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Minor Tooth Movements Using
Microimplant Anchorage: Case Reports
Dong-Seok Sohn, DDS, PhD,* Jung-Kwang Lee, DDS,† and Kyung-Mi An, DDS, MSD‡
uccessful orthodontic tooth movement requires stable anchorage.
Anchorage control is one of the
most important aspects of orthodontic
treatment. Traditionally, extraoral
anchorage as with headgear could be
effective, but the use of extraoral anchorage ideally demands full cooperation of the patients as well as having
to wear the appliance more than 12
hours per day of scheduled wearing.
Therefore, it is very difficult to undertake orthodontic treatment without
compromising anchorage.
For these situations, orthodontic
microimplants can be the best choice.
For years, many dentists and researchers have tried to use dental implants as
orthodontic anchorage. 1–5 Various
types of dental implants have been
chosen for orthodontic anchorage, but
among these types the microimplant is
small enough to place in any area of
alveolar bone.6 The surgical procedure, and removal after treatment, are
The use of microimplants as orthodontic anchorage has broadened
treatment possibilities. Anchorage
control with microimplants has become an important part of the clinical
management of orthodontic patients.
Microimplants provide orthodontic
clinicians with several advantages,
e.g., the elimination of interarch mechanics for correcting sagittal discrepancies, the reduction of treatment
*Associate Professor, Chair, Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Daegu Catholic University, Daegu,
Republic of Korea.
†Resident, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Daegu Catholic University, Daegu, Republic of Korea.
‡Clinical Instructor, Department of Dentistry and Orthodontics,
Daegu Catholic University Hospital, Daegu, Republic of Korea.
ISSN 1056-6163/08/01701-032
Implant Dentistry
Volume 17 • Number 1
Copyright © 2008 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0b013e318166da1d
For the treatment of extruded or
tipped molars, various conventional
techniques have been used. But those
methods may lead to undesirable
movement of the anchorage units and
lengthen treatment time because of
limited tooth-borne anchorage potential. Introduction of microimplants as
orthodontic anchorage has expanded
treatment possibilities because of their
advantages. Some advantages are a
less complex surgical procedure, decrease in cost, immediate loading, and
their ability to be placed in any area of
the alveolar bone. This article will illustrate clinical experiences in
patients who were treated with the
intrusion of overerupted molars, the
up-righting of tilted molars, and
other clinical applications for minor
tooth movements. Anchorage control
was achieved with the surgical insertion of titanium microimplants for
immediate loading in the alveolar
bone. When needed, minimal fixed
appliances were used and orthodontic treatment was completed without
any other complications. (Implant
Dent 2008;17:32–39)
Key Words: microimplant, molar
intrusion, minor tooth movement,
time, the simplification of treatment
mechanics, the correction of midline
discrepancies without interarch mechanics, and the ability to move entire
quadrants rather than individual teeth.
Orthodontic space closure in the mandibular arch by protraction, space
gaining with molar distalization, obtaining interarch space with molar intrusion, and molar uprighting, arch
constriction are also possible with
This article will present several
cases demonstrating how efficiently
the movement of teeth can be achieved
by microimplants. Each patient was
treated without using full-arch edgewise techniques, but rather using microimplants and a small number of
brackets when needed.
posing teeth were extruded because of
delayed treatment (Fig. 1). The patient
wanted to restore the missing teeth
with implants but the interocclusal
space was insufficient. We planned to
intrude the opposing teeth to regain
the appropriate interocclusal space9
for prosthesis.
Dental implants (Seven; MIS Implants Technologies Ltd., Shlomi, Israel) were placed in the edentulous
areas of maxilla and mandible. To correct for supereruption of the maxillary
left first and second molars, 2 microimplants (Anchor Plus; KJ Meditech
Co., Ltd, Kwangju, Korea; 1.4 mm in
diameter and 8 mm in length) were
placed on the palatal and buccal surfaces between left first and second
molars of maxilla. 016 ⫻ 022 stainless
steel wire was applied on the buccal
and lingual side and tied with the microimplant using elastic thread. Elastic
thread was tied only from microimplants to the main arch-wire.
