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Professore Ordinario di Biologia Molecolare (BIO/11) (Corso di laurea in Biotecnologie).
Laureato in Scienze Biologiche nel 1965 presso l’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
Linee principali di ricerca perseguite:
 Meccanismo e regolazione dell’inizio della traduzione.
 Risposte globali nei batteri (cold-shock, stress osmotico e nutrizionale).
 Struttura e funzione delle proteine associate al nucleoide batterico.
 Regolazione dell’espressione dei geni di virulenza batterica.
 Ricerca e caratterizzazione di nuovi antibiotici.
 Allestimento di “DNA macroarrays” per il monitoraggio ambientale.
Corsi di insegnamento tenuti:
 Biologia Molecolare e Tecnologie ricombinanti (Corso di laurea in Biotecnologie)
 Biologia Molecolare (BIO/11) (Corso di laurea Specialistica in Scienze
Biomolecolari e
Biofunzionali, classe 6/s “Biologia” indirizzo: Biologia
 Biotecnologie Microbiche (Corso di laurea in Biotecnologie)
 Genetica Molecolare (Corso di laurea in Biologia)
 Genetica (Corso di laurea in Scienze per la Natura e per l’Ambiente)
 Biologia molecolare e ingegneria genetica (Scuola di Specializzazione in Biochimica
e chimica clinica)
Funzioni svolte in seno ad enti ed associazioni scientifiche:
 Membro dell’European Molecular Biology Organization.
E’ Socio della:
 Società Italiana Biofisica Biologia Molecolare.
 Società Italiana di Microbiologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche
 RNA Society.
 European Federation of Biotechnology.
Elenco delle pubblicazioni (1998-2003):
1) Thermoregulation of Shigella and Escherichia coli EIEC pathogenicity. A temperaturedependent structural transition of DNA modulates accessibility of virF promoter to
transcriptional repressor H-NS.
M. Falconi, B. Colonna, G. Prosseda, G. Micheli & C.O. Gualerzi
EMBO J. 17, 7033-7043 (1998).
2) Translation initiation factor 3 antagonizes authentic start codon selection on leaderless
K. Tedin, I. Moll, A. Resch, S. Grill, A. Graschopf, C.O. Gualerzi & U. Bläsi
Mol. Microbiol. 31, 67-78 (1999).
Identification of the ribosome binding sites of translation initiation factor IF3 by
multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy.
M. Sette, R. Spurio, P. van Tilborg, C.O. Gualerzi & R. Boelens
RNA 5, 82-92 (1999)
Preliminary characterization by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy of a
crystalline complex of Bacillus stearothermophilus 2 C-domain and fMet-tRNAfMet .
C. Förster, C. Krafft, H. Welfle, C.O. Gualerzi & U. Heinemann
Acta Crystal. D55, 712-716 (1999).
5) Massive presence of the Escherichia coli “major cold-shock protein” CspA under nonstress conditions.
A. Brandi, R. Spurio, C.O. Gualerzi & C.L. Pon
EMBO J. 18, 1653-1659 (1999).
The fMet-tRNA binding domain of translational initiation factor IF2: role and
environment of its two Cys residues.
R. Misselwitz, K. Welfle. C. Krafft, H. Welfle, L. Brandi, E. Caserta & C.O. Gualerzi
FEBS Lett. 459, 332-336 (1999).
7) The C-terminal sub-domain (IF2 C-2) contains the entire fMet-tRNA binding site of
initiation factor IF2
R. Spurio, L. Brandi, E. Caserta, C.L. Pon, C.O. Gualerzi, R. Misselwitz, C. Krafft, K.
Welfle & H. Welfle
J. Biol. Chem. 275, 2447-2454 (2000).
8) Solution structure of the fMet-tRNA binding domain of B. stearothermophilus initiation
factor IF2
S. Meunier, R. Spurio, M. Czisch, R. Wechselberger, M. Guenneugues, C.O. Gualerzi & R.
EMBO J. 19, 1918-1926 (2000).
9) Late events of translation initiation in bacteria: a kinetic analysis
J. Tomsic, L.A.Vitali, T. Daviter, A. Savelsbergh, R. Spurio. P. Striebeck, W. Wintermeyer,
M.V. Rodnina & C.O. Gualerzi
EMBO J. 19, 2127-2136 (2000)
10) Interaction of the fMet-tRNA with the C-terminal domain of translation initiation factor
IF2 from B. stearothermophilus
C. Krafft, A. Diehl, S. Laettig, J. Behlke, U. Heinemann, C.L. Pon, C.O. Gualerzi & H.
FEBS Lett. 171, 128-132 (2000)
GTPase mechanisms and functions of translation factors on the ribosome.
