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Version 1.1
Copyright (c) 1995,96 by B lint T¢th
-------1. Introduction
2. Registration and Distribution Information
3. Using the Assembler (C64ASM)
4. Assembly Language
4.1. Overview
4.2. Mathemathical Expressions
4.3. Using Symbolic Names and the * Sign
4.4. Special Directives
5. Using the Disassembler (C64DISA)
6. Using the BAS2TXT Utility
7. Revision History
8. Planned Features in a Next Release
9. Other Programs Available from the Same Author
10. Contacting the Author
1. Introduction
--------------C64ASM is a Commodore 64 (6510) Assembler Package for PC. It contains
several standalone programs that are in very close relation, that is
they are distributed together as one single program package.
The package is being distributed as a cheap SHAREWARE. See next
for registration and distribution information.
C64ASM itself is an assembler for Commodore 64's CPU, the 6510. It
files in Commodore 64's machine language, but the assembler program
itself runs on a DOS based PC. It supports labels, symbolic
mathematical expressions, include files and can create a detailed
C64DISA is a disassembler, so it takes a Commodore 64 binary file
(which was previously generated by C64ASM, or was converted directly
C64) and lists the machine language instructions in it. Alternatively
can create hexadecimal or ascii dumps, too.
BAS2TXT converts files in CBM BASIC format (pointers to next line,
numbers and tokenized line contents) to plain ascii textfiles. If you
have C64 assembly source files in that format, you should convert
them to
textfile, so C64ASM can assemble them.
All programs support the PRG, T64 and P00 file formats.
The PRG format is very simple: it contains the two byte start address
the C64's memory (in low byte + high byte order), followed by the
image of the C64 file. The T64 tape file format was introduced by the
C64 emulator called "C64S", and the P00 format by "Personal C64".
This release of the program package contains C64SRC.ZIP, the assembly
source files of two Commodore 64 programs I wrote 5-6 years ago. This
archive file (and ONLY this one) is FREEWARE. See also the separate
documentation in that package.
Note: Many Commodore computers use the 65XX family of processors.
C64ASM/C64DISA can be used for assembling and disassembling for any
computer that is machine-language compatible with C64 (e.g. VIC-20,
Plus-4). I call my program C64ASM only because I have C64, I focus on
C64, and I tested it exclusively with C64 programs and C64 emulators.
The programs of this package run on any IBM PC or compatible
under MS-DOS 3.30 or newer operating system. They need about 140
kbytes of
free (conventional) memory.
Note: Commodore 64 is registered trademark of Commodore Business
Machines, Inc.
2. Registration and Distribution Information
-------------------------------------------The program package is being distributed as SHAREWARE. You may use
program for a period of 14 days, after which you must either register
program with the author or stop using it.
A registration form is included to help with the registration
To register the program, send the registration form and send $10 in
funds by postal money order to:
B lint T¢th
Kabar u. 7. V. 27.
H-1039 Budapest
The registration includes free of charge registration of all
upgraded versions of this software that are released within 12 months
after you have sent your registration form. It doesn't mean sending
update disks automatically. For financial reasons updating by FTP,
or E-mail are preferred.
The distribution files of the program package are:
Short program description
Program documentation/manual
Registration form that can be printed
Commodore 64 (6510) Assembler
Commodore 64 (6510) DisAssembler
Commodore 64 BASIC to PC ASCII File Converter
Simple C64 assembly source file
Simple C64 assembly source file
Simple C64 assembly source file
Simple C64 assembly source file
Simple C64 assembly source file
Simple C64 assembly source file
Simple C64 assembly source file
Assembly source files of two C64 programs
The program package, which MUST include all the above files may be
copied and distributed. These files may be re-archived to better suit
given distribution system, but the files may not be modified in any
way. No distributor may charge more than $5 for the distribution of
program, and that fee in no way reduces the shareware registration
owed to the author by the user. Uploading to BBSs or FTP sites or
distribution on CD-ROMs are accepted and encouraged.
