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Compared to
A side by side comparison
of what Islam believes compared to Christianity
"And ye shall know the truth
and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:32
1. Islam Vs. Christianity
The Godhead
The Deity of Jesus Christ
The Virgin Birth
The Salvation of Man
Death Burial & Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Eternal Judgement
The Creation
The Will of God
Inspiration & Inerrancy
Murder, Violence, Revenge
The treatment of Woman
Morals (Adultery, gambling, drunkenness)
Prayer and Fasting
2. Sharing Your Faith
Ten Helpful hints on how to share your faith with a
3. Interesting Facts About Islam
4. Five Pillars of Islam
5. The Creed of Islam
Six Articles of the Islamic Faith
6. Glossary
7. Foot Note References
Islam and Christianity
1. The Godhead
Islam Teaches...
†Christianity Teaches...
Islam is monotheistic (Koran 3:64). The first
phrase in the Declaration of the Faith states:
 "I bear witness that there is no God
but the Almighty God and that
Mohammad is a messenger of
 "For God hath said, 'Take not to
yourselves two Gods, for He is one
God.'" (Sura 16:53; cp. 20:7)
 "Verily God will not forgive the
union of other gods with Himself."
(Sura 4:51)
Islam rejects the concept of the Trinity. The
Koran misrepresents the teaching of
Christianity regarding the Godhead, claiming
Christians believe in "three Gods" - Father,
Mother, and Son. (Sura 5:116, 5:73-75; cp.
(Koran 5:114)
In the account of creation recorded in the book
of Genesis, God speaks plurally of His own
Person. (Genesis 1:26, 27; cp. Genesis 3:22;
11:7; Isaiah 6:3, 8)
The Christian Scriptures, both New and Old
Testaments, teach that the Godhead consists of
three persons in one: the Father, Son, and Holy
Isaiah 11:2 "...the Spirit... the Lord... Him"
Isaiah 42:1 "My Servant... I... My Spirit... upon
Isaiah 48:16 "The Lord God... His Spirit... sent
Isaiah 61:1 "Spirit of the Lord God... upon Me
... the Lord"
Isaiah 63:9 "He...the Angel of His Presence...
His Holy Spirit"
Matthew 1:20, 21 "the Lord (the Father)... the
Holy Spirit ... Jesus"
Matthew 3:16, 17 "Jesus... the Spirit of God... a
Voice from heaven (the Father)"
Matthew 12:18 "I... My Spirit... on Him"
Matthew 22:42, 43 "Christ... the Spirit... Lord
(the Father)"
Acts 11:16, 17 "the Lord... the Holy Spirit...
God... the Lord Jesus Christ"
Acts 20:21-23 "God... Jesus... the Holy Spirit"
Romans 1:1, 3, 4 "God... His Son, Jesus
Christ... the Spirit"
Romans 5:5, 6 "God... the Holy Spirit... Christ"
Muhammad was not divine but the last of the
prophets - the very one predicted in Moses'
 "I will raise up for them a prophet
like you from among their brethren;
and I will put My words in his mouth,
and he shall speak to them all that I
command him. And whoever will not
give heed to My words which he
shall speak in My name, I, Myself,
will require it of him." (Deuteronomy
Jesus claimed to be God.
He accepted worship
He forgave sins,
He lived a sinless life
He possessed all the attributes of God,
He raised himself from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
He is coming Again…This same Jesus
18:18, 19)
"Mohammad... is the messenger of
God and the Khatam [seal, closure,
end, or last] of the prophets..." (Koran
 "The Prophet Mohammad said to his
cousin Ali: 'Thy position from me
compares to the position of Aaron
from Moses, but there will be no
prophet after me.'"[3]
Jesus was not divine, but merely a prophet.
2. The Deity of Jesus Christ
Islam Teaches...
†Christianity Teaches...
Islam considers Jesus a prophet just like
Moses, Abraham, and Noah. [4]
Mohammad and the Arabs are descendants of
Ishmael, which Islam claims Jesus said by
their interpretation of Matthew 21:42-44
would supersede the Israelite nation. [5]
Islam rejects the divinity of Jesus Christ:
 "The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary,
was no more than Allah's apostle and
His Word which He cast to Mary; a
spirit from Him. So believe in Allah
and His apostles and do not say:
'Three.' ...Allah is but one God...."
(Koran 4:171)
 "...Then Allah will say: 'Jesus, the
son of Mary, did you ever say to
mankind: 'Worship me and my
mother as gods beside Allah?'"
(Koran 5:114)
Jesus was more than a prophet. He is God.
(Matthew 17:5; Mark 1:1; Luke 1:35;
Philippians 2:6; Hebrews 1:8; 1 John 4:15)
 He claimed to be God: John 4:26;
8:23; 10:30; 13:13; 14:7-10
 He accepted worship: Matthew 8:2;
9:18; 14:33; 15:25; 18:26; 28:9, 17;
Mark 5:6; Luke 24:52; John 5:22, 23;
John 9:38
 He forgave sins: Matthew 9:6 Mark
"He was God manifest in the flesh" (1
Timothy 3:16), "for in Him dwells all the
fullness of the Godhead bodily." (Colossians
2:9) God was in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:19),
Who is "the brightness of His glory, and the
express image of His person..." (Hebrews 1:3)
By the names attributed to him in Scripture "Alpha and Omega," "Immanuel" (meaning,
God With Us), "My Lord and my God," "etc. the deity of Jesus Christ is seen.
Jesus Christ possessed all the attributes of God:
omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence,
immutability, etc.