For the mandible, 1 buccal and 1
lingual microimplant (Anchor Plus)
Case 1
A 24-year-old female patient lost
her teeth—the first and second molar
of the right maxilla and left mandible—by
accident. The patient visited our clinic
1 year after the accident and her op-
Fig. 1. Initial photographs show extrusion of molars and deficiency of interocclusal space to
reconstruct opposing teeth in case 1. A, Extruded upper left molars; B, Extruded lower right
Fig. 2. After 6 months of treatment, sufficient intrusion is achieved in case 1.
Fig. 3. Missing teeth were rehabilitated with implant-prosthesis in case 1. Posttreatment
panoramic radiograph.
was used for the intrusion of an extruded lower right first molar and second molar. A small piece of 016 ⫻
022 stainless steel rectangular wire
was bonded on the occlusal surface of
the right mandibular secondary molar,
which was extended to the occlusal
surface of right first molar. The stainless steel wire was bonded only to the
second molar by acrylic resin, and the
first molar was not bonded to permit
individual tooth movement. Then,
elastic thread was connected buccolingually across the wire bonded on the
occlusal surface.
After 3 months, slight intrusion
was observed. Satisfactory intrusion
had been achieved to facilitate a dental
implant prosthesis in 6 months (Fig.
2). The edentulous area was restored
prosthodontically (Fig. 3). Approximately 3 mm intrusion of the upper
and lower molars was observed.
Case 2
A 57-year-old male patient who
was experiencing severe adult periodontitis visited our clinic for a consult about the restoration of his left
maxillary posterior edentulous area.
Severe adult periodontitis caused the
extraction of the left maxillary posterior teeth and the supereruption of the
left mandibular posterior teeth (Fig.
4). First of all, to treat chronic periodontitis, general periodontal procedures, i.e., scaling, curettage, and flap
operations, were performed. After
evaluating the patient’s periodontal
health condition, it was planned for
the patient to get treatment of the extruded teeth to achieve the available
interocclusal space for implant prosthesis. One buccal and 1 lingual microimplant (Anchor Plus) was used to
correct the overerupted lower left first
Fig. 4. Overerupted molars on the left mandible
are shown for case 2 on clinical photograph.
Fig. 5. After 6 months, the satisfactory interocclusal space was obtained in case 2.
Fig. 6. Final restorations were placed in case 2.
and second molars. Before we started
to intrude the molars, those teeth were
almost in contact on the left maxillary
posterior edentulous ridge according
to the intraoral view. Brackets were
bonded to buccal and lingual surfaces
of the left first and second molars on
mandible. 016 ⫻ 022 stainless steel
wire was adjusted, and elastic thread
was used to tie from the microimplant
to wire.
Six months after intrusion, a sufficient interocclusal space was
achieved for the prosthodontic treatment of upper molars (Fig. 5).
Three dental implants (Ankylos;
Friadent GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) were placed on left maxillary
edentulous area with a direct sinus
bone graft. At the same time when the
Fig. 10. Initial intraoral photograph of case 4.
Fig. 11. Microimplant (AbsoAnchor; Dentos Inc., Daegu, Korea; 1.4 mm in diameter and 6 mm
in length) and canine got a rigid connection in case 4. L-loop arch wire (016 ⫻ 022 TMA) was
applied for uprighting premolar.
Fig. 7. Initial intraoral photograph of case 3.
Note the lingually tilted lower right second
Fig. 8. One microimplant (Microscrew; OsteoMed Corp., Dallas, TX; 1.4 mm in diameter and 6 mm in length) was placed at buccal
alveolar bone of case 3. Elastic thread was
connected between microimplant and lingual
Fig. 9. After 8 months of orthodontic treatment (case 3).
sutures were removed, microimplants
were removed. In comparison between
pretreatment and posttreatment, approximately 4 mm intrusion of the
lower left first molar and the second
molar was observed. The final implant
prosthesis was placed after 4 months
(Fig. 6).
