Download Cambiamenti climatici in Friuli Venezia Giulia ENG

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Is climate changing in
Friuli Venezia Giulia?
Climate in FVG
The region has a great
variety of climates and
landscapes: 42.5% of
its surface is made up
of mountains, 19.3%
by hills and the
remaining 38.2% by
the plains situated in
the central areas and
along the coast.
Friuli Venezia
Giulia has a
humid, temperate
climate which
considerably from
one area to
The Alpine System protects it from the direct impact of the rigid
northerly winds, but the region, opening toward the Po Valley, is
influenced by the general circulation of air masses from the west to
the east. Along this direction, the low pressure centers develop and
move, bringing with them thunderstorms and hailstorms, especially
in the summer.
Being open to the Adriatic Sea, the territory
also receives Sirocco winds, that bring with
them heavy rainfalls.
The Karst Plateau has its own
special weather and climate:
the masses of cold air coming
from the east cross over the
low Julian Alps, so this area is
affected by winds coming
from the region of the
The 'Bora', (north-easterly
strong wind), reaches its
maximum intensity in Trieste
and its gulf, with gusts that
sometimes exceed 150 km per
A significant change in the average temperature has
occurred in the last 30/40 years in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
In the past forty years (1961-2000), we have seen a
strongly oscillating trend in average annual
In fact there has been an increase in temperature of 0.5
° C in Trieste and at the same time a slight decrease (of
0.2 ° C) in Udine.
The rise in temperature is
considered, for many
experts, the climate change
to be more concerned about.
Another important change was
the rainfall level.
There have been alternating
periods of very wet and very dry
In 2010 there was an
exceptional rainfall.
We have also observed
variations in the distribution of
annual rainfall.
In last twenty years the Adriatic Sea has been characterised by low
bora but frequent winds from the south, as the Scirocco.
In the past century, the frequency of bora decreased to only 28
days / year.
The periods of shorter duration were around 1925 and from the
1960s onwards.
Sea temperature
Until 1960, the sea had a winter
temperature lower than 7 ° C for
about 30 days a year. Now the winter
temperatures of the sea are lower
than 8 °C but only for about 10 days
a year.
So tropicalization has
occured: that is the
appearance of animal and
plant species from
warmer seas.
In the Adriatic Sea a case of mucilage happened.
Changes in the rivers
From 1910 to 2010, the rivers Isonzo and Tagliamento were
marked by a reduction of the river flow.
Also the temperatures of the rivers changed but they are not
related to environmental temperature
Snow and avalanches
Friuli Venezia Giulia is a snowy region due to the wind
flow from the South and South-West.
From 1980 until 2000 we had a significant drop in
snowfall, however in our region there are still lot of
avalanches, because of the very steep mountain
Is it all men’s fault?
No, climate change has always
existed and is part of the life cycle
of the Earth.
But men surely have contributed
to some aspects of the climate
Giada Pandolfo, Marica Tridico, Elena Dabir