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Carbon Footprints
* 1. What do you think the term “carbon
footprint” means?
* a. is it desirable to have a big one or a small one?
* Definition: the measured amount of carbon dioxide (CO2)
emitted through combustion fossil fuels.
* The footprint is the amount of carbon-based natural resources
consumed by person, company, community, country over a
time period
* On a large scale, it is expressed in tons while for an
individual/household, it is calculated in pounds
* CO2 & greenhouse gases are believed to be the cause of climate
change & global warming.
* 2. List ways you could decrease your carbon footprint.
* Share & discuss
* 3. Which of these options do you think most people would
be willing to do?
* Consider: replace 3 light bulbs with compact fluorescents
saves 300 pounds; increase the thermostat from 68 to 70
(2,000 pounds); take shorter showers (350 pounds), turn off
electricity not being used (1000 pounds); install solar panels
* 4. Estimate your carbon footprint
* a. Let’s calculate it!
* 5. How – if at all – do you expect climate change to affect
you during your lifetime?
* a. What about the next generation?
* What is the impact of humans?
* Let’s read about Eco-Footprints 