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2. Star Paths
The Vingilot Programme outlines a new kind of astrology for a new era of
mankind’s relationship with the planet.
You are reminded that for the purposes of this application of astrology we are not
concerned with the perceived ‘influence’ of the stars. Like that of the Tropical Zodiac
itself, stellar influence is the product of thought form on the Mental plane, which
forms a reflecting surface enabling us to see the mind that collectively mankind has
evolved over aeons, and holds the fate that we have spun for ourselves. This is not our
concern here, where we are using the Zodiac simply to locate the Sun and stars. Our
concern is to create a window that lets in the light and energy of worlds higher than
the Mental plane. Making this shift in consciousness from being a passive recipient to
a co-creator is, perhaps the biggest challenge thrown out by this application of
astrology, and indeed, by the whole process that we are calling 2012.
By all means, find out from the conscientious works, which can be accessed on the
Internet what is considered to be the influence of any given star, but the point is that
whatever its nature, it is providing creative force, and this is what we are asking for.
We cannot afford to be timorous about this. Spirit and the opportunities that it
creates must be grasped confidently or not at all.
Of course, the more competent will try to manipulate timings to get what they
consider to be more benign influences working in their projects. This is fair enough
because we are curious creatures, but do not get hung up on it, because it is both a
limitation and an inadequate understanding of creative force, and it will not always be
possible. The nature of the influence is of secondary importance to the fact of creative
force being available, and may prove to have no relevance at all.
It is worth bearing in mind that the shifting pole is creating a new quality of
consciousness amongst mankind, and this new quality of consciousness may perceive
different influences. We are surely ready to go beyond the thought forms created by
Medieval magic and which are still shaping our understanding of the influence of the
The method
Using nominated stars, we create a template, which emulates the function of the
process Third Eye, for us to use before our own head centres are properly open
and functioning, and thereby assist the creative process. This is white magic.
The Third Eye
Worlds Representation
Crown centre
Guiding star
Alta Major centre
Befriending star
Brow centre
Crown to Alta Major centre (or Guiding star to Befriending star) = Life
Brow Centre to Alta Major Centre (or Sun to Befriending star) = Appearance
Crown to Brow Centre (or Guiding Star to Sun) = Quality
The stars should be ascertained through the methods given in Part 1 of this course,
according to the nature of the task for which the higher energy is required, and are
focal points, acting like icons on a computer screen: they represent higher worlds and
provide a mental interface with them.
Star paths
When we are on a journey to an identified destination, we use roads or at least defined
tracks. Rarely do we strike out across country and muddle our way through because it
is not, generally speaking, a good use of time and energy. So it is when we bring
through energy for creation; we provide star paths for it to travel upon, otherwise that
creative force will become dispersed and diffused, siphoned off by a myriad different
things able to use this resource.
Star paths are of two kinds:
1. A single line connecting two points, e.g., one person to another; a person to a
place for the purposes of connection and telepathic communication.
2 Triads for:
• making energy available for a defined and named task.
• personal empowerment for ourselves.
Before engaging with this undertaking consider:
When dealing with Spiritual Will, we need to be impeccable. Calculate the
stars to the best of your ability. Use the shortcut methods only if you
genuinely need to, not simply to save yourself the trouble, which would be
poor intention that would act as a counter force to accessing Will.
It is highly desirable to view the paths you have made in the heavens, by
identifying, if possible, the stars involved, and with your physical sight,
creating thereby a relationship between them. Let this arrangement
communicate to you. For too long astrology has been confined to computer
screens. Transpose the template onto paper, onto wood, or onto the ground,
and meditate upon it so that it can enter your being. This template is Spiritual
Bait (see Part Two Lesson 1).
We can only have so many projects on the go at any one time. It is an aspect
of responsibility to know how many we can nurture at any one time.
If a task is on-going, keep the template and refresh it with conscious attention
from time to time. If a task needs to complete or ends abruptly, consciously
dismantle the template. This too is an aspect of responsibility.
Examples of usage
A single line path connecting two points, e.g., one person to another or a person to a
place for the purposes of connection and telepathic communication. In most cases the
stars used will be the Befriending stars from the Zodiacal plane (declination 23N 23S), which we identify from the birth date of the person in question (if we know it),
or a significant event, which we consider stands for the relationship that we have with
the person or place. In the absence of any other pointer, this will have to be calculated
from the time that we decided that we should make contact.
A template should be created for this single path, and it should be to hand when
thought is being directed to the person or place.
2. Triads draw down energy from higher worlds and feed into a named and defined
task, organisation or project.
The Agent
The agent is the person, frequently the astrologer, who initiates the relationships
between the selected stars and the Sun. The agent acts as the Alta Major centre,
drawing down energy from the Crown centre (Guiding star) by finding a point to this
activity, drawing in energy from the brow centre (Sun) and sending the fusion down
to the throat centre in preparation for use on the physical plane.
In the template the agent is represented by his or her Befriending star. The named
project will have its own Befriending star and Sun placement, based on the date that
the project came into being, or some defining event. These represent the Brow centre.
The Guiding star, which represents the Crown centre, is also that of the project (not
the agent).
The template should be present whenever the project is being discussed, etc.
Mentally, the agent should place the known needs of the project into the frame created
by the three points. Be clear, however, that in using this method we are not asking for
specific outcomes (like more funds, members, etc.), but for the energy,
foresightedness and resourcefulness that will benefit the project in a holistic way.
These qualities are the mark of one with the Third Eye open, and include the ability to
see, if not all ends, further than matters of immediate concern. The agent understands
the point of this kind of magic; but what manifests may not flow through him; his task
may be, rather, to recognise and collect together those things, which manifest
Do not use the triadal method to send energy to individuals until and unless you
are completely sure what you are doing and why you would do it, and have their
permission. The cases in which this application would be appropriate will be few.
More useful will be the creation of a simple path between the respective
Befriending stars.
The triadal method, however, can be used to send energy to groups with a specific
task, in which case the method is similar to that given above: select a date and
ascertain the group’s Guiding star, Befriending star and Sun placement, and draw up
the template as before.
The agent should focus attention upon the Sun and Befriending star and bring to mind
the group’s requirements.
If the agent is not part of that group, this should not be done without the group’s
consent. One cannot wish empowerment on others; it has to be grasped consciously.
Those familiar with sigils, will be able to see the sigil Hismael in these triadal
For personal empowerment
In this case, the template is made up from the Guiding star (representing Crown
centre), Befriending star (representing Alta Major centre), and the Sun placement
(Brow). This is a person’s or organisation’s celestial signature and should be used
freely. It is both useful and decorative, and unlike the birth chart, gives nothing away.
That of the Koruna Educational Project is given below.
The method is not complicated. A template requires conscientious construction, and
when it is done, it requires a quality of time to engage with it, by focusing the mind
upon what it represents. It is this that releases the magic, and those who commit to
planetary service must make time, other wise they are simply indulging an idea, not
grounding it.
Revisions and refinements
As a result of working with students creating their templates, the following
observations are offered:
1. The accuracy of the short cut method to calculating the OP will be enhanced
by the use of more accurate and detailed tables. These are now available in the
Tables section and replace the original table in Part One, lesson 4 (2)
2. The ecliptic belt extends from declination 23.5 North to 23.5 South.
Befriending stars should be located within this belt which marks the limits of
World Three (Suns & Stars of the Milky Way)
3. The Guiding star, by contrast, should have a declination which exceeds it (e.g.,
higher than 23.5degrees N in the Northern hemisphere, and higher than 23.5
degrees S in the Southern hemisphere), placing it thereby in World Two (All
Starry Worlds)
October 2012