Case 3
A 17-year-old man was referred
by his private dentist for evaluation
and treatment of the lower right second molar that was tilted lingually
(Fig. 7).
One microimplant (Microscrew;
OsteoMed Corp., Dallas, TX; 1.4 mm
in diameter and 6 mm in length) was
placed in the buccal alveolar bone of
the second molar, and elastomeric
thread was connected from the microimplant to the buccal button (Fig. 8).
After 3 months, uprighting of the second
molar was achieved, and the microimplant was removed. But the second
molar was still positioned under the
condition of infraocclusion. Therefore, buccal brackets and orthodontic
016 ⫻ 022 stainless steel wire were
used to correct the position of the
tooth. Orthodontic treatment was completed and the second molar seemed to
be in harmony with the adjacent teeth
in only 8 months (Fig. 9).
Case 4
A 38-year-old man was referred
from his private dental clinic for consultation regarding reconstruction of
missing teeth. In the right mandible,
the patient had a medially tilted second premolar (Fig. 10) and he wanted
to save the tooth with dental implant
placement at the first premolar area.
But, because there was little space at
the first premolar area with tipped
lower second premolar, distal uprighting of second premolar was planned.
But the anchor that was needed for
distal movement of the tooth was absent in the posterior area. In addition,
this was not a favorable condition to
place a dental implant or microimplant
for anchorage because a bone graft
was performed on the edentulous area.
So, 1 microimplant (AbsoAnchor,
Dentos Inc., Daegu, Korea; 1.4 mm in
diameter and 6 mm in length) was
placed in labial alveolar bone between
right lateral incisor and canine. Microimplant and canine got a rigid connection
to use the canine as indirect anchorage
(Fig. 11). Buccal brackets were bonded
on the canine and second premolar. And
L-loop arch wire, which was made of
rectangular wire (016 ⫻ 022 TMA),
was applied for uprighting the second
premolar. After 4 months of orthodontic
treatment, the sufficient interdental
space between the lower right canine
and second premolar for implant placement was retrieved.
Case 5
A 31-year-old woman visited our
hospital for evaluating the discomfort
of upper right first premolar. There
was severe dental caries on the first
premolar of right maxilla and the second premolar was positioned palatally
(Fig. 12). Because of severe caries,
saving the right first premolar was
deemed to be impossible. The treatment plan was to extract the decayed
tooth and align the ectopic second premolar orthodontically.
At 1 week after extracting the upper left first premolar, microimplant
(AbsoAnchor) was placed at the labial
alveolar bone between right lateral incisor and canine. Rigid connection between microimplant and canine was
established and the canine was used as
indirect anchorage. Buccal brackets
were bonded to upper left canine and
first molar. After initial leveling using
nickel-titanium wire, rectangular 016 ⫻
022 stainless steel wire was applied for
traction of second premolar using elastic thread (Fig. 13). Nine months after
treatment, the second premolar was in
Fig. 12. Initial intraoral photograph of case 5.
Fig. 13. Rigid connection between microimplant (AbsoAnchor; Dentos Inc., Daegu, Korea; 1.48 mm in diameter and 6 mm in length)
and canine was established in case 5. Rectangular stainless steel wire was applied for
traction of second premolar using elastic
Fig. 14. In case 5, 9 months after treatment,
the second premolar was in proper position
and the treatment is in progress to close the
space between the canine and premolar.
proper position and the treatment is in
progress to close the space between
canine and premolar (Fig. 14).
Anchorage control10 has been considered an important factor in the success
of orthodontic treatments. To provide
acceptable anchorage, the use of endosseous implants has been suggested.
