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New Aspects on the Dental Amalgam Controversy
Abstract: In a new Hypothesis Mercury released from dental amalgam fillings is suggested as a
possible cancer trigging agent.
Introduction : Ever since dental amalgam fillings was introduced in Europe and in the US
more than 150 years ago there has been a controversy because of the mercury (Hg) content of
“silver amalgam”. Mercury was a well known poisonous element even in the 1830-th . Hg is
the dominating ingredient of amalgam ( 50% (w/w) mercury and 50% of an alloy containing
silver, tin , copper and sometimes zinc) .
From the start the dental profession claimed that dental amalgam was a stable compound in
the mouth .It was not until in the 1920-th that the eminent German chemist Alfred Stock – after
improving the methods of chemical analysis – could scientifically prove that dental amalgam
fillings were continuously leaking mercury – i.e. that silver amalgam was not a stable compound.
After that set-back the dental profession was forced to change strategy : The new message was
that the Hg-amounts released from dental amalgam were too small to create a threat to the health.
The body burden of accumulated Hg rather originated from environmental sources ( food , air
, water ) than from amalgam fillings ! But – contrary to this statement – investigations have
revealed that Hg from amalgam is the dominant source of Hg in patients with amalgam fillings
. Of a total excretion of 60-70 micrograms Hg /day in these patients only 2-3 micrograms were
derived from air , water and food (1) !
Several investigations confirm the release of mercury from amalgam fillings (2,3 ) and it is
generally accepted that Hg is accumulated in the human body – in kidneys ,lever , brain , etc
- and that metallic mercury is transported to the child via the placenta and breast milk (4,5) .
In a small country as Sweden ( ca. 8,5 million.1988 ) the use of dental amalgam has ceased from
6-10 tons a year in the 1980-th to ca.200 kg in 2007 – although the stuff is still approved by
the authorities . In 1988 a total of 40 – 60 tons of Hg was calculated to be stored in the teeth of
the Swedish population !These quantities of implanted mercury gives a hint of the proportions
of the amalgam problem .
Although mercury is considered a heavy poison for all kinds of living organisms some
scientists still claim that dental amalgam is harmless in the mouth – but – when excreted or after
cremation – it transforms into a poison again . The logic is not obvious !
In a recent German study from Munich (6) the authors try to paint a harmless picture of
dental amalgam stating a series of “successful” treatments of health complaints attributed to
amalgam. The complaints of the “amalgam-sick” patients were headaches, fatigue , problem to
concentrate etc. The article may be regarded a contribution to avoid a total prohibition of Hg
in the EU , but it makes no difference concerning the eventual danger using dental amalgam in
In 2000 K Warfvinge(7) – University of Lund , Sweden – presented a study on pregnant
monkeys exposed to mercury vapour .In the study mercury was detected in the cells – in the
Cytoplasm - of both neonatal and adult monkey .That discovery was a turning – point in my
speculating on the consequences of the use of amalgam in dentistry .
New Hypothesis :Until then we had considered the effects of dental amalgam
mainly depending on an increasing number of free radical reactions with rather unspecific
consequences and mercury reacting with sulphur in proteins affecting the function of enzymes
and signal substances. But now - when mercury has been located in the cell – we have to
consider an eventual Cancer genetic effect on the Genes and /or an inhibition of the ultimate cell
defence mechanism – the programmed suicide of the cell – the Apoptosis : Mercury as a possible
trigger agent in the development of Cancer . It is clear according to Cancer genetic Science that
poisonous substances after penetration of the cell membrane may cause damage on the
chromosomes .
Discussion: Too many a scientist has played the role of counsel for the defence in the
amalgam case . By concentrating the attention on the levels of Hg in blood and urine
and neglecting the importance both of the Hg excreted via faeces and the Hg deposited in cells
and tissues the total mercury exposure has been underestimated . Since Cancer has developed
rather explosively during the twentieth century – especially in the western world .My question :
Is there a pattern coinciding with the use of amalgam ?
I demand the eventual Cancer genetic effects of mercury accumulated in the cell
Cytoplasm to be seriously concerned and eventual connections thoroughly investigated .
Especially regarding cancer of the lungs – the combination of smoke and mercury vapour
from Amalgam fillings - and cancer in the brain - but also in leukaemia in the child after
amalgam filling therapy on the pregnant mother – there must be a considerable risk
Even if all of the mercury exposure does not emigrate from amalgam fillings – in
amalgam treated patients it is the predominant part!
Consequences : In order to further investigate this hypothesis , tumours should be analyzed on
their content of mercury and there should be made investigations on any eventual demographic
correlation in the use of dental amalgam and the appearance of cancer. Hg and Hg compounds
are already abandoned in medical and agricultural practice .I expect a similar evolution to take
place in dentistry.
Bengt Fredin
(1) I.Skare,A.Engquist (1992).Dental Amalgam fillings are a considerable source of Heavy
Metal Exposure .Läkartidningen.89,s.1299-1301)
(2)Fredin, B.(1987).The distribution of mercury in various tissues of Guineapigs after application
of dental amalgam fillings ( A pilot study ).
Sci Tot Environ . 66, s 263 - 268.
(3)Fredin, B.(1994).Studies on the mercury release from dental amalgam fillings. Int J Risk&
Safety Med . 4, s 197-208
(4)Vimy,Lorscheider et al.(1997).Mercury from Maternal “Silver” Tooth Fillings in Sheep and
Human Breast Milk. Biol.Trace Elem.Res.56.s143-152.
(5)Jianming Yang et al.(1997).Maternal-fetal Transfer of Metallic Mercury Via the Placenta and
Milk. Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science.27.2.s135-141.
(6) Melchart,Vogt et al(2008)Treatment of Health Complaints Attributed to Amalgam. JDentRes
(7)Warfvinge,K (2000).Mercury Distribution in the Neonatal and Adult Cerebellum after
Mercury Vapor Exposure of Pregnant Squirrel Monkeys. Environ.Res.83,93-101.