The Father declared Jesus to be His Son:
 "Thou art my son. This day have I
begotten you." (Hebrews 5:5; cp.
Psalms 2:7)
Jesus himself claimed to be the Son of God:
 Luke 22:70; John 10:36; 19:7
The angel declared Jesus the Son of God:
 "And the angel answered and said unto
her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon
God has no sons:
 "...Allah forbid that He should have a
son." (Koran 4:171)
 "It is not meet for God to have
children." (Koran 19.92)
 "He begets not, nor he is begotten,
and there is none like unto him."
(Koran 112:3)
 "No son did Allah beget, nor is there
any god along with him. [if so] then
behold, each god would have taken
away what he had created, and some
would have lorded it over others!
Glory to Allah! from things they
attribute to Him." (Koran 23:91)
"And they say, 'The Most Gracious
Has betaken a son!' Indeed you have
put forth a thing most monstrous! At
it the skies are bout to burst, the earth
to split asunder, and the mountains to
fall down in utter ruin: That they
attributed a son to the Most Gracious.
For it is not consonant with the
majesty of the Most Gracious that He
should beget a son. Not one of the
beings in the heavens and the earth
but must come to the Most Gracious
as a servant. He does take an account
of them [all], and numbered them
exactly, and everyone of them will
come to him singly on the day of
judgment." (Koran 19:88)
"And (they) impute falsely, without
knowledge, sons and daughters unto
Him...How can He have a child when
there is no consort for him...?"
(Koran 6:101-103)
thee, and... that holy thing which shall
be born of thee shall be called the Son
of God." (Luke 1:35)
Even demons confessed Jesus the Son of God:
 "And unclean spirits, when they saw
him, fell down before him, and cried,
saying, Thou art the Son of God."
(Mark 3:11; cp. Luke 4:41; 8:28)
Many others professed or addressed Jesus as
the Son of God - and were not rebuked for it:
 "Then they that were in the ship came
and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth
thou art the Son of God." (Matthew
 "Nathanael answered... Rabbi, thou art
the Son of God; thou art the King of
Israel." (John 1:49)
 "She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I
believe that thou art the Christ, the Son
of God, which should come into the
world." (John 11:27)
 "Now when the centurion... saw the
earthquake ...they feared greatly,
saying, Truly this was the Son of God."
(Matthew 27:54; cp. Mark 15:39)
 "And the high priest answered... tell us
whether thou be the Christ, the Son of
God." (Matthew 26:63)
The gospel writers, inspired by the Holy
Spirit, testified of Jesus' Sonship:
 "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God" (Mark 1:1)
 "And I saw, and bare record that this is
the Son of God." (John 1:34)
Jesus' Sonship - his relationship with the Father
was the subject of preaching in the early church:
 "... he preached Christ in the
synagogues, that he is the Son of God."
(Acts 9:20)
Unbelievers - and Satan himself - challenged
Jesus' Sonship:
 " thyself. If thou be the Son of
God, come down from the cross."
(Matthew 27:40)
 "if thou be the Son of God..." (Matthew
4:3, 6; cp. Luke 4:3, 9)
Confessing Jesus is the Son of God is essential
to salvation: 1 John 4:15; cp. Acts 8:37; 1 John
5:5, 10, 12, 13 (See also: John 5:25; 9:35; 11:4;
20:31; Romans 1:4; 2 Corinthians 1:19;
Jesus Christ was a created being.
 "Jesus is like Adam in the sight of
Allah. he created him of dust and
then said to him: 'Be,' and he was."
(Koran 3:55, 58)
Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 4:13; Hebrews 4:14;
6:6; 10:29; 1 John 3:8; 5:20; Revelation 2:18)
All who profess the Lordship of Jesus Christ are
adopted sons of God: John 1:12; 3:18; Phl 2:15;
1 John 3:1, 2
Jesus Christ was pre-existent to creation.
Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7 ("")
Proverbs 8:22-36
Isaiah 48:12, 16
Micah 5:2
John 1:1-3,10; 3:13; 6:62; 8:35, 58; 17:5, 24
Romans 11:36
1 Corinthians 8:6
Ephesians 3:9
Philippians 2:5
Colossians 1:15-19
Hebrews 1:2
Revelation 3:14
3. The Virgin Birth:
Islam and Christianity both agree that Jesus was born of a virgin.
(Koran 19:16-26; Isaiah 7:14)
4. Salvation of Man
Islam Teaches...
Islam rejects the doctrine of original sin[6].
 Mohammad said, "Every human
being is born in a state of a pure
nature; but through the influence of
his parents, he may become nonMoslem." [7]
 "Whoever goes aright, for his own
soul he goes aright; and whoever
goes astray, to his own detriment he
goes astray. And no bearer of a
burden bears another's burden..."
(Koran 53:38)
 " soul earns (evil) but against
itself. Nor does a bearer of a burden
bear the burden of another." (Koran
 "So whoever does an atom's weight
of good will se it and whoever does
an atom's weight of evil will see it."
(Koran 99:7, 8)
Salvation comes only through Allah. Only
those who obey Allah and Mohammed his
†Christianity Teaches...
The Bible teaches man is born into sin.
 By Adam's sin (Genesis 3), death
spread to all mankind: Genesi 5:3 with
1:24, 25; Psalms 51:5; Romans 5:12,
 None is born without the mark of sin
upon his soul; "all have sinned." (2
Chronicles 6:36; Isaiah 53:6; Romans
3:10, 12, 23; 5:12, 14; 11:32; Ephesians
2:3; 1 John 1;10)
Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ:
 "Neither is there salvation in any other
prophet can enter into Heaven:
 "If anyone desires a religion other
than Islam (Submission to Allah),
Never will it be accepted of him; and
in the Hereafter he will be in the
ranks of those who have lost ."
