Download Jupiter is 90000 miles in diameter. It is 10 times the size of the earth

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• Jupiter
is the largest planet
in the solar system.
• It orbits the Sun in 11.8623
Earth years.
• Jupiter is really a small
star, large enough for
gravitational pressure to
heat the core for nuclear
fusion to occur.
Jupiter is 778 million km
Away from the sun
Jupiter is about 629 million
km. Away from earth.
• Earth rotates about its axis at 15 angular
degrees per hour.
• Rotation creates time zones with differing
local noon’s, and also causes apparent
movement of the moons, stars, and planets
across the celestial sphere.
• The rotation of Earth is from west to east
making the apparent rotation of the celestial
sphere from east to west.
Jupiter is 90,000 miles in diameter.
It is 10 times the size of the earth
and 318 times as massive. The
density is 83 pounds.
Jupiter has a vast range of
temperatures. At the cloud
tops, the temperature of
Jupiter is thought to be -145
degrees C. The temperatures
are roughly room temperature
about 20 degrees C.
Jupiter is a gas giant. This means that it has a huge atmosphere, a liquid mantle,
and a liquid with no definite boundary between the layers. The core of Jupiter is
probably composed of liquid rock, at a temperature as high as 24,000 K The core is
small relative to the planet, it is fifteen times heavier than the Earth.
The atmosphere appears as alternating bands of light regions, called zones, and
dark regions called belts, that run parallel to the equator. The zones are higher in
altitude than the belts, and are lower in temperature. It is believed that the belts
represent descending areas of low pressure. Jupiter radiates heat energy out to
space by way of convection. The zones carry energy to the surface and then
cool, and sink again.
It is the same high rate of rotation that powers the atmosphere, and causes
it to stretch into the bands we see. Jet streams form between the boundaries of
the belts and zones which create disturbances. These jet streams are very fast,
over 3 times the speed of the fastest jet stream on Earth. These disturbances
may be short lived, or they might last for many hundreds of years.
Jupiter has the most moons of any of the planets in our solar System. 63 moons have
been discovered around the gas giant. Four satellites are comparable to the Earth's
moons in size; the rest are smaller.
Jupiter is composed of small rocky core, surrounded by metallic hydrogen, liquid
hydrogen, and gaseous hydrogen. There is no clear boundary or surface between
these different phases of hydrogen, the conditions blend smoothly from gas to liquid as
one descends.
Since Jupiter is a gas planet, it doesn't have a surface. This means that
nothing can land on the planet because there is nothing solid to land on.
The clouds that make up Jupiter are swirling around the planet, by winds
that average over 322 kilometers. The winds create an pattern of storms..
So we wouldn’t be able to go to Jupiter or we would die.
Jupiter is made of gas. Jupiter has a solid heart, called a kernel, made of rock and
ice. The kernel may be into a central core, a rocky inner mantle, and an outer
mantle of ice. We think that life on Jupiter would be because its made of rock and
ice and theirs no air or anything to eat.
• Jupiter has 63 moons.
• Jupiter is composed of a small rocky core.
• Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
• Jupiter has the most moons of any of the Solar system.
• Jupiter is 90,000 miles in diameter.