Download Tips to Help Fight Off Cold and Flu and to Help Recover Faster

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Helpful Tips for Cold and Flu Season
 Taking Vitamin D at a dose of 8000IU/day has shown to help prevent infection.
 Taking Vitamin C in higher concentrations speeds recovery and helps to prevent infection when taken
 Taking Zinc at a dose of 50-65mg/day has shown ability to enhance recovery
 Those who consume 1-5 cups of green tea per day tend to have fewer infections. Steep the green tea
yourself, drink it hot, and add cinnamon if you like. Avoid processed and bottled green teas.
 Yes, chicken soup does help speed recovery from cold and flu. In particular, homemade chicken soup,
not the canned variety. When making the soup, use plenty of spices like pepper, oregano, and garlic.
These spices help to boost the immune systems function.
 Ensure you get enough rest. Inadequate rest weakens the immune system and makes a person more
susceptible to infection.
 Exercise at a moderate level 3-5 times per week. Moderate exercise has shown the ability to
strengthen the immune system.
 Reduce the stress in your life, and find better ways to deal with stressful situations. Higher levels of
stress can weaken the immune system.
 Use fresh herbs and spices when you cook to boost your immune system. Basil, oregano, garlic,
turmeric, red chili, cloves, and cinnamon are all great examples that can be used daily.
 Eating certain foods like mushrooms, organic veggies and eggs, and grass-fed beef all help to fuel and
strengthen the immune system.
 Avoiding processed foods high in sugar or carbohydrates also helps to fight off cold and flu. Too
much sugar devastates the natural flora (bacteria) in your digestive tract, thus making you more
susceptible to bacterial invasion.