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Igneous Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Igneous rocks are
any rock that
forms from
magma or lava.
Igneous rocks
may form on or
beneath Earth’s
Classifying Igneous Rocks
The name igneous comes from the latin word
ignis, meaning “fire”.
Igneous rocks are classified according to their
origin, texture, and mineral classification.
There are two types of igneous rock
Extrusive igneous rocks
are formed when lava
erupts or flows above
the Earth’s surface and
cools forming a rock
Quick cooling makes
rocks with very little
mineral crystals.
Basalt is the most
common extrusive rock
Intrusive igneous rocks forms when magma hardens
beneath the Earth’s Crust.
The cooling can take thousands or even millions of years,
mineral crystals can grow quite large if space allows
Granite is the most abundant intrusive rock on Earth’s continents
Depends on the size and shape of the mineral
An exception to this rule are certain types of rock that
have a texture like glass.
Igneous rocks may have similar chemical
compositions and yet be very different
Mineral Composition
Light colored rocks
Most of Earth’s minerals
contain silica
Magma high in silica
usually forms light-colored
Granite ranges in color:
light gray, red, pink, or
nearly black.
Dark colored rocks
Magma with a low
silica content usually
forms dark-colored
Basalt has low silica
content and also
contains other darkcolored minerals
Uses of Igneous Rocks
Building materials
More than 3,500 years ago ancient Egyptians used
granite for statues
About 600 years ago the Incas of Peru used
granite and other igneous
U.S. granite is widely used to build bridges, public
buildings, paving streets, counter tops etc…
Obsidian was used by ancient native Americans for
sharp tools for cutting and scraping.
Sedimentary Rocks
Stay tuned
for another
exciting day
of notes
when we
and the
formation of