Hungarian users may optionally register the program in Hungarian
(Forints) as well. You'll need to send only the discounted amount of
500 HUF (Forints).
3. Using the Assembler (C64ASM)
------------------------------If you start C64ASM without arguments, you will get a brief help
about the available options.
Options can be given preceded by / or - , except input and output
filenames, which must be given without / or -.
Lower and upper case letters mean the same.
Multiple options can be given in a line.
Each group of options must start with a / or - and must not contain
The groups must be separated by one or more spaces.
The order of options is unsignificant.
C64ASM sourcefilename[.ASM] [outputfilename[.PRG]] [options]
write symbol table to reportfile
write compiling list to reportfile
write summary to reportfile
define other name for reportfile
enforce T64 file format for outputfile
enforce P00 file format for outputfile
The name of the assembly source file is mandatory, all other are
If you don't specify output filename, the base name of the source
will be used with a .PRG extension. The default extension for source
is .ASM and for output file is .PRG.
If you specify .T64 as extension of the output file, the T64 tape
format will be used with only one C64 file in it: your compiled
If you specify .P00 as extension of the output file, the P00 file
format will be used. Otherwise PRG format will be used.
You can override this default behavour with the /6 option. When
C64ASM will always create a T64 tape file with T64 extension
to what extension was given in the command line. Similarly, the /0
enforces the P00 file format. If both /6 and /0 options are given,
the /6
option will be stronger.
When you load the compiled program in an emulator, like C64S, don't
the ,1,1 parameter (like: LOAD"",1,1) otherwise it won't be loaded to
right memory location. Start your program with the appropriate SYS
If any of the /S, /L or /T option is given, a report file will be
generated. This report can be viewed by any ascii text
The default name of the report file is the same as the
with .REP extension. However, you can override this by
If you use /R but don't give any of /S, /L or /T, then
the /R option.
only /T option
will be used.
If the source file cannot be compiled, a line indicating the type of
the error is displayed. If the error occured in the first pass of
compiling, then no reportfile will be generated, even it is set in
command line.
C64ASM main /SLT
Compiles main.asm to main.prg, and
writes maximally detailed report to
C64ASM -t rotatel output.t64 /r=summary.txt
Compiles rotatel.asm to output.t64 tape
and writes summary to summary.txt
4. Assembly Language
-------------------4.1. Overview
------------The assembler supports all documented instructions and address modes
the Commodore 64's CPU, the 6510.
The assembler is completely case insensitive, so upper and lower case
letters mean the same.
Each line in the assembly source file can contain one machine
instruction. The basic outline is:
[label] mnemonic [arguments] [; remark]
where [ ] means optionality.
The assembler treats everything after a semicolon as remark and
ignores it.
Remarks can be given in separate lines, too.
Labels are symbolic names of a memory location. There are global and
local variables, the later ones are distinguished by their first
character which is an underscore (_).
Mnemonics are standard C64 mnemonics, e.g. LDA. Arguments are
for the instruction, you can use the standard notation of address
In arguments you can also use symbolic constants, variables, and
decimal, binary or hexadecimal numbers and build complicated
There are also some special directives starting with a dot (.) to
special tasks.
4.2. Mathemathical Expressions
-----------------------------In mathemathical expressions the following operands are allowed:
value of the given symbolic constant, variable or label
a decimal number (max. 65535)
a hexadecimal number (max. $FFFF)
a binary number (max. %11111111)
the Ascii value of the character (This is PC-ASCII!)
the character converted to Commodore PETSCII.
current value of the PC (Program Counter),
the address, where the next instruction code will be
These are the operators with only one operand:
sign change
bitwise NOT
lower byte of word
upper byte of word
And these are the operators with two operands:
remainder or modulus
bitwise AND
bitwise OR
bitwise exclusive-OR (EOR, XOR)
shift left (by number of bits specified in second
shift right (by number of bits specified in second
There are some relational operators, also with two operands:
(The result is 1 if the relation is true, 0 otherwise.)
equals to
not equals to
less than
less than or equals to
greater than
greater than or equals to
All operators with two operands have the same precedence, and the are
evaluated left to right. Unary operators are evaluated first, and
nested unary operators are evaluated from right to left. (From inner
to outer in other words.)
