Download Introduction to Virginia*s Karst

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Caves, Sinkholes, and Carbonates, Oh My!
Karst-Develops in Carbonate Rocks
Carbonic Acid= CO2 + H2O
Caves and Caverns
• Formed from the chemical weathering of limestone and
dolomite through carbonic acid. Cracks open and
eventually widen to make a cave.
Dripstone: Calcium carbonate deposited from solution as
water enters a cave. Stalactites, Stalagmites, and
Columns are all dripstones.
Stalactites: Hang “tight” to the ceiling.
Stalagmites: Push (mightily) hard through the ground.
Column: Formed when stalactites and stalagmites meet.
Stalactites and Stalagmites
• Caused by the collapse of cave or cavern roof. Usually
from pumping more groundwater than can be recharged.
Sinking Streams
• Where a river or stream enters a cave system and
appears to “sink” into the ground.