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Industrial revolution effects on urbanism deterioration
Alaa Ibrahim Al Farahaty
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture department
Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
[email protected]
Abstract: Without doubt, most of urban cities have been deteriorated at the twentieth
century due to the industrial developments and widening of using machines. This industrial
revolution affected the whole urbanism features and designs .For that reason , these days
architects seek for accurately design new urban areas less affected by these industrial
deteriorated factors and at the same time to create sustainable areas to not affect the surrounded
environment. The industrial deteriorated factors are varied. These factors are not just derived
from air pollution effects that affected the appearance of the urban areas, but also vibrations
effects on buildings structures and soil pollution's effects on the urban infrastructure.
Keywords: Industrial revolution, Vibrations effects, Water pollution's influences, Soil
pollution's consequences.
1- Introduction
The four main reasons of the industrial
deteriorated factors that affected the urban cities
are the vibrations effects, soil pollution effects,
water pollution effects and air pollution
circumstances. Depending of the state of the
building, these factors influences are adequate to
destroy the main elements, features and
materials of any structure. The paper illustrates
the three deterioration factors and their
consequences on the urban stability and
3- Vibrations effects
The effects of vibrations on buildings and
their occupants is a very technical and complex
subject. Vibrations can be caused by passing
road traffic, railways, users of the building,
airplanes and by other sources including
surrounding building works, particularly piling.
Vibrations have severe effects on buildings
Vibrations effect buildings walls and
structure on long term but they affects some
fragile materials (eg glass and mosaic)
immediately. Vibrations also affect the
buildings structure system depending on the
resistance. Therefore they affect the wall cracks
as on long term the cracks could be widened
cause severe danger on the buildings stability.
Besides that, vibrations also affect
the building's soil causing declining of the
foundation levels, especially the buildings
close to the highways. As the allowable
vibrated level of the soil particles is 5mm/s
and if they exceeded that level it could
affect the building structure severely
leading to building destroying. Studies
have shown that smoothing the roads
surfaces reduces the effects of vibrations..
2- Water pollution's effects
Urban building's foundations are
affected by water that is polluted by salts,
acids, dissolved gases, bacteria and fungus
leading to declining of the foundations
level causing severe problems to the main
buildings structures.
3.1 The main sources of water pollution: The factories and sea transports wastes
that are drained to water courses.
 Fertilizers used for plants fertilization
and Pesticides that are carried by
irrigation water to the underground water.
 Decayed drainage networks that leak
sewage water to the underground water
Md Azree Othuman Mydin,2012, Hanizam Awang, Factors of Deterioration in Building and the Principles of Repair, ANUL XIX,
NR. 1
Belgrade Charter,1975, Conservation in Belgrade, European Commission,UNESCO, International Conference Spain.
3- Soil pollution effects
Soil is polluted due to several sources that
are `combined with the soil main components
(eg dusts, sand, and rocks that are wasted from
surrounding buildings deconstruction). That is
beside the wastes caused by humans (eg
industrial wastes, garbage, and animal's
wastes). These sources have severe effects on
the soil characteristics that could reduce its
resistance leading to serious damage to the
building's foundations and structure.
3.1 The soil pollution effects: Rot and ferment at the garbage and
wastes lands causing generating bacteria
and fungus that affect the organic
construction materials (eg, wood).
 Provide suitable environments for
insects and Lesions that attack the
heritage buildings.
 Stone decay can take several forms,
including the removal of details.
 Build-up of black gypsum crusts in
sheltered areas.
 Metal corrosion is caused primarily by
oxygen and moisture, although SO2 does
accelerate the process.
 Most structures and buildings are affected
by acid deposition to some degree because
few materials are safe from these effects.
 Atmospheric attack structures that are
submerged in acidified waters such as
foundations and pipes can also be corroded.
4- Atmospheric pollution
Unfortunately, Most of urban buildings are
not designed to withstand such toxic
punishment, and as many of these great sites
are located in or near burgeoning industrial
cities, they have sustained considerable
damage and begun to deteriorate rapidly.
Main cause of the air pollution is the acid
rain . Acid rain is a byproduct of the largescale burning of sulfates and nitrates, has been
an observed phenomenon since the very
earliest years of the industrial revolution in
1872, as large amounts of these chemicals are
released into the atmosphere through such
processes as the burning of coal and oil, they
become bonded with water vapor held in
clouds and are subsequently released to the
Earth in the form of highly acidic rainfall.
4.1 Atmospheric Pollution consequences:The list of materials affected by acid
deposition is very long as most materials are
liable to some degree of damage.
 Those most vulnerable are: limestone;
marble; carbon-steel; zinc; nickel; paint
and some plastics.
Md Azree Othuman Mydin, Hanizam Awang,2012, Factors of Deterioration in Building and the Principles of Repair, ANUL XIX,
NR. 1,