(Koran 3:85; cp. 5:10; 25:68)
 Those who "believe not in Allah and
His Messenger, He has prepared, for
those who reject Allah, a Blazing
Fire!" (Koran 48:13)
Islam denies the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus
never died:
 "They denied the truth and uttered a
monstrous falsehood against Mary.
They declared: 'We have put to death
the Messiah Jesus the son of Mary
the apostle of Allah.' They did not kill
him, nor did they crucify him, but
they thought they did... They have no
knowledge thereof but the pursuit of
a conjecture; they slew him not for
certain, but God took him up to
Himself." (Koran 4:154-158)
[than Jesus]: for there is none other
name under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved." (Acts
Also see: John 8:24; 14:6; 10:1-2, 9; Acts 4:12;
Revelation 5:1-9; 1 John 2:22, 23; Isaiah 43:11;
Hosea 13:4; 1 Timothy 2:5
Salvation must be earned:
By good works:
 "Every man's actions have we hung
around his neck, and on the last day
shall be laid before him a wide-open
book." (Koran 17:13)
By almsgiving[22]:
 "Lend to God a good loan." (Surah
 "...the Koran regularly enjoins the
giving of alms (zakah), as the
outward sign of piety and means of
salvation... an obligatory
contribution... to be exacted from all
who, whether voluntarily or under
constraint, enter into the brotherhood
of Islam; but it is not a tax. Rather is
it to be regarded as a loan made to
God... Free-will offerings are also a
means of expiating offences..."[8]
 The root meaning of the word Zakat
(almsgiving) is "to purify."[23] Surah
Salvation comes only by faith, through grace:
 "For by grace you have been saved
through faith; and that not of
yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of
works, lest anyone should boast."
(Ephesians 2:8, 9)
 "Therefore by the deeds of the law there
shall no flesh be justified in his sight...
being justified freely by his grace...
Where is boasting then? It is excluded.
By what law? Of works? Nay; but by
the law of faith.. Therefore we conclude
that a man is justified by faith without
the deeds of the law." (Romans 3:20,
24, 27, 28)
 "Now to him that worketh is the reward
nor reckoned of grace, but of debt....
Even as David also describeth the
blessedness of the man, unto whom
God imputeth righteousness without
works.... Therefore it is of faith, that it
might be by grace..." (Romans 4:4, 6,
Jesus died and rose again.
 "Knowing that Christ being raised from
the dead dieth no more; death hath no
more dominion over him." (Romans
 "And being found in fashion as a man,
he humbled himself, and became
obedient unto death, even the death of
the cross." (Philippians 2:8)
 "For where a testament [is], there must
also of necessity be the death of the
testator." (Hebrews 9:16)
 Also see: Luke 18:33; 24:20; John
11:13; 12:33; Acts 2:24; 22:20; Romans
5:10; 1 Corinthians 11:26; 15:19, 20,
22; Hebrews 2:14; etc.
9:103 says: "Take of their wealth an
offering to purify them and cleanse
them thereby."
The only sure way to make it to heaven is for
a Muslim to die in a jihad ("holy war").
On divine providence:
 " whoever is willing, he may take
a path to his Lord. And you do not
will unless God wills..." (Koran
76:29, 30)
 "Thou causest to err thereby
whomever Thou pleasest and guidest
whomever Thou pleasest..." (Koran
Man has free will.
 "Whosoever will, let him drink freely of
the river of life" (Revelation 22:17; cp.
John 3:15, 16; etc.)
5. Eternal Judgement
Islam Teaches...
†Christianity Teaches...
On Paradise:
Those who kill or are killed by unbelievers
will return to the garden of Paradise (Koran
9:111), where they will enjoy many lustful
pleasures - sex with virgins, pleasant food and
drink, etc.:
 "They shall recline on jeweled
couches face to face, and there shall
wait on them immortal youths with
bowls and ewers and a cup of purest
wine... with fruits of their own choice
and flesh of fowls that they relish.
And theirs shall be the dark-eyes
houris (celestial virgins), chaste as
hidden pearls: a guerdon for their
deeds." (Koran 56:15)
 "pure beautiful ones... goodly things,
beautiful ones, pure ones confined to
the pavilions that man has not
touched them before..." (Koran 56:54,
On Hell:
 "Those who invoke a god other than
Allah not only should meet
punishment in this world but the
Penalty on the Day of Judgment will
be doubled to them, and they will
dwell therein in ignominy." (Koran
 "Non-believers will go to hell and
On Heaven:
Those who have believed on the Lord Jesus
Christ and submitted their lives to his Lordship
will enjoy eternal bliss in heaven, where there
will be no pain or sorrow, no disease or death.
On Hell:
Those who reject Jesus Christ will suffer eternal
torments in hell.
will drink boiling water" (14:17).
"...the unbelievers... shall have a great
punishment in world hereafter"
(Koran 5:34).
"We shall say: 'Lay hold of him and
bind him. Burn him in the fire of
Hell, then fasten him with a chain
seventy cubits long. For he did not
believe in Allah, the Most High...'"
(Koran 69:28)
"Would that you knew what the fire
of Hell is like! It leaves nothing, it
spares no one; it burns the skins of
men. It is guarded by nineteen
keepers." (Koran 74:19)
6. Creation
Islam Teaches...
