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CSC 554: Advanced Database Management
Course Description
In this class, we will discuss concepts, technologies, guiding principles, processes and best
practices in managing database environment to meet high availability, scalability, and compliance
needs. Organizations with business critical applications must reduce their risk of downtime,
manage database environment efficiently and ensure data meets compliance requirements
effectively. IT now has additional responsibilities to secure and manage information in alignment
with legal, records management and regulations.
This class explores methods and techniques to achieve the availability needs and also focuses on
how to protect the database against disasters by maintaining multiple copies of the databases in
separate locations, synchronized in real-time. Students learn to design and manage key business
resumption functions including disaster recovery plans and business continuity plans. Data
governance challenges will be discussed along with solutions including data life cycle management,
preservation, retention, and disposition.
Textbook (optional): Blueprints for High Availability by Evan Marcus and Hal Stern (Wiley Computer
CSC 453 or CSC 454
Database strategy & planning
- Technology capability
- Product roadmap
High availability overview
- Fault tolerance, high availability and scalability concepts
- Business, technology, information, process and people
Storage technologies
- RAID, DAS, NAS, SAN, VTL, etc.
- De-duplication technologies
- Hosting services
Database high availability
- Oracle, SQL Server, etc.
Disaster prevention and recovery
- Database design considerations
Data governance
- Data lifecycle management
- Data classification
- Regulations and compliance
Long term data preservation
- Data retention & disposition