You can use parentheses to change the order of evaluation. Because
the >>
(shift right) operator can be confused with > (greater than) followed
the unary > (upper byte of word), you should always use parentheses
in such
cases. The same applies to << and < <. Parentheses can be nested
practically at any depth. The C64's 6510 assembly language uses
for some addressing modes, so if you want to use e.g. absolute
addressing mode and not indirect indexed, then make sure that the
doesn't starts and ends with parenthesis. For example, instead of
LDA (2+3)*(4+5),Y use LDA (2+3)*(4+5)+0,Y . The "+0" here doesn't
anything but ensures that the compiler will use the appropriate
Some instructions like ROR and ROL allow accumulator addressing mode
is written with "A" as operand or with no operand at all. By these
instructions "A" means the accumulator, but with other instructions
it is
treated as an absolute addressing mode with the value of the symbol
If no such symbol is defined, a compiling error occurs.
Evaluation is always on word-size (16 bit) basis, so any overflow is
truncated without carry. If the final result fits in one byte and the
addressing mode allows it, then one-byte results are also used.
4.3. Using Symbolic Names and the * Sign
---------------------------------------There are several types of symbolic names in the assembly language:
constants, variables and labels. Constants and labels can be either
or global. There are some common rules for all symbolic names: they
must start with a letter or with an underscore (_), followed by
numbers, or underscore characters. Their maximal length is 16
any extra characters after the first 16 are ignored.
If the name start with an underscore (_), it's LOCAL name, otherwise
it is
GLOBAL. But variables can be only global ones.
A label is a symbolic name of a memory location. This is the address
the instruction that follows the label. You can use these labels with
jump or branch intruction after and before this instruction.
If a label doesn't start with underscore (_), then it is regarded as
global label. Global labels may be defined only once during a compile
they can be used anywhere in the sources.
If the label starts with _, then it is a LOCAL label. The scope of a
local label is only between two neighboring defined global labels.
So after defining a global label, you can define and use local labels
but if you define another global label, than the previous local
loose their validation afterwards. Now you can redefine these local
variables under the same name which can be helpful, especially with
Note, that there also are SOURCE labels, that are defined with the
directive. They are used exclusively in .IF and .GOTO directives and
are totally different from the regular labels mentioned above.
(See Section 4.4 below for more details about .LABEL)
Symbolic constants can be declared with a line
name = expression
where expression is a valid mathemathical expression.
Symbolic variables are very similar, but the are declared by
name := expression
The only difference between symbolic variables and constants, that
(global) constants can be defined only once during a compilation.
Variables can be redefined with a new value several times. The
uses always the result of the last definition. (However, if it is
before its first definition, the last definition will be used.)
If the name of a constant starts with an underscore, then it is a
constant. Similar rules apply to them as to local labels, so they are
valid only between two global LABELS.
Symbolic names can be used in any expression in an argument of an
instruction or in a definition of another symbolic value. They can be
also used before the line where they were declared. The only
exception is,
that in the definition of a constant or a variable only those
and variable names can be used that were defined earlier.
The * symbol is somewhat special. In an expression it means the
value of the Program Counter (or PC). That is the memory address
the next instuction will be placed. The PC is incremented by 1 - 3
with every compiled instruction depending on the instruction's
You can also control the place of the compilation by changing the
in *. To do this, a "* = value" line is needed. (You may use := as
You can also use * in both sides of the = sign. For example use
* = * + 10 to leave a hole of ten bytes untouched space in your
4.4. Special Directives
----------------------By specifying special directives you can command the compiler to
do special tasks.
The supported directives are:
.BYTE bytelist
Add sequence of bytes in the target C64 image file.
Separate the bytes with commas. Use any valid
The values will be stored from the current address of
and * will be updated.
.WORD wordlist
Same as .BYTE, but specify words. They will be stored
lower byte, higher byte order.
