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Haydenbrook Rd Woodrising (PO Box 4006) WOODRISING NSW 2284
Telephone: (02) 4950 5108 Fax : (02) 4959 9299
Email: [email protected]
Dear Service Provider
Can clients hide an addiction from you?
Gambling addiction has been called The Secret Addiction. Although more prolific than
intravenous drug use, the affects of problem gambling are not as visibly obvious as other
addictions and it often goes unnoticed by health and welfare providers. Strongly linked to
anxiety and depression, compulsive gambling is often an unseen element to many
mental health issues.
Answers to this predicament are not always easy. The screening question “Have you
ever had an issue with your gambling?” has been proven to be a useful question for
people with mood disorders and substance abuse. However, research has also shown
that most problem gamblers do not disclose their compulsive gambling even when they
are being assessed for the problem.
If you suspect that gambling as an issue for any of your clients Lake Macquarie Gambling
Counselling Service can help. Funded by the NSW Office of Liquor Gaming & Racing,
our counsellors are qualified to offer specialized treatment to problem gamblers and their
The service also offers education to health and community organizations on identifying
and assisting problem gamblers. Screening questions and strategies are given to
improve assessment in this area.
Counselling is provided through a holistic, eclectic framework aimed to empower, support
and challenge the client towards taking control of their situation. Judy and Sandra offer
practical solutions such as Self-exclusion from gaming areas along with therapeutic
The service operates between the hours of 8.30 and 4.00 Monday to Friday from
Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre, Haydenbrook Road Woodrising (inside the
Woodrising Shopping Centre car park) offering:
 Strategies to control or cease gambling
 Assistance with problems caused by gambling, including Financial, Family
and Relationship Counselling
 Assistance with the contributing factors of compulsive gambling
 Referral to free legal representation for problem gambling matters.
If you would like more information, or if you would like to make a referral to our service
please call 4950 5108.
Yours sincerely
Judy Wiersma
Funded by Office of Fair Trading & Responsible Gambling Fund