Download Sci App Day 5 Notes on axes of plane

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Sci App Day 5
Notes on axes of plane
The vertical axis is called the Yaw axis.
The lateral axis is called the Pitch axis.
The longitudinal axis is called the Roll axis.
Ailerons and flaps are on the wing. Flaps are inside the aileron and help the aileron
to change the air flow over the wing. This controls the longitudinal axis or the roll
axis. This axis is a line from the nose to tail.
Ailerons down, inceases lift. wing goes up
Ailerons up, decreases lift.  wing goes down
Turning the wheel left causes the left aileron to go up and the right aileron to go
down. Lowering one aileron and raising the other aileron will cause the plane to roll
on the lateral axis. It will cause the wing on the raised aileron side to drop and the
wing on the raised side will go up so the roll is completed.
The rudder is the vertical flap in the tail. The rudder is operated by pedals. Turning
the rudder to the right cause the airplane nose to turn to the right due to the air that
the rudder deflects. This axis is the vertical axis or the yaw axis. The plane stays in
the same plane but the nose can be turned to the right or left. This axis is along a
line from below the airplane to above the plane.
The elevators are on the horizontal flaps on the tail section. If the elevator is raised,
lift is reduced and the tail goes down so the nose goes up. This is the lateral axis or
the pitch axis.
If the elevators are lowered, lift increases, the tail goes up and the nose goes down.
This motion is controlled by pulling the wheel, joy stick back, elevators move
upward, tail moves downward and nose goes upward.
Wheel pushed forward, elevators move downward, tail moves upward and nose
Using more than one control at a time can cause multiple twists and turns in the
flight pattern.