Download Psychology course syllabus Mr. Patters – Room 1913 Chris.patters

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Psychology course syllabus
Mr. Patters – Room 1913
[email protected]
Course outline (subject to change)
First semester
What is psychology (history of psychology, career fields in psychology, different ways to explain behavior)
Psychological methods and ethics in research (unethical experiments, in-class experiments)
The brain (general overview)
Stress, health & coping
Extreme abnormal behavior (role of biology and environment on criminals)
Memory (types, how it works, ways to improve, eye witness testimony, savants)
Thinking and language (case study of genie and other feral children)
Psychological disorders & phobias
Treatment of psychological disorders
The power of positive thinking & goal setting
Second semester
Consciousness and unconsciousness (sleep, dreams, hypnosis, sleep disorders)
Learning (classical and operant conditioning)
Intelligence (find out your IQ)
Developmental psychology (psycho social, psycho sexual, moral development)
Challenges of teenagers (various topics)
Projective personality tests (ink blots, personality tests, 50 slips project)
Defense mechanisms
Gender stereotypes
Social psychology (group behavior, conformity, obedience, aggression, altruism)
Classroom rules
Cell phones – at no point should your cell phone be out – I reserve the right to take your cell phone for
remainder of class/day
No talking while I’m talking or when any of your classmates are talking
DO NOT SLEEP IN CLASS – if you feel tired, stand up. If caught sleeping, points may be deducted and
you may be asked to stand the rest of class
Turn off and put away any portable listening device you may have
All school and district policies in the student handbook will be followed
Attendance and tardy policy
Tardy policy
Daily warm-ups, quizzes and other activities will take place during the first 10 minutes of class. If you
aren’t in class, you will not get the points. You must be in class prior to the last bell ringing to earn
credit for the above mentioned assignments. If tardiness becomes a problem, you will be referred to
your grade level administrator to be put on an attendance contract.
Homework and late work
When/if homework is assigned, it is due when you first come in to class
I don’t offer a late-work policy. If you don’t do the work, you don’t get the points
Make up work
It is your responsibility to ask about missed assignments as soon as you return. Generally, you get two
days for every day you missed class. Unexcused absences do not apply as you can’t make up any of the
work you missed.
Materials needed
*2 subject notebook (notes and vocab, miscellaneous activities, journal)
*Positive attitude (Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush-it can color any situation)
NOTE: There will be 2 random notebook checks each semester. It is up to you to keep your notebook
updated. If you miss class when we took notes, please copy the notes into your notebook.
Grade scale
90-100 % = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69 % = D
50-59 % = F
Final exams for both semesters are worth up to 20% of your overall grade.
Grades are kept on a point system for the entire semester. You will receive points for the following
categories: assignments, tests, participation. Extra credit is offered periodically throughout the
semester. I DO NOT ROUND UP GRADES AT SEMESTER. Take advantage when extra credit is offered.
Final note
I expect you to actively participate in classroom activities and discussions. It is what can make
or break this class. If you don’t like to get involved in discussions or activities then Psychology
may not be the class for you. Your participation is key!