M.V. Rodnina, H. Stark, A. Savelsbergh, H.J. Wieden, D. Mohr, N.B. Matassova, F. Peske,
T. Daviter, C.O. Gualerzi, & W. Wintermeyer
Biol. Chem. 381, 377-387 (2000)
Selective stimulation of translation of leaderless mRNA by IF2: evolutionary
implications for translation
S. Grill, C.O. Gualerzi, P. Londei & U. Blaesi
EMBO J. 19, 4101-4110 (2000)
Mapping the fMet-tRNA binding site of initiation factor IF2
M. Guenneugues, S. Meunier, R. Boelens, E. Caserta, L. Brandi, R. Spurio, C.L. Pon &
C.O. Gualerzi
EMBO J. 19, 5233-5249 (2000)
14) Translation initiation in bacteria
C.O. Gualerzi, L. Brandi, E. Caserta, A. La Teana, R. Spurio, J. Tomsic & C.L. Pon
in "The Ribosome: Structure, Function, Antibiotics and Cellular Interactions"
Garrett et al, eds) pp. 477-494, ASM Press, Washington, DC (2000)
15) Mutagenesis of the the downstream region of the Escherichia coli hns promoter.
M. Giangrossi, C.O. Gualerzi & C.L. Pon
Biochimie 83, 251-259 (2001)
Modulation of ribosomal recruitment to 5' -terminal start codons by translation
initiation factors IF2 and IF3
S. Grill, I. Moll, D. Hasenöhrl, C.O. Gualerzi & U. Bläsi
FEBS Lett. 495, 167-71. (2001)
17) Translation initiation factor IF3: two domains, five functions one mechanism.
D. Petrelli, A. La Teana C. Galofaro, R. Spurio, C.L. Pon & C. O. Gualerzi
EMBO J. 20, 4560-4569 (2001)
18) Initiation factor IF2 binds to the -sarcin loop and helix 89 of E. coli 23S ribosomal
A. La Teana, C.O. Gualerzi & A.E. Dahlberg
RNA 7, 1137-1179 (2001)
19) Role of the initiation factors in the early events of mRNA translation in bacteria.
C.O. Gualerzi, L. Brandi, E. Caserta, C. Garofalo, M. Lammi, A. La Teana, D. Petrelli, R.
Spurio, J. Tomsic & C.L. Pon
Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 66, 363-376 (2002)
Leaderless mRNAs in bacteria: surprises in ribosomal recruitment and translational
Moll, S. Grill, C.O. Gualerzi & U. Bläsi
Mol. Microbiol. 43, 239-246 (2002)
21) Selective expression of the -subunit of nucleoid-associated protein HU during cold
shock in Escherichia coli .
M. Giangrossi, A.M. Giuliodori, C.O. Gualerzi & C.L. Pon
Mol. Microbiol. 44, 205-216 (2002)
22) Temperature dependent translation initiation of leaderless and canonical mRNAs in
Escherichia coli
S. Grill, I. Moll, C.O. Gualerzi & U. Bläsi
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 211, 161-167 (2002)
23) Structure and function of bacterial initiation factors.
R. Boelens & C.O. Gualerzi
Curr. Prot. Pep. Sci. 3, 107-119 (2002)
24) Thermoregulation of a plasmid operon encoding virulence genes: termperature
influences the ability of H-NS to bind at two distant sites and generate a nucleoprotein
complex that represses transcription of the hemolysin operon of Escherichia coli.
C. Madrid, J.M. Nieto, S. Paytubi, M. Falconi, C.O. Gualerzi, & A. Juarez
J. Bacteriol., 184, 5058-5066 (2002)
25) Targets and assays for discovering novel antibacterial agents
S. Donadio, L. Carrano, L. Brandi, S. Serina, A. Soffientini, E. Raimondi, N. Montanini, M.
Sosio & C.O. Gualerzi
J. Biotechnol. 99, 175-185 (2002)
26) Mapping the active sites of bacterial translation initiation factor IF3
D. Petrelli, C. Garofalo, M. Lammi, R. Spurio, C.L. Pon, C.O. Gualerzi & A. La Teana
J. Mol. Biol. 331, 541-556 (2003)
27) Transcriptional and post-transcriptional control of cold-shock genes
C.O. Gualerzi, A.M. Giuliodori & C.L. Pon
J. Mol. Biol. 331, 527-539 (2003)
28) Ribosomal localization of initiation factor IF2
S.Marzi, L. Brandi, E. Caserta, N. Svoboleva, W. Wright, W. Hill & C.O. Gualerzi, S.
RNA 9, 958-969 (2003)
29) The Shigella virF promoter: more than a curved DNA strech
G. Prosseda, M. Falconi, M. Giangrossi, C.O. Gualerzi, G. Micheli & B. Colonna
Mol. Microbiol. (2003), in press.
30) The translational initiation functions of IF2: targets for thiostrepton inhibition
L. Brandi, S. Marzi, A. Fabbretti, C. Fleischer, W.E. Hill, C.O. Gualerzi
And J.S. Lodmell
J. Mol. Biol. (2003).