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DPcode: Privacy-Preserving Frequent Visual Patterns Publication on Cloud
Nowadays, cloud has become a promising multimedia data processing and
sharing platform. Many institutes and companies plan to outsource and share
their large-scale video and image datasets on cloud for scientific research and
public interest. Among various video applications, the discovery of frequent visual
patterns over graphical data is an exploratory and important technique. However,
the privacy concerns over the leakage of sensitive information contained in the
videos/images impedes the further implementation. Although the frequent visual
patterns mining (FVPM) algorithm aggregates summary over individual frames
and seems not to pose privacy threat, the private information contained in
individual frames still may be leaked from the statistical result. In this paper, we
study the problem of privacy-preserving publishing of graphical data FVPM on
cloud. We propose the first differentially private frequent visual patterns mining
algorithm for graphical data, named DPcode. We propose a novel mechanism that
integrates the privacy-preserving visual word conversion with the differentially
private mechanism under the noise allocation strategy of the sparse vector
technique. The optimized algorithms properly allocate the privacy budgets among
different phases in FPM algorithm over imagesand reduce the corresponding data
distortion. Extensive experiments are conducted based on datasets commonly
used in visual mining algorithms. The results show that our approach achieves
high utility while satisfying a practical privacy requirement.