adjust.
To keep encouraging fat loss, an occasional spike in the amount of carbs you consume can actually
be beneficial for fat loss.
This is known as carb cycling.
Carb cycling is a great way for you to lose fat and/or keep your fat levels low.
The basic premise around carb cycling is having different levels of carbs on different days.
Some days will be low carb, some medium carbs, and some high carb days.
The reason why this strategy works so well is that the high carb days help to prevent your metabolism
from adjusting to the lower carb/calorie diet that you may be taking on board.
A periodic spike will boost your Leptin levels, and lower your Ghrelin levels – effectively reigniting your
It can also be great for immune health, energy levels and uptake of nutrients.
Now I’m not going to pretend that occasionally spiking your carb intake with carbs from beer, for
example, is the most effective way of carb cycling.
Unprocessed sources – such as potatoes - are generally much more effective and better for our
And should generally only be done when someone is already fairly lean and has gone through a
period of lower carbs.
However, if you are going to increase carbs dramatically on a night out, then my suggestion would
almost always be to keep your carb intake very low the following day.
So you will be spiking carbs with the drink and whatever you eat on the night out. Your metabolism
will be reignited and your body will adjust, basically in the expectation that you are going to continue
consuming that level of carbs and calories. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
So if, on the following day, you allow your carb intake to drop, your body is still burning the higher
level of carbs and calories and you can actually end up losing fat.
You may want to read that again. Yes, I am saying that it can be possible to lose fat after
drinking on a night out!
Now please, please don’t take this as a suggestion that you should try to consume a large amount of
carbs on your night out.
That is not what I’m saying, and in fact almost all of you would benefit from trying to avoid carbs and
consuming drinks that don’t contain high levels of carbs (such as vodka and soda water, for example).
But if you are going to consume carbs, then there can be a big benefit to keeping your carb intake
very low the following day.
Now this obviously is contradictory to what most of you do.
Like I mentioned earlier, you might wake up and have a bacon sarnie, and then a mammoth Chinese
takeaway in the evening. Both of which are very high in carbs.
This is bad news.
Spiking carbs on your night out, and then keeping them high the next day will only lead to fat gain.
So instead be planning meals low in carbs.
As I write this, I’m suffering from a mild hangover, as it’s the day after one of my close friend’s
weddings. So what have I had?
For breakfast I woke up and cooked some scrambled egg mixed in with some smoked salmon (how
the other half live eh?!).
You should know that I'm a complete master at cooking scrambled egg, and trust me, there is no
need to have it with toast.
I cook it VERY gently (my motto is “Love the eggs and they love you back”), stirring constantly, mixed
in with plenty of butter, coconut milk (I use Koko) and black pepper.
I am very careful not to overcook it.
And it tastes amazing.
If you didn’t fancy smoked salmon that time of the morning, then grilling some bacon and cutting that
up into small pieces and mixing in with the egg would be fine.
Then later on in the day I had a protein shake, mixed with some more coconut milk, blended avocado,
and some blueberries. All blended together it tastes AMAZING.
So again, great tasting, low in carbs, very quick and simple to make.
Mid-afternoon (I eat quite a lot, you would not necessarily have to eat as often as I do), I had some
smoked mackerel, straight out the pack with some beetroot, cucumber and pepper.
By that time I was feeling better and it tasted great but may have been too much for first thing in the
Again, quick, simple and tasty.
And finally, for dinner, I had steak and oven chips, cooked with some grilled tomatoes on top. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
Now yeah, the chips have some carbs in but that is my first significant carb intake of the whole day,
during which my body has been burning fat.
Very enjoyable meals. Very simple to make. All pretty healthy. Plenty of protein and good fats, and a
little carbs.
Perfect. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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‘Beat the Beer Belly’ by Greg Williams
So I hope you have found this all useful. Here’s a quick summary of action points that you should
considering following when drinking alcohol:
Drink green tea before and after the night out.
Take some milk thistle tablets before and after.
Try to have a meal with includes Curcumin. The best source for this is the spice Turmeric.
Drink plenty of water before, during, and after.
When possible include electrolytes in the water (I use Elete)
Before going out, eat a filling meal, mainly consisting of protein and fats, with plenty of
vegetables. This will help to fill you up, absorb the alcohol, and provide your body with
important nutrients.
Also prepare your meals for the following day. Make sure you have healthy foods in the
house that you are going to want to eat if you are feeling a little delicate.
Try to drink red wine if possible.
If not red wine, try to pick something that is low in calorie and low in carbs (vodka and soda
with a slice of lime is a good choice)
If you do end up choosing a drink that is high in carbs, or drunkenly eating a meal that is high
in carbs, it is important to keep your carbohydrate intake as low as possible the following day.
Go out for a nice walk the following day to keep you active and make yourself feel better.
So there you go.
I think that’s everything covered.
Hope that helps.
If you do ever have any questions, then just get in touch through the website and I’ll get straight back
to you.
In good health,
Greg “Mines a vodka and soda” Williams
p.s. if you want to get your nutrition sorted, and get that body you have always dreamed of, then
check out my inner circle where I guarantee to make that happen. - Copyright 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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