Download Photosynthesis (Step 1) (Step 1) (Step 1) Energy captured from sun

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Photosynthesis (Step 1) (Step 1) (Step 1)
A. Energy captured from sun
a. Pigments
1. Light absorbing chemicals
2. Certain pigments ABSORB certain colors
3. Chlorophyll main pigment in plants
A. Absorbs blue and red
B. Reflects green and yellow
C. Two types. A. B.
D. Found in chloroplast of plant cell
E. Other pigments
a. Anthocyanins- red and purple
b. Carotenoids- red, orange, and yellow
Allow plant to absorb more light energy.
A. Oxygen created
a. Light excites electrons
b. Electrons are moved to power cell functions
c. Plant breaks down H O to get electrons
d. In process gives off O