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Chapter 14 Science test Review
Pharynx- a tube like passage way at the top of the throat that receives air, food, and liquids
from the mouth or nose.
Larynx- air passes from the pharynx into a triangular shaped area called the voice box of larynx.
Homeostasis is the process used by the body to maintain a stable internal environment.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the energy of life. It is a molecule that stores all the energy
that comes from foods. It is present in every cell. ATP is created by cellular respiration. Cellular
Respiration, process in which cells produce the energy they need to survive.
The trachea is a tube that is held open by a c shaped rings of cartilage. The trachea branches
into two narrower tubes called bronchi that lead to the lungs. Lungs are the main organs of the
respiratory system. From the lungs the bronchi continues to branch into even narrower tubes
called bronchioles. The bronchioles move end up in microscopic sacs where a gas transfer
occurs these sacs are called alveoli. During this exchange oxygen you breathe moves into the
blood and carbon dioxide from you blood moves into the alveoli. Alveoli looks like a bunch of
grapes the walls are about 1 cell thick.
Below the lungs there is a muscle called the diaphragm that contracts and relaxes as air enters
and exits the lungs.
Transportation- blood carries and transports food, water, oxygen and other materials through
your circulatory system to your body’s cells and tissues.
Elimination- blood also eliminates, it picks up carbon dioxide produced by cellular respiration. It
also picks up wastes produced by other chemical reactions.
The HeartBlood enters the upper 2 chambers of the heart
through the atrium. Blood leaves the 2 lower chambers through the ventricles.
Artery- a vessel that takes blood away from the heart.
Veins- move blood to the heart.
Capillaries- tiny blood vessels that deliver supplies to individual cells and take away waste
Systemic Circulation- vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body and from the body to
the heart.
Coronary Circulation- a network of arteries that supply blood to all cells of the heart.
Pulmonary Circulation- vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs.
Hypertension- when the ventricles of the heart contract they push blood into arteries. The
pressure it creates is called blood pressure.
Transportation- blood transports oxygen as well as carbon dioxide. The blood also picks up
nutrients in the small intestine.
Protection- some blood cells fight infection..
Red blood cells- contain hemoglobin, iron rich protein muscles. In the alveoli of the lungs
oxygen binds the hemoglobin. Then the hemoglobin releases oxygen when red blood cells enter
the capillaries.
White blood cells- protect body from illness and infection. Most last a few days and then are
replaced. We have fewer white blood cells than red.
Platelets- small pieces of cells that plug wounds and stop bleeding.
Plasma- yellowish liquid part of the blood that transports blood cells.
The circulatory system and the digestive system are connected because of villi which are blood
vessels that transport nutrients throughout the body. The epiglottis is a cartilaginous structure
valve that covers the entry of the larynx and moves up and down, preventing food from
entering it and the trachea. It also marks the limit between the oropharynx and the
laringopharynx. When breathing, air passes through the pharynx and goes towards the larynx
while the epiglottis remains opened.
The epiglottis closes when food gets swallowed and goes down the pharynx. This prevents
food from obstructing the larynx.