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Unlike Sparta, Athenian society was based on __________________________________________________.
• As such, in Athens, all boys received an education that began at __________ and continued until they graduated at the
age of _______.
• In school, boys learned arithmetic, geometry, art, music, gymnastics, and rhetoric, which is the art of public speaking.
• After graduation, males were required to do _____________________________________________
In the 600's BC, Athens was experiencing the same economic and political issues that impacted much of Greece at the time.
• Farmers, merchants, and artisans were demanding economic and political reforms and _________
• The situation created violence and social chaos that ultimately toppled the power of the aristocracy
• In their place, ___________ took power over the city. A tyrant is someone who ________________
• Four successive tyrants ruled and made law for Athens for the next century: Draco, Solon, Pisistratus, and
The tyrants attempted to bring reforms to Athens, but the most important the four was __________________, who came to
power in 508 BC.
• He expanded citizenship to ______________ regardless of whether or not they owned __________.
• And all citizens were equal before the law and had ___________________________.
• Thus, now all men could participate in the Athenian government, called the _________________.
• The reforms of Cleisthenes brought _____________________________ (a government that is directly ruled by
__________________________) to Athens.
• Fort this, he is referred to as the ‘___________________________________’
This democracy is the only true democracy there has ever been in the history of mankind.
There are four basic components to the system of democracy in Athens as instituted by Cleisthenes:
• The Assembly
• The Council of 500
• The Athenian Jury System
• Ostracism
Let’s begin with the Assembly• An assembly is a __________________. To legislate is to make or pass __________. Thus, a legislature is the
________________ body of a government.
• For example, in Missouri we have a General Assembly. Their job is to pass the laws of our state.
• In the United States our ________________ (Senate and House of Representatives) is the legislature of our
federal government. Our Congress is a bicameral legislature because it has two houses, or chambers. They
make the laws in America.
The Assembly was the major political institution of Athens.
• As a legislature, it ______________________ (like our congress), but it also acted as the ________
______________________ and picked ___________________________________________________
• All Athenian citizens took part in the Assembly.
• Therefore, every citizen directly took part in making the laws and running the government.
This is what makes Athens a ________________________!
In the United States, Congress acts as our lawmaking body.
• However, in the US, all citizens do not directly take part in the running of the government
• Instead, ____________________________________________________________________________
• It is these representatives in Congress ___________________________________________________
Thus, the United States is not a true democracy. We are a ____________________________!
The Athenian government also included a body called the Council of 500
• The Council of 500 was a smaller body than the Assembly, and was made of 500 citizens who administered the
everyday business of the running the polis
• Each year a ________________________ chose members of the Council.
• This is because in Athens it was felt that all citizens, no matter what, were competent to participate in the
government and all citizens were expected to serve in government.
• As such, Athenians did not believe in elections because they felt that elections would favor the
In the US, we as citizens _______________________________________ our leaders.
• __________________ may run for public office, regardless of their class, education, or experience.
• We believe that we will then be able to elect the best person for the job, who is best suited to lead and who best
represents our interests
The Athenians used a jury system to determine guilt or innocence in their court trials
• Juries were incredibly large, ranging from _____________________ members
• The large numbers were used to __________________________________________ from impacting the jury’s
• Greek verdicts were based on a __________________________________ by the jurors.
In the US, those accused of crimes also receive a trial by jury.
• But here, our juries are much smaller, usually consisting of only ___________ jurors
• We believe that ________________________ will help to prevent threats, bribes, or prejudices from
influencing a jury's decision.
• The verdict in a U S trial must be ______________________________.
To prevent political corruption or any politician from gaining too much influence, a system called ________________________
was developed.
• Every year all citizens were allowed to write the names of any _____________________________ on a clay tablet
called an _________________.
• When the ostraca were collected and counted, if ________________ contained the same name, then that person would
be ______________________________________________.
To remove corrupt politicians from office in the US, we use a process called ________________________.
• If a politician _____________________________ while in office, he can be impeached.
• For example, if the president commits a crime while in office, the ______________________
______________________ can vote to impeach him.
• If this happens, he then stands trial before the _______________. If found guilty in the Senate, he will be
• Once removed from office, the person can potentially face criminal charges.
How did the polis of Athens develop into a democracy?
What is democracy?
Is the United States a democracy?
How did the Athenian system of democracy work?
(break down the functionality of the different facets of the Athenian government system)
In what ways did the Athenian democracy influence the US system of government? In what ways do the two systems differ?