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Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________ Block: ____________
Unit 4 Zoology Study Guide
1. The segmental arrangement of body parts is known as ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________ is the annelid class that is primarily marine and has the most
3. Polychaetes are classified based their possession of lateral extension that protrude from their bodies. These
lateral extensions are known as ____________________________________________.
4. Earthworms have a girdle-like structure that secretes mucus during copulation. This is known as a
5. Leeches belong to the annelid subclass ___________________________________________.
6. All leeches have the same number of segments: _______________________________.
7. Leeches secrete an anticoagulant that makes them useful for medicinal purposes. This anticoagulant is
known as ____________________________________.
8. What is the scientific name of the leech used for medicinal purposes? ________________________________
9. The class Clitellata includes which two annelid subclasses? ____________________________________ and
10. List the lophotrochozoan phyla: _____________________________________________________________
11. Ecdysozoans get their name from what distinguishing characteristic? _______________________________
12. Rotifers have a characteristic structure that is located on their head. What is this structure called
13. Kinorhynchs are only found in one environment on earth. What is this environment?
14. Which phylum includes some of the most abundant animals on earth? ______________________________
15. What is the most common method of getting a pinworm infection? _________________________________
16. Nematodes are commonly known as _________________________________________.
17. Filarial worms cause a human condition known as _____________________________________________.
18. The most common method of getting an infection by Trichinella sprialis is to avoid ___________________
19. Trichinella sprialis is a member of which phylum? _____________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________ Block: ____________
20. A common name for members of the phylum Nematomorpha are commonly called ____________________
21. Ecdysis is a process by which animals _______________________________________________________.
22. What is the scientific name of the earthworm? _________________________________________________
23. Earthworms primarily feed on _____________________________________________________________.
24. Earthworms have a muscular structure used for grinding. What is the name of this structure?
Other things to know:
• the phylum, class, and subclass of the earthworm
• the location of the following external structures on an earthworm: mouth, clitellum, anus, setae, and segment
• the location of the following internal structures on an earthworm: nephridia, intestine, septum, crop,
pseudohearts, cerebral ganglion, and pharynx.