.ASC "string"
Similar to .BYTE, but the ASCII values (this is IBM
ASCII!) of a sequence of characters will be stored.
The starting and ending double quotes are required,
they are not put in the compiled file.
.TEXT "string"
Same as .ASC, but the character codes are translated
to CBM-ASCII (PETSCII). Sometimes the conversion
cannot give satisfacting result, because there are
many codes that have no pair in the other code-set.)
.SCRL "string"
Same as .TEXT, but the characters are converted to
Commodore 64 screen codes using the "lower case /
case" character set.
.SCRU "string"
Same as .SCRL, but with the "upper case / graphics"
character set.
Include another source file, then continue compiling.
These source include files can be nested. You cannot
reference to those symbolic names in an include file
that are defined in its "parent" source file.
But the global definitions of the include file are
available in the parent file and are listed in the
symbol table in the report file.
.INCBIN file
Include a binary file in the target. The file must be
in PRG, T64 or P00 format with the right extension.
The file contents will be loaded to the proper
stored in the header of the file.
* will be set to the next byte after the binary file.
.LABEL sourcelabel
Defines a source label for .IF and .GOTO directives.
These "source labels" points to locations in the
file. They are totally different from the global and
labels that point to (memory) locations in the TARGET
.GOTO sourcelabel
Unconditionally jumps to another line in the same
file, which contain a .LABEL directive with the same
source label name. Be careful not to create endless
The assembler stops when you want to jump (with .GOTO
.IF) to a label more than 65535 times in the same
file because an endless loop is very likely in that
but it may take several minutes while this prevention
steps in action.
.IF expression .GOTO sourcelabel
Evaluates the given mathemathical expression and
a jump in source file (as .GOTO) if the result is
Otherwise the following line will be assembled next.
stop the
This directive causes the compiler to immediately
compile of the current source file. However, if it
was an
include source file, the compile of the invoker
file carries on.
.ENTRY value
This option is obsolete from version 1.0a of C64ASM.
For backward compatibility it is simply ignored.
.OPT options
Overrides command-line options.
Switch options can be followed by + to turn option
or by - to turn it off. When nothing follows, it
to turn it on. Each option has the same meaning as
command-line option with the same letter.
The switch options are:
Write symbol table to reportfile
Write compiling list to reportfile
Write summary to reportfile
There are also two non-switch options to specify
filenames. Add a = and a filename after the option
The filename options are:
O=filename Specify name of compiled output file
R=filename Specify name of report file
The file format of the output file depends on the
extension of its name, as at command-line parameters.
Multiple options can be added to one .OPT line
by commas.
5. Using the Disassembler (C64DISA)
----------------------------------If you start C64DISA without arguments, you will get a brief help
about the available options.
Options can be given preceded by / or - , except input and output
filenames, which must be given without / or -.
Lower and upper case letters mean the same.
Multiple options can be given in a line.
Each group of options must start with a / or - and must not contain
The groups must be separated by one or more spaces.
Don't group the /E, /$ and /-$ options with other options, because
need an argument.
The order of options is unsignificant.
C64DISA inputfilename[.PRG] [outputfilename[.DIS]] [options]
use the num-th entry in the T64 file (default: first)
write info about inputfile to screen (no disassembling)
create hex dump (no disassembling)
create ascii dump (no disassembling)
create assembly source
specify the address range to disassemble/list
start from given address
/-$hexnum stop at given address
stop disassembling at first BRK instruction
stop disassembling at first illegal instruction
skip illegal instructions
The name of the input file is mandatory, all other are optional.
If you don't specify output filename, the base name of the input will
be used with .DIS extension. The default extension for input file is
.PRG and for output file is .DIS.
If you specify .T64 as extension of the input file, the T64 tape file
format will be supposed. You can specify with the /E option, which
should be used in a tape file containing multiple C64 files. /E=1
the first file and so on (if no /E is given, the first entry will be
loaded.) The selected entry must have "normal tape file" type in the
T64 file header.