†Christianity Teaches...
The Genesis account should not be taken
literally, as it contains discrepancies.[9] The
earth is billions of years old.
Creation took eight days, it says in Surah
41:9, 10, 12. Surah 10:3, however, states
creation took six days.
The universe was produced by a "big bang"
(Koran 21:30), produced by a kind of gas.[10]
(Koran 41:11)
The Koran states God created every living
thing from water.[11 (Koran 21:30; 24:45)
A literal interpretation of Scripture indicates the
earth is only a few thousand years old.
God created the universe in six days and rested
on the seventh day. (Genesis 1:1 to 2:2)
The Creator did not rest: "We created the
heavens and the earth and all between them in
six days, nor did any sense of weariness touch
us." (Koran 50:38)
God rested on the seventh day: "For in six days
the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the
seventh day he rested, and was refreshed."
(Exodus 31:17).
"In the beginning, God" (Genesis 1:1) alone
God spoke the universe into existence by a
 Genesis 1:20-21, 24 "And God said...
and it was so." (Cp. Psalm 148:5)
7. The Will of God
Islam Teaches...
One of the 5 tenets to which Muslims must
adhere is a belief in the 4 inspired books - the
Torah (5 books of Moses), Zabur (the
psalms), lnjil (the gospel), and Koran. The
Christian Scriptures are incomplete without
†Christianity Teaches...
Adding to God's Word has serious
consequences. (Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32;
Proverbs 30:6; Revelation 22:18)
the Koran.[12]
In addition to the Koran, Muslims look to the
Sunna (sayings of Muhammad), for
inspiration. This collection is called the
Hadith. [13]
On authorship and inspiration:
The Koran claims divine authorship and
 "This is indeed a Qur'an most
honourable, a Book well-guarded... a
Revelation from the Lord of the
Worlds." (Koran 56:77-80)
 "This Qur'an is not such as can be
produced by anyone other than God."
The Koran contains no human words[14]:
 "No prophet except Mohammad has
claimed that his book contains the
very words of God. Moses...
conveyed the heavenly message by
his own words... not the very words
of God.... Jesus spoke the truth which
he received, but he spoke in his own
words. The Bible, at best, is
considered a dialogue between God
and man." [15]
On inerrancy:
Islam claims the Koran is without
 "Do they not ponder on the Qur'an?
Had it been from other than Allah,
they would surely have found therein
much discrepancy." (Sura 4:82)
However, see
Islam denies that any words of the Koran
have been altered.[16] However, the Koran
contains many textual variants. (It's not in its
original form.) See
The Koran will never perish:
 "Certainly we have revealed the
Reminder (the Koran), and we shall
preserve it." (Koran 15:9)
 "It (the Koran) is an invincible
book. Falsehood does not invade it
neither from before it nor from behind it,
a revelation from a a Mighty, Praised."
(Koran 41:41, 42)
On authorship and inspiration:
The New Testament undeniably declares the
inspiration of the Old Testament (the contents
of which the Koran denies):
 Matthew 1:22; 2:15; 3:3; 4:14; 8:17;
12:17; 13:35; 21:4; 22:42; Mark 12:36;
Acts 1:16; 4:25; 28:25; 1 Peter 1:10-11;
2 Peter 1:21
On inerrancy:
The Bible is without error:
 Isaiah 34:16; 55:10-11; Psalms 119:96,
128, 160; 138:2; Matthew 5:18; Luke
16:17; John 10:35; 1 Peter 1:23-25
The Written Word of God, the Bible, is eternal:
 Psalms 119:89; Isaiah 30:8; 40:8;
Jeremiah 36:22-23, 27-28, 32;
Matthew5:17-18; 24:35; Luke 21:33;
1 Peter 1:23-25
8. Murder, Violence, Revenge
On Murder and Violence:
Islam both allows and forbids murder and
violence, depending on who is the recipient of
the act.
 "Make war on them until idolatry is
no more and Allah's religion reigns
supreme." (Koran 8:37)
 The Koran instructs not to make
friendship with Jews and Christians
(Koran 5:51) but to war against them:
"When the Sacred Months are over,
kill those who ascribe partners to God
wheresoever ye find them; seize
them, encompass them, and ambush
them; then if they repent and observe
prayer and pay the alms, let them go
their way (Koran 4:5). "Fight against
those who believe not in God nor in
the Last Day, who... refuse allegiance
to the True Faith from among those
who have received the Book, until
they humbly pay tribute out of hand."
(Koran 9:29) Note: These verses
distinguish between warfare against
pagans, and against Jews and
 "...kill the disbelievers wherever we
find them" (Koran 2:191); "fight and
slay the Pagans, seize them,
beleaguer them, and lie in wait for
them in every stratagem" (Koran 9:5);
"murder them and treat them harshly"
(Koran 9:123).
 "Seize ye him, and bind ye him, And
burn ye him in the Blazing Fire.
Further, make him march in a chain,
whereof the length is seventy cubits!
This was he that would not believe in
Allah Most High. And would not
encourage the feeding of the indigent!
So no friend hath he here this Day.
Nor hath he any food except the
corruption from the washing of
wounds, Which none do eat but those
in sin." (Koran 69:30-37)
On Murder:
 "Thou shalt not kill (murder)." (Exodus
20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17)
 "...murders... they which do such things
shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
(Galatians 5:21)
 " murderer hath eternal life abiding
in him." (1 John 3:15)
 "...murderers... shall have their part in
the lake which burneth with fire and
brimstone: which is the second death."
