Download do you suffer from toxic metal overload

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We are all acquainted with the damaging and aging effects of environmental exposure to
toxins such as pollution and UV radiation, but we are unaware of the detrimental effects of
heavy metals. Heavy metals include aluminum, lead, arsenic, cadmium, nickel and worst of
all mercury to name but a few! Although we have all heard about the connection between
Alzheimer’s disease (forgetfulness) and aluminum pots, we understand little about the
toxicity of other metals. Unfortunately, as time goes by, life becomes faster, food produce is
genetically modified before being packed in foil freshness, crops sprayed with pesticides
(containing arsenic) and our teeth are filled with amalgam (mercury). Exposure to these
metals accumulate in the liver, brain, kidney and muscle tissue over many years where they
eventually become the culprits responsible for many of the degenerative disease conditions
we encounter in daily practice.
If I were to asked you, “what is the single most possible cause for the following diseases” –
Autism, Parkinsonism, Multiple sclerosis, Attention deficit disorder, a range of Autoimmune
diseases, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Candidiasis, Kidney damage, Hormonal
disturbance, Infertility, Senile dementia, Cancer and many others – yes you would have
guessed correctly, heavy metal toxicity!
I believe patients have become so used to feeling “OK” or tired that they don’t even realize
that they aren’t 100% healthy and they don’t know how it feels to feel energetic. If I were to
ask you….how do you feel today? Would you respond with “I am feeling very well and
energetic”, or would you respond with “Ah gee…I’m OK, a little tired and I have difficulty
concentrating at work, and feel bloated and still battle with constipation?”
We suffer symptoms on a daily basis that are directly related to metal toxicity, yet we do not
realize that we are walking around with all these poisonous substances in our bodies! To date
in my practice we have tested approximately 300 patients for heavy metals and 99% tested
high for mercury and lead. The sad thing is that these patients are already debilitated by their
disease and they all say “if I had know this, I could have prevented it or made sure that these
metals were removed from my body”. We all tend to “postpone our health” because we are
so busy living our day to day lives of making money, fetching children from school, quickly
stopping on our way home for fast food etc., until the day we are stopped in our tracks by an
aggressive form of disease! It is much more difficult to rid the body of an already manifested
disease, than what it is to eliminate toxins and prevent it from occurring in the first place.
Mercury – is the third most toxic metal known to man and 50% makes up the amalgam filling
in your tooth. Amalgam literally means “mixed with mercury” and is the most common form
of tooth restoration. There are over 5,000 scientific research articles showing how toxic
amalgam is to the human body and the direct link between it and all of these diseases. The
following facts pertaining to the toxicity of dental amalgam have been proven:
Amalgam releases significant amounts of mercury
Amalgam is the largest source of mercury to the body
Mercury is distributed to most tissue of the body and crosses the blood-brain
Mercury crosses the placenta with high levels in the fetus and in breast milk in
mothers with high levels in their bodies
Mercury interferes with cell metabolism and changes DNA strands
Mercury disrupts the immune system
Mercury has a devastating effect on the brain and nerve tissue
A recent study showed a direct correlation between heavy metal toxicity (cadmium, lead and
mercury) and breast cancer. This study was undertaken at the Institute of Pathophysiology
and Oncology at Charles University, Praque, in the Czech Republic.
In the USA the statistics with regard breast cancer is as follows:
by the age 25 years, I in every 19,608 women will develop breast cancer
by the age of 50 years this number changes to a shocking 1 in every 50
by the age of 75 years there are even more dismal statistics which show 1 in
every 10 women will develop breast cancer
Another study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in
thousands of children, the government rushed to conceal the data – and to prevent parents
from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic. According to a CDC (Centre for
Disease Control) epidemiologist named Tom Verstraeten, who had analyzed the agency’s
massive database containing the medical records of 100,000 children, a mercury-based
preservative in the vaccine – THIMEROSAL – appeared to be responsible for a dramatic
increase in autism and a host of other neurological disorders among children.
Since 1991, the estimated number of cases of autism had increased fifteen fold, from one in
every 2,500 children to one in 166 children.
Prof. Boyd Haley a University of Kentucky chemist, who is an authority on mercury, together
with several members of Congress, in July of 2005, led 500 marchers from across America to
Washington Capital Hill, to request Government to ban Thimerasol from all vaccinations. In
his speech Haley said, “These people (drug companies, Food & Drug Administration and
CDC) were not concerned that they were injuring children. They were more concerned that it
was going to hurt the reputation of the vaccine program or, probably more directly, their own
individual reputations and pockets”.
Testing for heavy metals involves a challenge test with specific chelating agents. Two hours
after the challenge test, a urine sample is collected by the patient and sent to the pathology
laboratory for analysis. It takes three weeks for the sample to be tested for the heavy metals,
which include mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic, aluminum and cadmium.
Should the patient test positive for metals, a series of 8-10 chelation treatments are
recommended, after which a final challenge test is conducted to compare results with the
initial challenge test, If mercury is the highest value, all amalgam fillings, root canals and
gold inlays are to be removed by a biological dentist. Practitioners administering chelation
must be adequately trained and certified by ACAM (American College of Alternative
Medicine) or the IBCMT (International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology). Only biological
dentists who follow the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology)
protocols are to be consulted.
Dr A. Ford & Dr L. Voshol