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Haydn Pre-Test
Name ___________________
Short Answer:
1. Make an argument (write a sentence) that explains why we refer to Franz Joseph
Haydn as a prolific composer.
Multiple Choice:
2. How to pronounce Haydn. Sounds like (circle one):
3. Haydn lived and composed during what Period of Western Music: _____________
4. This makes him like what other composer: J.S. Bach
Mozart Holst
5. J.S. Bach is to GERMANY as Haydn is to ____________________
Austria Australia Germany Poland
6. Haydn spent most of his musical career working for:
The church
local orchestras
The Esterhazy family
the Queen
Choose / Fill in the appropriate narrative connector:
7. Haydn’s Hungarian employer loved to hear and to play great music;
__________________, Haydn turned out music very quickly and in all sort of styles.
Options: however, well, therefore, truly, afterwards, consequently, but
8. Based on his dates: 1736-1809, we can say that Haydn lived a (choose an
appropriate adjective) ____________________ life (note: all we know from the
information in this question is how long he lived; not his quality of life)
9. Specifically, Haydn wrote over one hundred pieces of this genre (kind) of music:
Fill in:
10. On each point of the triangle, write the name of a European city in which Haydn had
a music publisher:
Surprise” Symphony and what it teaches us
11. Listen to the first 8 bars of the surprise symphony. In your opinion, when does the
surprise occur?
__________ measure
________ beat
12. What is unusual or surprising about the compositional choice Haydn made?
Options: stressing a strong beat, stressing a weak beat, opening the movement with a lot
of tension, using strings in a symphony, using a subito (sudden) forte (loud), writing in
4/4 meter, writing in 3/4 meter (circle any and all which apply)
13. Typical of the Classical Period, Haydn’s musical phrases are balanced in two specific
ways: (1) (musical) sense
(2) similar in length
14. Using the rhythms you are hearing in the first measure, choose the appropriate words
that might accompany the first phrase you hear. Circle a sentence from both columns
Jumping rope
It is so cold today
I love cereal
I have time to
Birthday cake
Are you sleeping
Bake some bread
Discuss: Why or why not do the sentences fit appropriately with the rhythms of the first
15. The meter / tempo / title / length (circle one) of the second movement is andante—
a(n) German / French / Italian / English / Hungarian word which means