(Revelation 21:8)
 "For without [are] dogs, and sorcerers,
and whoremongers, and murderers, and
idolaters..." (Revelation 22:15)
 Jesus and Paul both reiterated the Old
Testament prohibition against murder:
 "Ye have heard that it was said by them
of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and
whosoever shall kill shall be in danger
of the judgment." (Matthew 5:21)
 "...Thou shalt not commit adultery,
Thou shalt not kill...." (Romans 13:9)
 Murder is listed right alongside sins like
sorcery, fornication, robbery.
 "Envyings, murders, drunkenness,
revellings..." (Galatians 5:21)
 "Neither repented they of their murders,
nor of their sorceries, nor of their
fornication, nor of their thefts."
(Revelation 9:21)
 "...murderers, and whoremongers, and
sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars..."
(Revelation 21:8)
On Violence:
God destroyed the earth with a flood because of
the extent violence had spread:
 "...the earth was filled with violence...
Then God said to Noah, 'The end of all
flesh has come before Me; for the earth
is filled with violence... behold, I am
about to destroy them...'" (Genesis
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love
"Strike off the heads of the
disbelievers"; and after making a
"wide slaughter among them,
carefully tie up the remaining
captives" (Koran 47:4).
 "Instill terror into the hearts of the
unbelievers"; "smite above their
necks and smite all their finger-tips
off them" (Koran 8:12; cp. 8:60).
 "O Prophet! strive hard against the
unbelievers and the hypocrites, and
be stern against them. Their abode is
Hell - an evil refuge indeed" (Koran
 "slay or crucify or cut the hands and
feet of the unbelievers, that they be
expelled from the land with
disgrace..." (Koran 5:34).
 "for them (the unbelievers) garments
of fire shall be cut and there shall be
poured over their heads boiling water
whereby whatever is in their bowels
and skin shall be dissolved and they
will be punished with hooked iron
rods" (Koran 22:19-22)
 "And slay not the soul which God has
forbidden except for the just cause..."
(Koran 17:33)
 "...If anyone killed a person not in
retaliation for murder or to spread
mischief in the land, it would be as if
he killed the whole of mankind. And
if anyone saved a life, it would be as
if he saved the whole of mankind"
(Surah Al-Maaida 5:32)
 "Fight for the sake of Allah those that
fight against you, but do not attack
them first. Allah does not love the
aggressors." (Koran 2:190)
 "…when it is said to them; 'Make not
mischief on the Earth', they say; 'We
are only peace makers'. Indeed they
are the ones who make mischief, but
they perceive it not" (Surah AlBaqarah 2:11-12)
 The Prophet Mohamad said to his
army before going to a fight "Depart
in the name of Allah, and by his help.
And kill not any old man nor young
your neighbor, and hate your enemy.' But I say
to you, love your enemies, and pray for those
who persecute you in order that you may be
sons of your Father who is in heaven..."
(Matthew 5:43, 45)
Oppression of the innocent is condemned
throughout Scripture:
boy nor child, nor woman, But be
good doers for Allah loves those who
do good. (Hadeeth)
Allah himself is really the one slaying them:
 "It is not us who slay them but Allah,
in order that He might test the
Believers by a gracious trial from
Himself." (Koran 8:17; cp. Surah AlBaqarah
 Allah "will punish them by our
hands..." (Koran 9:14).
Jihad is mandatory.
 "Unless we go forth, (for Jihad) He
will punish us with a grievous
penalty, and put others in our place"
(Koran 9:38-39).
 "And what is the matter with you that
you do not fight in the cause of Allah
and for those weak, ill treated and
oppressed among men, women and
children whose only cry is; 'Our
Lord, rescue us from this town whose
people are oppressors..." (Surah AnNisa 4:75)
 "Believers, when you encounter the
armies of the infidels do not turn your
backs to them in flight. If anyone on
that day turns his back to them,
except it be for tactical reasons, or to
join another band he shall incur the
wrath of Allah and Hell shall be his
home: an evil fate." (Koran 8:12-17)
"The recompense for an injury is an injury
equal thereto (in degree): but if a person
forgives and make reconciliation his reward is
due from Allah: For (Allah) loves not those
who do wrong." (Koran 42:40)
It is acceptable to break treaties and
obligations with pagans and make war on
them whenever strong enough to do so
(Koran 9:3).
"You have heard it said, An eye for an eye, and
a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, do not
resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on
your right cheek, turn to him the other also.
(Matthew 5:38, 39)"
Treachery and lying are forbidden. (Matthew
5:33-37) Better to suffer wrong than not to keep
one's word. (Proverbs)
9. The Treatment of Woman
Islam Teaches...
Men have authority over women. (Koran
In the home:
 "Men have authority over women
because Allah has made the one
superior to the others, and because
they spend their wealth to maintain
them." (Koran 4:34)
 "Mothers shall suckle their children
two years completely, for such as
desire to fulfill the suckling....But if
the couple desire by mutual consent
and consultation to wean, then it is no
fault in them." (Koran 2:233)
 Women who disobey their husband
will go to hell. (Koran 66:10).
 "Thou mayest decline for the present
whom thou wilt of them, and thou
mayest take to thy bed her whom
thou wilt, and whomsoever thou shalt
long for of those thou shalt have
before neglected; and this shall not be
a crime in thee. Thus will it be easier
to give them the desire of their eyes...
and to satisfy them with what thou
shalt accord to each of them." (Koran
In society:
 Women do not have equal right to
their inheritance (Koran 4:11-12)
Women receive half of the male share
for an equivalent degree of
Women who disobey should be beaten:
"Good women are obedient.... As for those
from whom you fear disobedience, admonish
them and send them to beds apart and beat
them. Then if they obey you, take no further
action against them." (Koran 4:34)
†Christianity Teaches...
