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Physical Anthropology Chapter 2 Quiz
1. A system for classifying some group of beings or items, such as that developed by Linnaeus, is called a _____.
Natural Theology
2. One of Cuvier's contributions to science was the idea that the apparent changes in the fossil record are the result of large scale
disasters that permitted the fittest individuals to survive while wiping out the weak, thus creating slow, imperceptible change in
species over time.
a) True
b) False
3. The idea that the same geologic processes that we see today have also been acting in the past is called _____________ and is best
associated with ______________.
a) Superposition; Ray
b) Exponential Growth; Malthus
c) Teleology; Watson and Crick
d) Uniformitarianism; Lyell
e) Unitarianism, Rev. Sun Yung Moon
4. The Use/Disuse ideas of LaMarck are also called the Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics.
a) True
b) False
5. One important concept of Darwin's was that intense competition for scarce resources was a driving force behind evolution. He got
this idea from reading the works of Malthus.
a) True
b) False
6. Natural Selection as Darwin understood it requires long spans of time in order for the creation of new species.
a) True
b) False
7. Which of the following was NOT an influence on Darwin?
a) Malthus
b) Lyell
c) Mendel
d) A and B
e) B and C
8. Darwin believed that Natural Selection worked to create new species through the accumulation of changes within an ancestor
species over short periods of time (two to three generations).
a) True b) False
9. Some variant traits make one's offspring more or less likely to survive long enough to reproduce themselves or enable them to
reproduce more of their own offspring than their peers. We call this:
a) Selective Pressure
b) LaMarckism
c) Fixity of Species
d) Transmutation
e) Reproductive Success
10. John Ray contributed which of the following ideas to the development of evolutionary thought?
a) Transmutation
b) Uniformitarianism
c) Species
d) Catastrophism
e) Use/Disuse Hypothesis