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*What is the standard body position for the
anatomical reference point?
 Anatomical Position: the body is erect
with feet together, standing at attention
with palms forward.
Most directional terms used will refer to the body as if it were in
this position, regardless of the actual position.
Remember…when referring to “right” and “left” sides of the
person or cadaver being viewed…it is their “right” or “left” side
that is being referred to, not yours.
 Directional terms: allow us to explain
exactly where one body structure is in
relation to another (The ears are lateral
to the nose.).
Regional Terms
 Axial part: it makes up the main part of
the axis of our body & includes the
head, neck, & trunk.
 Appendicular part: consists of
appendages, or limbs, which are
attached to the body’s axis.
 Regional terms: used to designate
specific areas within the major body
Terms of Relative position describe the location
of one body part with respect to another. They
include the following:
1. SUPERIOR - means a body part is above
another part or is closer to the head.
2. INFERIOR - means a body part is below
another body part or toward the feet.
3. ANTERIOR – means toward the front.
4. VENTRAL – also means toward the front
5. POSTERIOR – it means toward the back.
6. DORSAL - also it means toward the back.
7. MEDIAL – relates to an imaginary midline
dividing the body in equal right and
left halves. (Sample: The nose is medial to
the eyes.)
8. LATERAL – means toward the side with
respect to the imaginary midline. (
(Sample: The ears are lateral to the eyes.)
9. PROXIMAL – describes a body part that is
closer to a point of attachment or
closer to the trunk of the body than another
part. (Sample: The elbow is
proximal to the wrist.)
10. DISTAL – It means that a particular body
part is farther from the point of
attachment or farther from the trunk of the
body than another part.
(Sample: The fingers are distal to the
11. SUPERFICIAL – means situated near the
12. PERIPHERAL – also means outward or
near the surface.
13. DEEP – describes parts that are more
14. CORTEX - the outer layer of an organ
15. MEDULLA - the inner portion of an organ.
Body Planes & Sections (page 16)
*In the study of anatomy, the body is often
sectioned along a flat surface called a plane.
 Sagittal—is a vertical plane that divides the
body into right & left parts.
-Midsagittal: the specific sagittal plane
thru the midline.
-Parasagittal: offset from the midline.
 Frontal—divides body into anterior &
posterior parts.
 Transverse (Horizontal)—runs horizontally
from right to left, dividing the body into
superior & inferior parts.