Spiritually, there is neither male nor female in
Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
In the home, Scripture outlines the divinely
established order.
 Husbands are responsible to maintain
proper order and government in the
family. (1 Timothy 3:4, 5, 12; Titus 1:6)
The husband's primary obligation is to
love his wife: "Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ also loved the
church and gave himself up for her... So
husbands ought also to love their own
wives as their own bodies. He who
loves his own wife loves himself; for no
one ever hated his own flesh, but
nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ
also does the church..." (Ephesians
5:28, 29; cp. Colossians 3:19; 1 Peter
 Wives are exhorted to respect and obey
their husband: "Wives, submit
yourselves to your own husbands, as it
is fit in the Lord." (Colossians 3:18; cp.
1 Corinthians 11:3, 8, 9; Ephesians
5:22-24, 33; 1 Timothy 2:11, 12; Titus
2:3-5; 1 Peter 3:1, 2, 5, 6)
A woman who knows her husband loves her having her best interests in mind - has no
problem submitting to him.
10. Morals
Islam Teaches...
On Morals
†Christianity Teaches...
Adultery and fornication are forbidden.
(Genesis 20:9; Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy
5:18; 23:17, 18; Leviticus 18:20; 2 Samuel
13:12; Matthew 5:27; 14:34; 19:18; Mark
10:19; Luke 18:20; Romans 13:9; 1 Corinthians
6:15; 10:8; James 2:11)
Sexual immorality is exceedingly "evil" and
"wicked." (Genesis 39:9; Leviticus 19:29;
Deuteronomy 22:22-24; 1 Samuel 2:22-23; 1
Corinthians 5:13) It greatly displeases God
(Hosea 4:1-2, 11) and provokes Him to anger
(Numbers 25:1, 3; Ezekiel 16:26; Colossians
3:5-6). God hates it. (Proverbs 22:14) "For this
is a heinous crime" (Job 31:1, 9-12), "villainy"
(Jeremiah 29:22-23) and filthiness (Revelation
17:4). "They know not the light" but "are in the
terrors of the shadow of death" (Job 24:15-17).
It is "the way of hell;" "the dead are there"
(Proverbs 7:27; 9:13-18).
The words of anyone who defends such
"unfruitful works of darkness" (Ephesians 5:3,
11-12) are "contrary to sound doctrine" (1
Timothy 1:9-10).
Gambling and drunkenness are prohibited:
 "O you who believe, intoxicants and
games of chance... are only an
uncleanness, the devil's work; so shun
it, that you may succeed. The devil
desires only to create enmity and
hatred among you by means of
intoxicants and games of chance, and
to prevent you from the remembrance
of God and from prayer. So will you
obey this prohibition?" (Koran 5:90,
Gambling and drunkenness are forbidden:
11. Prayer & Fasting
Islam Teaches...
†Christianity Teaches...
Muslims must recite prayers in praise of
Allah five times daily while facing Mecca,
the city where Allah revealed the Koran to
Muhammad. Prayer must be performed at
prescribed hours and in a definite pattern of
word and posture.
 "Whichever way you depart, face
toward the Holy Mosque: and
wherever you are, face toward it, so
that men will have no cause to
reproach you, except the evil-doers
among them." (Koran 2:150)
 "Believers, do not approach your
prayers when you are drunk, but wait
till you can grasp the meaning of
your words..." (Koran 2:4:43)
Every Muslim - at least "he who can find a
way thither" (Surah 3:97) - must make a
pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his/her
life: "Fulfill the pilgrimage and the visitation
unto God." (Surah 2:196-197)
Christianity presents prayer, fasting and
worship as arising totally without compulsion or
obligation, but wholly from the heart. See the
following links:
Fasting is required of every Muslim for one
month per year. This fast is complete
abstinence, during daylight hours, from all
food, drink, tobacco and sexual intercourse.
Abdul Hamid Farid writes that "The
Messenger of God used to teach the Muslims,
when they set out toward graves, to say,
"Peace be to you, O ye of the believers and
Muslims dwelling in these abodes! ...We beg
of God safety for us and for you ...May God
forgive us and you!..."[20]
"(Once) the Prophet of God passed by
(certain graves of Al-Madinah. Turning his
face toward them, he said, "Peace be to you,
O ye dwellers of these tombs! May God
forgive us and you! Ye are our forerunners
and we are at your heels."[20]
Farid also writes: "Ayeshah said that
whenever it was her night with the Messenger
of God, she noticed that he would set out, in
the last watch of the night, toward Baqi and
(there) he would say: "Peace be to you, O ye
of the party of believers dwelling in these
abodes! That which was promised unto you
for the morrow hath reached you. Ye were
given respite. And behold, if God will, we
shall met you. O God! Forgive Thou these
inmates of Baqi-al-Gharqad [the burial
ground at Al-Madinah]."[21]
Fasting is to be done in a manner of humility
and secrecy.
Matthew 6:16-18 "Moreover when ye fast, be
not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for
they disfigure their faces, that they may appear
unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They
have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest,
anoint thine head, and wash thy face; that thou
appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father
which is in secret..."