If the extension is .P00, then the input file must be in P00 file
format. Otherwise PRG file format is supposed.
The output file can be viewed by any ascii text viewer.
By default, this is the disassembled list of all the machine language
instructions in the input file. (??? means an illegal instruction
One line of the list will look like this:
4000 A9 29
LDA #$29
Here, 4000 is the hexadecimal address of this instruction in C64's
A9 is the instuction code, 29 is the argument (this is at the memory
location $4001) and LDA #$29 is the disassembled mnemonic with the
notation of address mode and argument. (Here # means immediate
You can control the scope of the disassembling with the /$, /-$, /B,
/L and /S options.
/$ and /-$ must be followed by a hexadecimal address.
If you specify the /R option, C64DISA generates the disassembled list
assembly source format, so you can recompile it with C64ASM later.
The /$, /-$, /B and /L options can be also used with /R.
If /A is given, ascii dump will be generated instead of disassembled
One line of this dump will look like this:
11C1 ³ .../..ÄÜ..Ü.Ä./../..¿@³..¿@Ä./Ä.SELECT DESTINATION SPRITE WITH
11C1 is the hexadecimal start address of this line. The next 64
are the ascii equivalents of the memory locations $4000 - $403F.
C64DISA tries to substitute the CBM ASCII characters by an
PC ASCII character, but if no meaningful replacement can be given, it
prints a dot.
If /X is given, hexadecimal dump will be generated.
One line of this dump will look like this:
4000 ³ A9 29 A0 40 20 08 40 60 8D FD 00 8C FE 00 A0 00 ³ _).@
4000 is the hexadecimal start address of this line. The next 16
are the contents of the memory locations $4000 - $400F in
Then the same 16 bytes follows as ASCII characters. The substitution
works the same as by the /A option.
The /X option overrides the /A option.
You can still use the /$ and /-$ options with /X or /A to give the
starting and ending address of the list but /B, /L and /S options are
ignored if /X or /A is given.
If /I option is given, C64DISA writes the start and the end address
of the input file. No list will be generated, all other given options
will be discarded.
C64DISA /S foo out /$5000 /-$5FFF
Disassembles only valid instuctions
$5000 and $5FFF in foo.prg to out.dis
C64DISA archon.t64 /x
Writes hexa dump of archon.t64 to
C64DISA archon /I
Writes info about archon.prg to screen.
6. Using the BAS2TXT Utility
---------------------------BAS2TXT converts files in CBM BASIC format (pointers to next line,
numbers and tokenized line contents) to plain ascii textfiles. If you
have C64 assembly source files in that format, you should convert
them to
textfile, so C64ASM can assemble them.
If you start BAS2TXT without arguments, you will get a brief help
about the available options.
Options can be given preceded by / or - , except input and output
filenames, which must be given without / or -.
Lower and upper case letters mean the same.
Multiple options can be given in a line.
Each group of options must start with a / or - and must not contain
The groups must be separated by one or more spaces.
Don't group the /E option with other options, because it needs an
The order of options is unsignificant.
BAS2TXT inputfilename[.PRG] [outputfilename[.TXT]] [options]
use the num-th entry in the T64 file (default: first)
don't put line numbers in output
don't convert text in quotes to PC ASCII
don't put spaces before and after BASIC commands
put commands separated by colon (:) in new lines
The name of the input file is mandatory, all other are optional.
If you don't specify output filename, the base name of the input will
be used with .TXT extension. The default extension for input file is
.PRG and for output file is .TXT.
If you specify .T64 as extension of the input file, the T64 tape file
format will be supposed. You can specify with the /E option, which
should be used in a tape file containing multiple C64 files. /E=1
the first file and so on (if no /E is given, the first entry will be
loaded.) The selected entry must have "normal tape file" type in the
T64 file header.
If the extension is .P00, then the input file must be in P00 file
format. Otherwise PRG file format is supposed.
If you want to compile the output of BAS2TXT with C64ASM use the /L,
and the /: options, because C64ASM doesn't allow line numbers and
in an assembly sourcefile and tokenized BASIC commands may be part
of symbols so separating spaces may cause compiling errors.
