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Chapter 9 – Muslim Civilization
Section 1: The Origins of Islam
Section 1: The Origins of Islam
Main Idea
Muhammad, a merchant whom Muslims believe was
the last prophet of God, reported that he received
messages from God. The religion he taught—Islam—
drew many followers (Muslims).
• What was Arabia like at the time of Muhammad’s
• What were Muhammad’s messages, and how were
they received?
• What are some basic ideas of Islam?
I. The Arabian Peninsula
Most of peninsula is desert, except for narrow
strips along coasts
Rub al-Khali - the "Empty Quarter"
I. The Arabian Peninsula
Bedouins moved herds between oases; were
organized into tribes led by a sheikh
I. The Arabian Peninsula
Towns grew up along the coasts; townspeople
became traders
I. The Arabian Peninsula
Mecca, located on major caravan routes,
became a trade and religious center
The Kaaba
Camel Caravan
II. Muhammad the Messenger
c. A.D. 570 - Muhammad was born into a poor
clan of Mecca’s ruling tribe
Birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
II. Muhammad the Messenger
Raised by uncle, became a successful and
respected merchant; at age 25 he wed a widow
named Khadijah
II. Muhammad the Messenger
He was a spiritual man and frequently went off to
meditate about the problems he saw in Mecca
The Cave of
Hira, where
II. Muhammad the Messenger
At age 40, the angel Jibreel appeared; told
Muhammad to recite revelations from Allah
Muhammad's Call to Prophecy and the First Revelation
II. Muhammad the Messenger
Mecca’s rulers and merchants opposed
Muhammad teaching about
Islam (submission to the will of
God) to his Muslim (one who
submits) followers
II. Muhammad the Messenger
Businessmen feared monotheistic teachings
would stop pilgrimages to the Kaaba
The Kaaba during a Hajj
II. Muhammad the Messenger
A.D. 622 - Muhammad and his followers
moved from Mecca to Yathrib - the hegira
II. Muhammad the Messenger
Yathrib became Medina; 622 became year one
of Muslim calendar
The Mosque of the Prophet in Medina (City of the Prophet)
II. Muhammad the Messenger
As Muhammad gained followers, tensions
between Mecca and Medina led to war
Muhammad and his
companions advancing
on Mecca. The angels
Jibrail, Mikail , Israfil and
Azrail, are also in the
II. Muhammad the Messenger
630 - Mecca defeated; Muhammad destroyed
idols in the Kaaba and re-dedicated it to Allah
Muhammad re-dedicating the Black Stone at the Kaaba
The Stone is actually broken into several pieces, damage
which occurred when it was stolen in 930. Warriors sacked
Mecca and carried the Black Stone away to their base in
Bahrain. It was returned twenty-two years later. In the
process, the Black Stone was cracked. It is now held
together by the silver band, which is fastened by silver
nails to the Stone.
II. Muhammad the Messenger
Muhammad died in 632; Arabs spread Islam
across SW Asia and North Africa
III. Basic Ideas of Islam
Islam is based on belief that there is only one
God - Allah; believers must obey God’s will
“Allah is One”
III. Basic Ideas of Islam
Followers of Islam are Muslims; their holy
book is the Qur’an - only written in Arabic at first
III. Basic Ideas of Islam
Qur’an contains rules/instructions for right
living, the Five Pillars of Islam, and jihad
The Performance of Tawaaf
Stoning of Jamaarat
Tent city in Mecca
III. Basic Ideas of Islam
Arabic became the common language of
Muslims in religion, law, literature and trade
III. Basic Ideas of Islam
Sunna (tradition) - Record of Muhammad’s
behavior; provides guidance in personal &
business relationships
III. Basic Ideas of Islam
Sharia - Muslim legal system; made up of legal
opinions, cases, & writings
III. Basic Ideas of Islam
Muslims worship in mosques, guided by
men trained in the Qur’an and Islamic law
III. Basic Ideas of Islam
Muhammad accepted the Torah and Bible;
said Muslims, Jews, & Christians are all
“People of the Book”