Luke 18:9-14 "And he spake this parable unto
certain which trusted in themselves that they
were righteous, and despised others: Two men
went up into the temple to pray... The Pharisee
stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I
thank thee, that I am not as other men are... I
fast twice in the week, I give tithes... And the
publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so
much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon
his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a
sinner. I tell you, this man went down to this
house justified rather than
the other: for every one that exalteth himself
shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself
shall be exalted."
Contacting or praying to the dead
("necromancy") is forbidden by God in the
Christian Scriptures (Deuteronomy 18:10,
11). God calls it an "abomination."
Also see: 1 Samuel 28:3-20; 2 Chronicles
10:13, 14; Isaiah 8:19-22. The punishment
for contacting the dead is very severe.
Sharing Your Christian Faith with Muslims
1. Always use the word of God
Muslims respect the sacred books: the Law of Moses, Psalms, the Gospel, and Quran. Let
the Word of God speak for itself. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke are the best portions
to start with.
2. Be constantly in prayer
It is the Holy Spirit who wins men to Christ. Seek His guidance and power as you present the
3. Be a genuine friend
superficial relations are not enough. If you really care, demonstrate your concern by inviting
you Islamic friends into your home. Share your time and help them with family issues. Let
them get to know you and see you are a loving, caring, God worshipping individual
4. Ask thought-provoking questions
Ask questions like "Do you have the assurance that God will accept you? What does the Quran teach about
forgiveness? May I show you what the Bible teaches?" These types of questions show that you have an interest
in the important issues of life.
5. Listen carefully
When you ask a question, courtesy requires that you listen to the answer no matter how long
it takes. (Sometimes it will take a long time) But you will be surprised at how much you will
learn and your patience in listening will gain you much respect.
6. Present your beliefs openly
State what you believe, clearly and without apology, showing Scripture passages that
support those teachings. By doing this you place the responsibility for doctrine on the Word
of God.
7. Reason, But do not argue
You through argument may win the point you make but you will certainly lose a hearing.
There are some points on which you can argue forever without achieving a thing, except
closing a mind against you.
8. Never Speak derogatory about Muhammad or the Quran
This is as offensive to them as speaking disrespectfully about Christ or the Bible would be to
you. Refer to Mohammad and the Quran respectfully.
9. Respect their customs and sensitivities
You will offend a Muslim by putting your Bible or their Quran (Holy Book) on the floor. Do
not place objects on top of your Bible or treat the Bible disrespectful in any way. Often
times Muslims will be greatly offended if they see you write in or underline a scripture. It is
always a good idea to use a Bible that is not marked in when sharing your faith with a
Muslim. Always be careful in appearing too free with the opposite sex. It is always best for
a man to talk with the man and a woman to talk with woman. Do not refuse hospitality. If
for example you are invited to a Muslims home and they offer you tea it would be considered
an insult or at the very least rude not to accept. Never making jokes about sacred topics such
as fasting, prayer, or God. Muslims are watching very carefully. When they are considering
acepting a truth from the Bible they had never before embraced they will observe to see if
"Christians" in fact live out daily the truth they say they believe. More Muslims have been
halted from trusting Jesus Christ as their savior because of the careless way Christians live.
10. Persevere
Muslims have a lot of rethinking to do when they are confronted with the gospel. But rest
assured that the Word of God will do its work, in His good time.
The World of Islam
Most of the World’s 1.2 billion Muslims are found in the Middle East, in Northern Africa, and in
Asia. Young people from Islamic countries now form the largest group of international students
in North America.
The First Mosque in America
The first mosque in the United States was built in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, shortly after the turn of
the century. Also in Cedar Rapids is the first exclusively Muslim burial ground in the U.S.A.
Canada’s first mosque, Al Rashid, was constructed in Edmonton, Alberta in 1938.
Looking At Some Facts About Islam
1. One out of every five people in the world today embrace Islam
2. Out of the five major block groups in the world (tribal, Muslim, Hindu, Chinese, and
Buddhist) Islam is by far the least penetrated with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
3. Islam is the only non-Christian religion that has a world-wide missionary zeal
4. Islam is the only religion that is younger than Christianity
5. Less than 2% of all evangelist missionaries are reaching out to followers of Islam
6. Islam has a tract record of killing and persecuting Christians and Jews
The Five Pillars of Islam
The five basic beliefs and practices of a true Muslim from the Quran, chapter (or sura) 4 verse
136: "…And whoever disbelieves in God and his angels and his books and his messengers and
the last day, he indeed strays far away."
The remembrance of Allah’s sovereignty on earth must be preformed five times each day. On
Fridays, early afternoon prayer should be in congregation, let by the local chief Muslim.
Alms Giving:
Each Muslim should give one fortieth, or two and a half percent of his annual income in cash or
in kind.
Every day during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar year, the fast begins at dayn and
ends at dusk. Those engage in heavy labor are excused from fasting, as are children, the sick, and
pregant and nursing women. Night is a time of eating, drinking, socializing and praying.
Any able-bodied Muslim who can afford it must, once in his life, travel to Mecca, Soudi Arabia.
The Creed of Islam
Six Articles of Faith to which a Muslim subscribes
Belief in God
There are basically seven things a Muslim believes concerning God
1. God is eternal, that He had no beginning nor end.
2. God is Omniscience (all knowing)
3. They believe in God's Omnipotence, His power. There is nothing that Allah can not do
4. God has a will. He can do whatever He desires. Good and evil exist by His will. Muslims
believe that if a person is pious it is because Allah wills it to be so. Christians believe God
foreknows the future of every man but leaves the decision-making to the individual. That
every person is a free moral agent. Christians do not believe God will violate the will of man
to choose good or evil.
