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Nishkam Ravi
23971 BPO Way
Piscataway NJ 08854
[email protected]
PhD candidate, Computer Science
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Current GPA 3.90
Expected Graduation Date : May 2007
Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Bombay, May 2002
Pervasive Computing, Distributed Computing, Privacy, Machine Learning, Compilers
I am working with Dr. Liviu Iftode on the following projects:
Information Flow Control for Mobile Systems: Privacy issues restrict several pervasive computing
applications from taking off. The goal of this project is to investigate the application of Information-Flow
Control for mobile systems. In particular, I’m looking at context-aware systems, such as location based
services and vehicular networks. I’m applying programming language techniques (mostly static analysis) to
build practical and applicable information-flow control mechanisms.
E-Road: VANETs (Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks) provide great opportunity for collaborative traffic
exchange that can revolutionize the way we drive today. The goals of this project include: (1) Building a
network protocol stack suitable for high mobility conditions that can provide mechanisms for data
aggregation, validation, caching and store-and-forward routing, in addition to the capability to switch
between short-range wireless connectivity and internet connectivity, (2) Traffic modeling, and (3) Builing a
car PC using off-the-shelf hardware components.
SMILES (SMart Phones for Interacting With Local Embedded Systems): The goal of this project is to
develop middleware for service discovery, execution and provisioning. At the heart of this project is the
use of dual connectivity on phones that allow communication with local embedded systems as well as the
internet. We are also exploring the application of phone sensors, such as camera, to pervasive computing.
SmartMessages : The goal of this project is to develop a distributed computing platform for networks of
embedded systems. A Smart Message is a user-defined distributed application based on execution
migration, content-based naming, and self-routing. Smart Messages represent an attractive alternative to
traditional message-passing distributed computing because they allow applications to adapt to highly
dynamic network conditions.
An Efficient Optimal-Equilibrium Algorithm for Game Trees
(Under submission)
Michael Littman, Nishkam Ravi, Arjun Talwar, Martin Zinkevich
Security Service for Portable Storage Device based Mobile Computing
(Under submission)
Nishkam Ravi, Mandayam Raghunath, Marcel Rosu, Chandra Narayanaswami
Non-Inference: A Solution for Service-Specific Location Privacy
(Under submission)
Nishkam Ravi, Marco Gruteser, Liviu Iftode
Outdoor Experience with the TrafficView Application
(Under submission)
Pravin Shankar, Tanvir Moalam, Shaila Musharoff, Nishkam Ravi, Carlos Villavieja, Victor
Gradinescu, Raluca Diaconescu, Cristian Gorgorin and Liviu Iftode
Inverted Browser: A Novel Approach Towards Display Symbiosis
(Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications,
Percom 2006)
Mandayam Raghunath, Nishkam Ravi, Marcel Rosu, Chandra Narayanaswami
Indoor Localization Using Camera Phones
(Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications,
WMCSA 2006)
Nishkam Ravi, Pravin Shankar, Andrew Frankel, Ahmed Elgammal, Liviu Iftode
Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Data
(Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, IAAI 2005)
Nishkam Ravi, Nikhil Dandekar, Preeetham Mysore, Michael Littman
Accessing Ubiquitous Services Using Smart Phones
(Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Communications, Percom 2005)
Nishkam Ravi, Peter Stern, Niket Desai, Liviu Iftode
Portable Smart Messages Architecture for Ubiquitous Java Enabled Devices
(Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing,
Mobiquitous 2004)
Nishkam Ravi, Cristian Borcea, Porlin Kang, Liviu Iftode
Smart Phone: An Embedded System for Universal Interactions
(Proceedings of th 10th International Workshop on Future Trends in Distributed
Computing Systems, FTDCS 2004)
Liviu Iftode, Cristian Borcea, Nishkam Ravi, Porlin Kang, Peng Zhou
An Instance-based State Representation for Network Repair
(Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
AAAI 2004)
Michael Littman, Nishkam Ravi, Eitan Fenson, Rich Howard
Reinforcement Learning for Autonomic Network Repair
(Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomic Computing, ICAC 2004)
Michael Littman, Nishkam Ravi, Eitan Fenson, Rich Howard
Exploring the Design and Implementation of Networked Vehicular Systems
Liviu Iftode, Cristain Borcea, Nishkam Ravi, Tamer Madeem
Split Smart Messages: Middleware for Pervasive Computing on Smart Phones
Nishkam Ravi, Cristian Borcea, Liviu Iftode
Inverted Browser (IBM TJ Watson, Summer 2005)
SoulPad Security (IBM TJ Watson, Summer 2005)
Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Data with Dr. Michael Littman, 2004
Machine Learning techniques for network repair with Dr. Michael Littman, 2003
Implementation of compiler optimization tools for a commercial compiler
(LANCE) for embedded systems, as summer intern in University of Dortmund,
Germany, Summer 2001.
RoboCup Soccer , with Dr.Michael Littman, Spring 2003
Design of a system for efficient hot path prediction for programs, with Dr. D.M.Dhamdhere,
Spring 2001.
Design and implementation of effective execution trajectories, with Dr. D.M.Dhamdhere, Autumn
2001-Spring 2002.
Design and Implementation of a Central Authentication Server with
Dr.S.Sudarshan and Dr.G.Sivakumar, Summer - Autumn 2000.
Design and implementation of an Ethernet Simulator, with Dr.G.Sivakumar, Autumn 1999.
Design and implementation of an algorithm for index creation of databases
without stopping transactions, with Dr.N.L.Sarda, Autumn 2001.
Implementation of EROM Programmer on an FPGA, with Dr. S.S.S.P.Rao, Autumn 2001.
Design and Implementation of a system for migrating Java Threads, with Dr.S.L.Mehndiratta,
Spring 2002.
I TA’d CS314 (Programming Languages and Compilers) for Fall 2002, Spring 2003 and Fall 2003
Nominated for the Bevier Fellowship award for 2006-2007
Recipient of the university fellowship award (2002-2004).
Recipient of the USENIX Student Stipend for attending Mobisys 2005
Recipient of the NSF student travel grant award for PerCom 2005
Co-organized a workshop on Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices (PERMID 2005),
held in conjunction with Pervasive 2005.
Reviewer for ICPP 2005, PerCom 2005, Pervasive 2005, IEEE Pervasive Computing,
ICDCS 2005, PerCom 2004, Globecom 2004
President of the Rutgers Indian Graduate Students Association (2003-2004).