After Brånemark and co-workers11,12
reported the successful osseointegration of implants in human bone, clinicians became interested in the use of
implants as a form of orthodontic anchorage. There have been many studies to evaluate the possibility of endosseous implants and screws as orthodontic
anchorage.3,12–17 In 1994, Roberts et al
presented the clinical application of an
implant which was placed in the mandibular retromolar area and used to
close the extracted lower molar space.15
Umemori et al18 reported the use and
treatment of surgical miniplates in
open-bite cases. Recently, Kanomi8
and Costa et al19 introduced the use of
titanium miniscrews as orthodontic
The use of an osseointegrated
dental implant for orthodontic anchorage has been limited by space, cost,
and the long waiting time for osseointegration.20 On the other hand,
microimplant has many advantages
such as small size, easy application,
less cost, and a short interval between
placement and force application.
Microimplants can be used not
only in the intrusion of teeth, but also
in extensive retraction, entire arch retraction, protraction, molar distalization, molar uprighting and correcting
scissors bite. Even though it is not
possible to get 100% success rate of
microimplants, we must give careful
consideration to the morphology of
root, location of the microimplant, its
size and path of insertion, and the
quality of the overlying soft tissue. We
may then approximate 100% success
rate.21 In this study, there were no failures of microimplants, nor were there
any other complications.
In 3 cases of intruding overerupted
molars, the intrusion force was applied
on both the buccal and lingual sides,
so the force was able to pass through
the center of resistance and no tipping
of the molars was observed.
In case 2, though the patient had
experienced severe adult periodontitis,
there was no periodontal relapse or
bone loss after completing the molar
intrusion. There are controversies
about the intrusion of periodontally involved teeth,22–27 but in some reports
authors concluded that if the inflammation would be well controlled, intrusion of teeth would not result in loss
of the marginal bone level.28 So it was
concluded that microimplants are a
very fascinating device for intrusion of
supererupted teeth even if the patient
has had periodontal disease.
In cases 4 and 5, the canine was
used as anchorage with wire attached
to a microimplant. This type of stabilization is called “indirect anchorage”.13 Stabilizing the canine allowed
movement of a malpositioned or
tipped tooth without any movement of
the other teeth.
The result of orthodontic treatment shows a satisfactory amount of
tooth movement using the microimplants without any observed side
In all cases, it was possible to treat
the patients by using microimplants
without full-arch edgewise technique.
Also, patients were satisfied with the
more invisible treatment compared
with conventional full arch technique
or other intraoral appliances.
To achieve absolute orthodontic
anchorage has been a goal of most
orthodontic clinicians, and, using the
microimplants have given us the most
effective, powerful way to get the anchorage we want to achieve. Therefore, application of microimplants will
make the treatment procedure easier. It
is one of the most useful methods to
provide absolute orthodontic anchorage.
The authors claim to have no financial interest, directly or indirectly,
in any entity that is commercially related to the products mentioned in this
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Reprint requests and correspondence to:
Kyung-Mi An, DDS, MSD
Department of Dentistry and Orthodontics
Daegu Catholic University Hospital
3056-6 Daemyung 4-Dong
Nam-Gu, Daegu
Republic of Korea 705-034
Phone: 82-53-650-4291
Fax: 82-53-622-7067
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract Translations
AUTOR(EN): Dong-Seok Sohn, Jung-Kwang Lee,
Kyung-Mi An. Schriftverkehr: Kyung-Mi An, DDS, MSD,
Abteilung für Zahnheilkunde und Orthodontie (Dept. of
Dentistry and Orthodontics), Daegu katholisches Universitätshospital (Daegu Catholic University Hospital), 3056-6
Daemyung 4-Dong, Nam-Gu, Daegu, Republik von Korea
705-034. Telefon: 82-53650-4291, Fax: 82-53622-7067,
eMail: [email protected]
Geringfügige Zahnbewegungen durch Anwendung von
Mikroimplantatverankerung; eine Beschreibung von
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Zur Behandlung herausgezogener
oder gekippter Mahlzähne finden verschiedene konventionelle
Techniken Anwendung. Diese Methoden können allerdings
zu unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen in Form von Bewegungen der Ankerelemente führen und die Behandlungsdauer
aufgrund des begrenzten zahneigenen Verankerungspotentials erhöhen. Die Einführung von Mikroimplantaten als
Gebissverankerungsmöglichkeiten führte aufgrund der vielen
Vorteile zu einer Erweiterung der Behandlungsoptionen.
Einige Vorteile sind in der bei weitem weniger komplexen
Struktur des chirurgischen Vorgehens, der Reduzierung der
Behandlungskosten, der Option der unmittelbaren Belastung
sowie der Möglichkeit der Einpflanzung in jedem beliebigen
Bereich des Alveolarknochens zu finden. Dieser Artikel wird
die klinischen Erfahrungen bei Patienten beleuchten, die mit
der Intrusion zu weit durchgebrochener Mahlzähne, der
Aufrichtung geneigter Mahlzähne sowie anderen klinischen
Anwendungen zur Behandlung kleinerer Zahnbewegungen
behandelt wurden. Eine Verankerungskontrolle wurde durch
die chirurgische Einpflanzung von Mikroimplantaten aus
Titan in das alveolare Knochengewebe erzielt. Eine unmittelbare Belastung wurde hierbei vorgenommen. Sofern erforderlich wurden minimale feste Apparaturen verwendet und
die zahnmedizinische Behandlung konnte ohne weitere
Komplikationen erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden.
SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: Mikroimplantat, molare Intrusion,
minimale Zahnbewegungen, Verankerung
AUTOR(ES): Dong-Seok Sohn, Jung-Kwang Lee,
Kyung-Mi An. Correspondencia a: Kyung-Mi An, DDS,
MSD, Dept. of Dentistry and Orthodontics, Daegu Catholic
University Hospital, 3056-6 Daemyung 4-Dong, Nam-Gu,
Daegu, Republic of Korea 705-034. Teléfono: 82-53-6504291,
[email protected]
Movimientos menores del diente usando sujetadores con
microimplantes: Informes de casos
ABSTRACTO: Para el tratamiento de molares extrudidos o
inclinados, se han usado varias técnicas convencionales. Pero
dichos métodos podrı́an llevar a movimientos no deseados de
las unidades sujetadoras y prolongar el perı́odo de tratamiento
debido al potencial limitado del sujetador del diente. La
introducción de microimplantes como sujetadores de ortodoncia, ha expandido las posibilidades de tratamiento debido a
sus muchas ventajas. Algunas ventajas son un procedimiento
quirúrgico menos complicado, reducción en el costo, carga
inmediata, y la capacidad de ser colocados en cualquier lugar
del hueso alveolar. Este artı́culo ilustrará las experiencias
clı́nicas en pacientes que fueron tratados con la intrusión de
molares con sobreerupción, el enderezamiento de molares
inclinados y otras aplicaciones clı́nicas en los movimientos
menores del diente. Se logró el control del sujetador con la
colocación quirúrgica de microimplantes de titanio para la
carga inmediata en el hueso alveolar. Cuando fue necesario,
se usaron aparatos fijos mı́nimos y tratamiento de ortodoncia
sin ninguna otra complicación.
