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AP Thematic Project: Year 2002, Group 1
Lashawn Taylor
 Thematic Essay: Describe and analyze the differences in the
ways in which artist and writers portrayed the individual
during the Italian Renaissance and the Romantic era of the
late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
 Critical Trigger Words: Analyze (show trends). Describe (
detail). Differences (contrast). Artist and writers (creative
individuals). Renaissance and the Romantic era.
 Two Step Direction Phrase: I will first describe
differences during the Italian Renaissance and analyze the
differences artist and writers are portrayed during the
Renaissance and the Romantic era.
NF: Focus on the
Romantic Era
and their writers
and artists.
BP: Italian
writers: Petrarch,
and the
Dir: Direct the
reader into the
artistical and
aspects of the
Introduction Part#2
 Throughout History, we learn that while some eras may
have similar causes and effects to it, others may have
quite a few differences as well. The Italian Renaissance
and the Romantic Era are two areas of the late 18th and
early 19th century that although have a few similarities,
they also have a few differences too. Both in the Italian
Renaissance and the Romantic Era, the writers and
artists often portrayed and expressed their gratitude for
the art of their century in different ways. Shifting our
focus, we will see how the writers and artists in the
Italian Renaissance view their art and the whole concept
of Humanism.
Body One
Talk about
Petrarch and the
whole concept of
being “ Father of
Machiavelli and
the book he
wrote, “The
Focus: how
writers felt
Narrow it down
to the Medici
Family and start
to introduce
Body Paragraph One ext.
 In the Italian Renaissance, Petrarch helped popularize the
notion that Italy was entering a new age of learning and
individualism. Petrarch, while famously known as the “Father
of Humanism” we see how differently he writes and think
intellectually than those of the Romantic Era. In addition,
Humanists during the Renaissance focus on their attention on
the here and now and less of the after world. Lastly,
Humanists focused on the individual and learning of human
affairs. Machiavelli, another Italian Renaissance writer wrote
the Prince. Machiavelli’s writings and ideas on the
Renaissance endorsed citizen militias and republican
government. For the Medici Family, they promoted and
advocated civic humanism which served as an individual
virtue and public service.
Body Two
Detail and analyze
Leonardo da Vinci
and his great skill in
conveying moods
through complex
facial expressions.
Michaelangelo and
the 8 foot sculpture
of David
Discuss the
availability of oil
paints and the use
of shading.
Focus: on
the specific
art in the
Body Paragraph two ext.
 Renaissance artists were helped by the development of new
technical skills during the 15th century. The availability of oil
paints, the use of shading to enhance naturalness, and the
adjustment of the site of figures to give the viewer a feeling of
continuity with the painting. These techniques enabled the
artist to portray space realistically and to paint a mere natural
world. Leonardo da Vinci exhibited the Renaissance ideal of
the universal person. He had great skill in conveying moods
through complex facial expressions. Michaelangelo, another
Renaissance artist created an 8 foot sculpture of David which
stood as a perfect example of Renaissance devoting to
harmony, symmetry, and proportion. They mark artistically
and physically the passing of High Renaissance painting.
Body Three
Discuss Johann
Wolfgang von
Goethe and E.T. A
Contrast the
differences of
Romantic writers
and artists and also
Italian Renaissance
writers and artists.
Introduce John
Constable and his
landscape paintings
Body Paragraph three ext.
 Romantic writers and artists saw the imagination and
intuitive intellectual faculty supplementing reason to perceive
and understand the world. Many of them urged a revival of
Christianity. The Romantics liked the art, literature, and
architecture of medieval times. They were also deeply
interested in folklore, folksongs, and fairy tales. Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe, one of the Romantic writers wrote, The
Sorrows of Young Writers. His work had a seminal influence
in developing a unifying sense of nationalism. E.T.A Hoffman,
however, was darker in its motifs and has gothic elements.
John Constable, a Renaissance artist, is known for drawing
his landscape paintings. He did the Dedham Vale which
included dark gothic colors, and tall green trees that portrayed
a gloomy neo-classical appearance to it.
Sum up all the
thoughts and last
additions to the
essay/project about
the Renaissance
and Romanticism.
Close off the
leaving the reader
with a few big
points and ideas.
Discuss what occurs
next after the era of
the Romanticism
Looking ahead... In
the future centuries
we will see for the
Italian Renaissance,
The Protestant
Reformation and the
Age of the Religious
 Looking ahead, The Italian Renaissance declined and
fell during the 16th century. Thus, this added to the
beginning of the Protestant Reformation and the Age
of Religious Wars. When the era of Romanticism
ended it branched out a new and modern era in
which, sadly, contrasted to the views of
Romanticism. The Italian Renaissance and the
Romanticism era differed simply because the Italian
Renaissance were more focused on the individual,
the body, and light colors. While in the Romantic era
they focused more on the gothic view of things, and
dark and gloomy colors.
 Petrarch, Machiavelli – Italian Renaissance writers
Artists in the Renaissance helped the development of
new technical skills.
Romantic writers and artists saw the imagination and
supplementing reason to perceive and understand the
John Constable- dark, gloomy, gothic colors.