When you convert sources with .ASC directives in it, the /P option
may also come handy, because C64ASM interprets .ASC as PC-ASCII, so
it leaves the codes unchanged.
For example, to convert a source file in C64SRC to plain text, use
7. Revision History
------------------Version 1.1: (Released on February 5, 1996)
------------ Added new BAS2TXT utility.
- Added C64SRC.ZIP: Assembly source files of two C64 programs:
Bali's Sprite Designer 4.0 and Bali's Character Editor 2.0
The sources are in their original format, but with minimal work
they can be compiled with C64ASM as well. C64SRC is freeware.
- Fixed bug: in DEC and INC instructions the Absolute,X addressing
mode was mistyped to Absolute,Y.
- Fixed: the T64 file loader was too strict and refused to load T64
that had the "number of used directory entries" set to zero in
header. Now these files can be loaded, too. But the loading of
files with a corrupted header (for which C64S also displays a
"?LOAD ERROR") fails.
- Added P00 file format support (The file format of "Personal
- Fixed bug: the assembler always enforced usage of zero page
modes when the operand was less then $0100. This resulted an
message when only absolute address mode was available, e.g. STA
- Fixed: This manual falsely stated that the precedence of
in mathemathical expression is "as usual". Actually all
have the same precedence for simplicity.
- Fixed: if a symbol is defined more times in different include
files, the symbol table now lists it only once.
- Added /0 option to enforce P00 file format for output file even
no output filename (with .P00 extension) is specified.
- Added local labels and constants. (They are starting with _ and
valid only between neighboring global labels only.)
- Added .INCBIN directive to put a binary file in the target.
- Added .LABEL, .GOTO and .IF directives to jump to another line in
same source file (depending on an expression or
- Added .END directive to end the compiling of the current source
- Added .TEXT, .SCRL and .SCRU directives to put PETSCII codes and
Commodore screen codes in the target. (The already existing
doesn't make any conversion.)
- Added relational operators ( =, <>, <, >, <=, >= ) in
expressions. Result is 1 if true, 0 otherwise.
- Added unary 'char' operator for PETSCII interpretation of a
(The ending quote is required also in the "char" operator.)
- Modified: shift left & right operators became << and >> instead
< and > in mathemathical expressions.
- Modified: Report is more detailed for include files: a line-byline
compiling list and the list of the included filenames are
added, and
you get a more helpful error message when threre is an error in
include file.
- Modified: Some minor enhancements in the report file.
- Modified: The .OPT directive can be used in included source
files, too.
- Modified: the whole C64 memory is filled with zero before
compiling, so
any untouched region, that must be put in the target file,
zeros not random numbers.
- Added some additional small example source files, the older ones
also modified.
- Added /E option to load other than the first entry from a T64
(Note: in Version 1.0 the /E option had different meaning.)
- Added /R option for "re-source" function: the so generated
list is in assembly format, so you can recompile it with C64ASM
later. I still want to improve this function with map file
and automatic labelling.
- Added translation of CBM ASCII to PC ASCII in hex and ascii dump.
Version 1.0a: (Released on December 10, 1995)
------------ALL PROGRAMS:
- Fixed bug: while disassembling branch instructions, the reported
target address was 2 less than the correct one. C64ASM
correctly, but in the reportfile the disassembled result was
- Added PRG file format support. My MEM format is no longer
- Fixed: This manual falsely stated that the "bitwise not" operator
called "NOT". Actually it is the tilde (~) symbol.
- Added /6 option to enforce T64 tape file format for output file
even if
no output filename (with .T64 extension) is specified.
- Added indication on screen if a reportfile has been created.
- Modified: Symbols may start also with an underline (_), and they
contain letters, numbers and underline from the second
(From v1.1 if the first character of a label is _ then it is
- Deleted .ENTRY directive. (It was needed only with MEM file
For compatibility, this directive is ignored by the assembler.
- Added HELLOW.ASM example assembly source file.