PALABRAS CLAVES: microimplante, intrusión molar,
movimiento menor del diente, sujetador
AUTOR(ES): Dong-Seok Sohn, Jung-Kwang Lee,
Kyung-Mi An. Correspondência para: Kyung-Mi An, DDS,
MSD, Dept. of Dentistry and Orthodontics, Daegu Catholic
University Hospital, 3056-6 Daemyung 4-Dong, Nam-Gu,
Daegu, Republic of Korea 705-034. Telefone: 82-53-6504291, Fax: 82-53-622-7067,E-mail: [email protected]
Movimentos Dentários Menores Usando-se Ancoragem de
Microimplante; Relatos de Caso
RESUMO: Para o tratamento de molares projetados ou pontudos, diversas técnicas convencionais foram usadas. Mas
esses métodos podem levar ao movimento indesejável das
unidades de ancoragem e prolongar o tempo de tratamento
por causa do limitado potencial de ancoragem nascido no
dente. A introdução de microimplantes como ancoragem ortodôntica expandiu as possibilidades de tratamento devido a
suas muitas vantagens. Algumas vantagens são um procedimento cirúrgico menos complexo, diminuição do custo, carga
imediata e sua capacidade de serem colocados em qualquer
área do osso alveolar. Este artigo ilustrará experiências clı́ni-
cas em pacientes que foram tratados com a intrusão de
molares supernascidos, o aprumo de molares inclinados e
outras aplicações clı́nicas para movimentos dentários menores. O controle da ancoragem foi obtido com a inserção
cirúrgica de microimplantes de titânio para carga imediata no
osso alveolar. Quando necessário, aparelhos fixos mı́nimos
foram usados e o tratamento ortodôntico foi completado sem
nenhuma outra complicação.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: microimplante, intrusão do molar,
movimento dentário menor, ancoragem
О: Dong-Seok Sohn, Jung-Kwang Lee, Kyung-Mi
An. дс дл кос
од: Kyung-Mi An, DDS,
MSD, Dept. of Dentistry and Orthodontics, Daegu Catholic
University Hospital, 3056 – 6 Daemyung 4-Dong, Nam-Gu,
Daegu, Republic of Korea 705– 034. лфо: 82–53- 6504291, Фкс: 82–53- 622-7067, дс лкоо
о: [email protected]
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YAZARLAR: Dong-Seok Sohn, Jung-Kwang Lee, Kyung-Mi
An. Yazýþma için: Kyung-Mi An, DDS, MSD, Dept. of Dentistry and Orthodontics, Daegu Catholic University Hospital,
3056 – 6 Daemyung 4-Dong, Nam-Gu, Daegu, Republic of
Korea 705– 034. Telefon: 82–53- 650-4291, Faks: 82–53622-7067. E-posta: [email protected]
Mikro Ýmplant Ankrajý Kullanýlarak Minör Diþ
Hareketleri: Olgu Raporlarý
ÖZET: Ekstrüde olmuş ya da yatık azı dişlerinin tedavisinde
çeşitli geleneksel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Ancak bu yöntemler,
ankraj ünitelerinin istenmeyen bir şekilde hareketine yol açabildiği gibi, sınırlı diş üzeri ankraj potansiyeli nedeniyle tedavi
süresinin uzamasına da yol açabilir. Mikro implantların ortodon-
tik ankraj olarak kullanımı, bunların çeşitli avantajları nedeniyle
tedavi olanaklarını arttırmıştır. Avantajların bazıları arasında,
daha az düzeyde karmaşık bir cerrahi prosedürü, düşük maliyet,
hemen yükleme ve alveolar kemiğin herhangi bir yerine yerleştirilebilme olanağı sayılabilir. Bu yazının amacı, aşırı derecede
erüpsiyon gösteren azı dişlerinin intrüzyonu, eğik molarların
dikleştirilmesi ve minör diş hareketleri için diğer klinik uygulamalar için tedavi görmüş hastalardaki klinik deneyimleri anlatmaktır. Ankraj kontrolü, titanyum mikro implantların alveolar
kemiğe hemen yükleme için cerrahi yöntemle yerleştirilmesi ile
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerektiğinde minimum düzeyde sabit aletler
kullanılmış ve ortodonti tedavisi başka herhangi bir komplikasyon olmadan tamamlanmıştır.
ANAHTAR KELÝMELER: mikro implant, molar intrüzyonu, minör diçs hareketi, ankraj