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Homeobox genes
By: aribeaya
A homeobox is a DNA sequence found within genes that
Are involved in the regulation of patterns of
development (morphogenesis) in animals, fungi
And plants.
A homeobox is about 180 base pairs long. It encodes a protein
domain (the homeodomain) which when expressed (e.g. as
protein) can bind DNA.
Dlx homeobox genes are mammalian homologs of the
Drosophila Distal-less (Dll) gene. The Dlx/Dll gene family is
of ancient origin and appears to play a role in appendage
development in essentially all species in which it has been
identified. In Drosophila, Dll is expressed in the distal portion
of the developing appendages and is critical for the development
of distal structures.
2 real life examples of homeobox genes are:
Ex1: Rhox2b to Rhox2h are given to the 7 genes most similar to
Rhox2. ... If we assume that these 2 variations in the mouse
genome sequence are real, the program pseudogene was used to
estimate the half-life of mouse.
Ex2: Comparative analyses of the mouse, rat, human, dog, cow,
opossum, and chicken genomes suggest that the Rohx cluster
originated in the common ancestor of primates and rodents. It
subsequently underwent two remarkable expansions, first in the
common ancestor of mice and rats and then in mice.
I agree with the things that I found and researched when look up
Homeobox genes. I do think that is should be farther
Studied, because of it has to do with the regulating
Pattern in genes. This could help us, especially when
it comes to insulin and such things as that.
This of which we are leaning from the homeobox
Gene could help us (even me) in the future. Scientists
Could be able to use it to help people or other animals
Or species. We never know what we might have to use
So why waiste the time that we have to get a start on
Something that could save millions of lives or change
And make things better for us in some way today.