- Fixed bug: the ascii dump routine overran near $FFFF adresses.
- Added: Start and end addresses for disassembling can be given in
single option, for example /$4000-403F.
- Added displaying of the start and end adresses of the requested
not only the extents of the whole programfile.
- Deleted /E option. (It was needed only with MEM file format.)
(Note: from Version 1.1 the /E option gets a different
Version 1.0: (Released on September 4, 1995)
------------ This was the first public release, but most of the code I wrote
1993. Only T64 file format support was added in 1995 just
before the
first public release.
8. Planned Features in a Next Release
------------------------------------There are several features I would like to add to this program
but unfortunately I didn't manage to find enough time for them yet.
Some examples:
- Improved re-sourcer function in C64DISA with map files and
- C64ASM should be able to create map file that C64DISA can use in
- Reverse direction of BAS2TXT
- True mathemathical precedence in expressions. I did it already in
other programs, just some porting would be needed, but I'm not sure
the whole thing worth the time and the more complicated code.
- Standalone utility that fools the C64's tape loader routine so the
LOAD command on the real C64 loads a file from the PC that is
to it on the tape port. (?)
- An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which contains a source
editor, the assembler itself, hex dump and ascii dump windows and a
possibility to call the emulator without quitting. (?)
I started writing this program using Turbo Vision three years ago,
soon I left it half-written. It would be nice if this IDE would
a built-in emulator with Borland-style source level debugging and
tracing of program code... O.K., I stop dreaming.
I wrote a CPU emulator (only the machine language instructions),
but it
is almost unusable without any VIC support.
9. Other Programs Available from the Same Author
-----------------------------------------------There are some other shareware and freeware programs available from
the same author:
- BALI'S CALC - a Simple Scientific Calculator Program with
( ) x^y x! Pi Deg Rad Sin & Arcs, Ln Exp Mem
Ran SCI BackSpace & more. DOS text mode,
keyboard and/or mouse control (SHAREWARE).
- FORMULA v2.0 - a Mathemathical Expression Evaluating Program
with about 100 - 100 built-in contants and
and a constant and function editor, where you can
define and save your own set. (SHAREWARE)
- STEFI v1.0a - a Graph Editor and Analyser Program
where you can edit mathemathical graphs and
them in detail: matrices, components, Prufer
minimal cost path and tree, excentricity, center,
topologic order, strong components & more.
- Two Commodore 64 programs written in pure
- Bali's Sprite Designer 4.0
- Bali's Character Editor 2.0
In T64 tape file format. A C64 emulator (or a
real C64)
is required. (FREEWARE)
- DOSINFO v1.3 - Information about dos, disks and more (FREEWARE)
- List of prime numbers and prime factorization
- ASCII TEXTFILE MASTER - A commandline-driven ascii textfile
with margins, automatic page breaks, header &
justify, include files, symbolic defines, print
and more. Manual only in Hungarian. (FREEWARE)
Most of these programs are also available on some anonymous FTP
- Garbo:
- SimTel:
(and many
Or on the World Wide Web at
The newest update of this and my other programs are earliest
on the WWW site above.
If you don't have FTP or WWW access and you are still interested in
getting these programs, contact me by mail or e-mail.
10. Contacting the Author
------------------------I am always glad when receiving any feedbacks about my programs.
If you are satisfied :-), please let me know.
If you find it useless :-(, poor or disappointing, or just made a
much better one, please don't hesitate to write me that, too.
If you find any bugs :-(, please report them to me.
If you have any suggestions for further improvements, I will
appreciate them as well.
If you are interested in getting the source code of this or other
programs made by me, contact me for details.
Contact me at:
B lint T¢th
Kabar u. 7. V. 27.
H-1039 Budapest
(+36)-1-1873943 (This is a Hungarian call (GMT+0100) )
E-mail: [email protected]
This e-mail address is valid only to June, 1997
(It is not frequently checked during Summer holidays)
If you have access to the World Wide Web (WWW), don't forget to visit
my personal home page at the URL: