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Business Daily
Date: 27.06.2016
Page 29
Article size: 192 cm2
ColumnCM: 42.66
AVE: 81066.66
How to effectively reach
out to consumers
on digital platforms
Consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable will come to expect tools that know them and share data with
with tools that share data about them in order to other tools to produce an anticipatory environment.
automate an experience. Think of the data shared
between Amazon's Alexa and Google's Nest to allow a con­
sumer to turn up the heat by simply speaking a voice com­
mand. That kind of sharing is permitted by consumers
because they value the ability of data sharing to close the
gap between thought and action.
Approximately 40 per cent of consumers today are either
high comfort or comfort consumers — and those numbers
are growing. Interestingly, these consumers are not nec­
essarily early adopters. Though they are more likely to be
younger, Hispanic and African­American men, they don't
fit one demographic.
And here's the rub. While you're busy working on your
omni­channel strategy, you should know that consumers
are moving on to the next thing—their own personal data
ecosphere. The shift in consumer attitudes toward shar­
ing data with connected devices is the most important
shift in digital consumption since the advent of mobility.
It is a big deal for marketers and innovators to be thinking
3. Get permissionfor more datatypes. You can only do
more for your consumer if you have more types of data.
Location, biometric, brand, environmental control
and queue data ­ digital context is made smarter because
of data types. The more you have, the better your tool.
4. Context­aware channels become queues.
Consumers love to start things and then put them
on hold. They multitask and love lots of choices. To
manage that, you need a queue, and you need to leam how
to manage things that are in the queue. All blockbuster tools
have this knowledge. You do not want your brand kicked
out of the consumer's queues.
about. Your brand will need to fit into a new smart world
where app design is secondary to data experience design.
Here are seven truths of digital context that you should be
paying attention to.
1. A context­aware speaker is not a speaker. The reason
consumers will buy a context­aware device like Echo
is because of its ability to do far more than serve up
songs. The same will be true for your company if you are
context­aware. The original job your brand was hired to Knowing
do is an entry point. They expect you will do so much more consumers'
data use
now, because you have the data.
2. Data design replaces app design. Sure, there will is key in
still be apps, just like there are still websites (and pay marketing.
phones in airports). But increasingly, the consumer
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