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A New Emperor, A New
Empire and A New Religion
Can a minor things have a major
impact? Why or How?
• Senate named Octavian
Augustus which means
revered or honored one
• Augustus dismissed the
Senate and waited til the term
of Antony’s rule as consul was
up to establish himself as
• Rome already controlled land
far beyond Italy, under
Augustus the Empire
continued to spread, including
Judea, stretching from
Britannia to Persia or
Mesopotamia, controlled the
Mediterranean calling it the
mare nostrum, our sea
Augustus, the Senate and the
• Augustus highly intelligent,
ignored senate and laws when
trying to gain power but after
he had control he changed
showing respect for the senate
and being careful to not act like
a king
• Said he wanted to share power
with the senate, and even said
he wanted to restore the
• Senate so grateful for peace
and prosperity they granted
Augustus as much power as
he wanted
Governing Conquered People
Romans treated conquered people
wisely, took some slaves after a
conquest, but most remained free
Divided empire into provinces, w/ a
governor, supported by an army, built
a city as a capital
Did not force their way of life on
conquered people, allowing own
religions as long as they were peaceful
and did not interfere with Roman
Local rulers ran daily affairs, as long
as there was peace, and a steady
supply of raw materials, buying of
Roman goods and the payment of
taxes to tax collectors, collected
Many conquered people adopted
Roman ways including public baths,
speaking Latins and worshiping
Roman gods
Jesus of Nazareth
• Augustus ordered a census or
count of people be taken in 1
A.D. Joseph and Mary to
Bethlehem , Mary gives birth
most likely in Spring,
shepherds in fields
• Wise mean from Persia notice
a star and travel to Judea, tell
local king Herod of new king’s
birth, Herod has babies killed
Jesus and parents escape to
Egypt, return when Herod dies
to Nazareth, Joseph a
• Age 12 barmitzfahed Jesus
goes to festival at temple in
Jerusalem, began teaching
• At age 30 begins ministry at a
wedding, 1st miracle water to
wine, teaches in synagogue,
kicked out of home town,
baptized by John the Baptist
began to teach to crowds
• Gathers followers called
disciples, tells stories to teach
lessons called parables,
criticizes Jewish leadership,
growing in popularity followers
included tax collectors,
zealots, and fishermen
• Three years of ministry of
healings, casting out demons,
and teaching and feeding
Execution and Betrayal
Jewish leaders accuse of trying to
rebel against Romans and lead a
revolt, False teaching and Blasphemy
of their laws
Betrayed by follower Judas Iscariot
Arrest Jesus at Passover, trial in
Jewish court, beaten, no power to kill,
take to Roman Governor Pontius
Pilate, sends to Herod Agrippa, beaten
again dressed in a robe sent back to
Pilate with a crown of thorns on his
head, Roman Governor gives Jews a
choice for Passover, Barabbas
chosen, Jesus scourged by Romans,
carries cross to Golgotha, crucified,
dies quickly 6hrs, buried in a nearby
tomb of a follower
Three days later followers declare he
is risen from the dead
Beginnings of Christianity
• 50 days later at
Pentecost Christianity
spreads in Jewish
temple when
followers speak in
different languages to
a huge crowd, 3,000
• Christianity seen as a
sect of Judaism,
meeting in temple
Christianity Spreads
• Jews begin to persecute
Christians, Saul of Tarsus
killed 100’s, converted to xanity spreads religion to
Anatolia, Greece and even
• 12 disciples called Apostles
spread religion to India, Africa,
Europe and Asia, write down
teachings and letters to
gatherings called churches,
New Testament, Paul wrote
most of it
• Christianity still seen as an
outlaw illegal religion by
Roman Empire and
persecution kills 1,000’s
• Peter founder of church in
Rome, leader of Apostles,
crucified upside down
• James flayed with knives
in India
• Paul tried before Emperor
Diocletian, beheaded in
• John survives being
boiled in oil, and exile to
island of Patmos, writes
Revelation there
• Every apostle except
John martyred