5. Muslims believe God hears everything
6. God sees everything "He can even see a black cat on a black stone at midnight"
7. God speaks to mankind
Belief in Angels
Muslims believe that God originated angels from the light, that he made man from the clay, and
Satan from the fire. While Muslims give great stature to angels, they believe angels are inferior
to human prophets of Allah. Gabriel is the angel of revelation; Michael is the patron of the
Israelites; Israfil is the angel that will sound the final trumpet; Azra'il is the angel of death; and
Malik who is the angel in charge of hell. Christians believe that Jesus is our Advocate with the
Father. Muslim give that place to angels. They believe each person has two angels watching
and recording everything they do- godd and evil.
Belief in the Prophets
Muslims believe Muhammad to be the final and greatest prophet of God. Other highly esteemed
prophets include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Prophets are divided into two
classes in Islam. The first class is Navi, which means any one inspired by God. The second
class is Rasul, which are the ones a special message has been entrusted. Muslim put Jesus in the
prophet only category- not the son of God. Only nine prophets were "possessors of the power".
They were Noah, Abraham, David, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed.
Belief in the Holy Books
The Quran is the holiest book of Islam, considered God’s final revelation to man, superseding all
previous revelations. It is believed to have been written in heaven in Arabic and passed on orally
to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. It contains 114 chapters (suras). Muslims also recognize the
Law of Moses, the Psalms of David, and the Gospel of Jesus, but usually consider them
abrogated or corrupted.
According to Muslims there are 104 sacred books that God has given to mankind. 100 were lost.
The four left are the books of Moses, The Psalms of David, The Gospels of Christ, and the Koran
which they say was given to Mohammad by Allah.
It is important for Christians to understand that Muslims believe we have altered the books of
the Bible. They believe the Quarn corrects the mistakes of the Bible thus justifying the errors
throughout the Koran. The believe IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE Holy men such as Abraham,
David and Moses to have sinned. To say David committed adultery with Bathsheba the wife of
Uriah, or that Abraham lied about his wife being his sister or Moses became angry a hit the rock
two times is blasphemy.
Belief in the Day of Resurrection and Judgement
A terrible day on which each person’s good and bad deeds are balanced, to determine eternity in
heaven or hell. God reserves the absolute right to send individuals to whichever He pleases.
The intercessor for all mankind on that terrible day will be Mohammad. Not Jesus according to
Islam. Prior to the day of judgement the angel Israfil will blast the trumpet three times. At the
first blast all of creation will be struck with terror. At the second blast all of creation will die.
Then according to Islam a period of forty years will pass and the third blast will sound. At the
third blast all will be raised for the final judgement. All meaning mankind and animals alike.
Belief in the Predestination to Do Good and Evil
According to Islam, God decrees everything to happen. Man has no choice in the matter.
Christianity teaches that man is responsible for his own actions
Words you should understand
Quranic symbols are considered sacred in themselves, sometimes a student will drink the water
with which he cleans his writing pallet, to obtain the spiritual benefit of the words.
Allah: the Supreme Being (God)
Hajj: the pilgrimage to Mecca
Islam: the religious faith of Muslims, literally, "submission" (to God)
Ka ‘bah: the cube-like shrine in the courtyard of the Sacred Mosque in Mecca, toward which Muslims face in
daily prayer.
Mecca: a city in Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Muhammad, Islam’s founder.
Mosque: an Islamic place of worship, literally "place of prostration" (in prayer)
Muslim: One who submits to god
Quran (or Koran): the sacred text of Islam. It is considered by Muslims to be the complete and final
revelation of God. It is divided into 114 Chapters. Each chapter is called a surah, which means "High degree"
There are 6,247 verses in the Quran (spelled also with a K). To the Muslim the Quran is more important than any
other previous revelation including the Bible.
Foot Notes
Imam Mohamad Jawad Chirri, Inquiries About Islam (Beirut, 1965), p. 51
Ibid., p. 140
Ibid., p. 126
Ibid., p. 159
Ibid., p. 145. Matthew 21:42-44 states: "...the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and
given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." Chirri writes: "This is a reference to the
covenant which was made between God and Isaac, at the time of Abraham, of which Ishmael
was excluded. From the Old Testament: 'As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I will bless
him and make him fruitful and multiply him exceedingly: he shall be the father of twelve princes
and I will make him a great nation. But I will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah
shall bear to you at this season next year.' 1:17:20-21. Ishmael and his children, according to this
statement, have been excluded, at the time of Abraham, from the covenant, and for this, Jesus
called them the stone which was rejected by the builders. Now Jesus was informing the Israelites
that the same stone which was rejected will become the head of the corner. Mohammad and the
Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, and these are the nation which Jesus expected to supersede the
Israelite nation."
Ibid., p. 71
Ibid., p. 23
H.A.R. Gibb, Mohammedanism, p. 56
Chirri, p. 40
Ibid., p. 38, 39
Ibid., p. 39
Life Educational Reprint, The World of Islam, 1982, p. 3
Rom Landau, Islam and the Arabs (The MacMillan Company, 1959, New York), p. 26
Chirri, p. 107
Ibid., p. 142
Ibid., p. 113
Gibb, p. 56
Ibid., p. 26
Kenneth Cragg, The House of Islam, p. 52
Abdul Hamid Farid, Prayers of Muhammad, p. 152
Ibid, p. 153
Cragg, p. 45 "Almsgiving... is understood as a means to repentance and divine forgiveness, as
a way of practical reconciliation..."
Ibid., p. 52