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Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease found in some farm animals and household pets.
Cats are a carrier of the disease and could possibly transmit it to humans. Although cats can
transmit the disease, they are not the major source of infection to humans. People are more
likely to pick up toxoplasmosis by handling raw meat, or from gardening in contaminated soil.
Cats can get toxoplasmosis from eating raw meat or prey animals such as mice; and cats
who hunt stand a greater chance of being exposed or infected. Indoor cats that eat commercial
pet food are less likely to get and transmit the disease. In most cases, cats will show no sign of
being infected. However, lethargy, loss of appetite, and fever may indicate early infection with
the disease.
Although the parasite develops in cats, not all cats become infected. Most cats develop
immunity to the disease early in life and it is unlikely they will pass it onto humans. When a cat
is infected, its owner can be exposed when changing the litter box containing infected feces. The
risk can be prevented by cleaning the litter box daily.
People who have contracted toxoplasmosis may exhibit mild, flu-like symptoms.
However, the problem is more serious for pregnant women who have had no previous contact
with toxoplasmosis. The unborn child of a woman infected during pregnancy may develop birth
defects. If you have any questions about human health concerns, please contact your healthcare
provider for more information.
In addition to cats and raw meat, toxoplasmosis can be picked up by working in the
garden or cleaning out children’s sandboxes where there may be cat feces contaminated soil.
Prevention of toxoplasmosis is easy by following these simple steps:
1. Someone other than a pregnant woman should clean the cat litter every day.
Daily cleaning is important since the feces of an infected cat become infectious
after 36-48 hours.
2. Wear rubber, disposable gloves when cleaning the litter box and wash hands
thoroughly afterwards.
3. Feed cats dry, canned, or thoroughly cooked foods. Keep them from hunting.