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“2nd Industrial Revolution & Age of Imperialism”
– Urbanization, Industrialization, Immigration, and the Rise of
Industry and wealth within our Nation
– U.S. involvement in Hawaii, Philippines, Cuba, Latin America, etc.
“Progressive Reform Era”
** How do we address problems arising from …
industrialization (big business, labor strife)
urbanization (slums, political machines, corruption)
immigration (ethnic diversity)
inequality & social injustice (women & racism)
How did the Spanish-American War
contribute to the United States
becoming an imperialist nation?
Battle of Manila Bay, Philippines
May 1,
Spanish fleet
defeated in a
matter of
hours; no U.S.
killed sailors.
Battle of San Juan Hill, Cuba
July 1,
Take the hills
surrounding the Port
of Santiago
Battle of Santiago, Cuba
July 3,
Spanish fleet
Harbor and
is destroyed.
Annexing the Philippines – President William
McKinley telling of how he came to the decision
• What are the reasons President William McKinley
decides annex the Philippines, (based upon his prayer of
November 21, 1899)?
– “I walked the floor of the White House night after night until midnight, and
I am not ashamed to tell you, gentlemen, that I went down on my knees
and prayed to God Almighty for light and guidance more than one night.
And one night late it came to me this way – I don’t know how it was, but it
came. One, that we could not give the Philippines back to Spain – that
would be cowardly and dishonorable. Two, that we could not turn them
over to France or Germany – our commercial rivals in the Orient – that
would be bad business and discreditable. Three, that we could not leave
them to themselves – they were unfit for self-government – and they
would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain’s was.
And, four, that there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and
to educate the Filipinos, and uplift them and civilize and Christianize them
Philippine-American War, 1899 - 1902
* U.S. sent 126,000 American soldiers sent
to the Philippines.
* 4,300 American deaths
* 50,000 to 200,000 Filipino deaths
How do we see imperialism in the actions
of European nations and the U.S.
regarding China?
“Open Door Policy”
- Before U.S.
leaseholds …
- 1899, Secretary
of State John Hay
writes a letter …
- “Spheres of
Influence …”
How do we see imperialism in the
actions of the United States regarding
Latin America?
Assassination of President William
McKinley, Sept. 6, 1901
Following terms, regarding different
eras of United States Foreign Policy:
• Isolationism (Pre-WWII)
• Monroe Doctrine (1823)
• Roosevelt Corollary (1902)
• Dollar Diplomacy (1909)
Revolution in
• 1903, U.S.
government offers to
buy the canal zone
• A French company agent, named Phillippe Bunau-Varilla,
organizes a Panamanian revolutionary force to revolt
• Nov., 3, 1903, with 10 U.S. warships off the coast of
Panama, the Panamanians revolt
Theodore Roosevelt
(1858 – 1919)
- Lives in North Africa / Middle East
(Develops passion of hunting)
- Graduates Harvard
- Marries first wife (22 yrs old)
- Wife and mother die
- Moves to Dakota Territory
- Remarries & begins 2nd family
- Becomes Assistant Secretary of the Navy
- Resigns position to fight in SpanishAmerican War
1901-1909 - Presidency (one of the most popular in
American History)
- Loses presidential election