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Name: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: _____
For each of the following, write the word true or false, and copy quotes from the
book to support your answer. (1 point each)
China Reunifies
The Period of Disunion
1. When the Han Dynasty fell apart, China entered a period of peace called the
Period of Disunion.
2. To escape the rule nomadic invaders many Chinese from the north fled to
southern China.
3. As people moved to different parts of China, the Chinese culture stayed the same.
The Sui, Tang, and Song
The Sui Dynasty
4. Thanks to Yang Jian, China was reunified, and the Sui dynasty was started.
5. The Grand Canal was meant to block nomadic invaders.
The Tang Dynasty
6. The Song dynasty replaced the Sui, when a Song official overthrew the old
7. Taizong was a horrible ruler who did nothing during China’s golden age.
8. Empress Wu was the first female ruler and very kind.
9. The period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms was a period of chaos that
lasted from 907 to 960.
The Song Dynasty
10. China was reunified under the Tang dynasty in 960.
The Age of Buddhism
11. Buddhism was introduced in China around 200 BC.
12. Buddhism was popular during the Period of Disunion because it promised
people an end to suffering.
13. Buddhism had little influence on Chinese culture.
14. Buddhism was most popular during the Tang dynasty.