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1. A mydriatic drug affects the: (p280)
a. ciliary muscle
b. sphincter muscle
c. dilator muscle
d. both a & b
2. A cycloplegic drug affects the: (p280)
a. ciliary muscle
b. sphincter muscle
c. dilator muscle
d. both a & b
3. Which of the following is not an example of a cycloplegic drug? (p281)
a. Tropicamide
b. Mydriacyl
c. NeoSynephrine
d. Cyclogyl
4. A cycloplegic drug may be used prior to the refraction in which of the following circumstances:
a. a presbyopic adult
b. a pediatric exam
c. a low vision exam
d. all of the above
5. The effective period of Atropine is: (p281)
a. up to 2 weeks
b. 1-3 days
c. 36 hours
d. 3-6 hours
6. The suffix that usually indicates that a drug is an anesthetic is: (p281)
a. –oid
b. –caine
c. –gel
d. –mide
7. Which of the following drug categories would most likely be used to treat ocular inflammation?
a. steroid
b. antiviral
c. antifungal
d. antibiotic
8. If a patient complains of itching, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat or extreme headache
following administration of an ophthalmic drug the paraoptometric should: (p282)
a. rinse the eye to dilute the drop
b. place a cool compress on the patient’s forehead
c. immediately notify the doctor
d. dial 911
9. Which of the following drugs dilates the pupil without affecting accommodation? (p280-281)
a. Phenylephrine hydrochloride
b. Cyclopentolate
c. Atropine
d. Pilocarpine
10. Which patient should have a cycloplegic drug prior to refraction? (p282)
a. Pre-presbyopic hyperope
b. Pre-school child
c. 51 year old presbyope
d. 42 year old high myope
11. Which of the following is not a possible side effect of a cycloplegic drug? (p281)
a. Increased heart rate
b. Dry mouth
c. Excitation
d. Facial flushing
12. The ophthalmic drug that can cause discomfort in the eyebrow area is: (p281)
a. NeoSynephrine
b. Cyclopentolate
c. Homatropine
d. Pilocarpine
13. Which statement is not true regarding topical anesthetics? (p281)
a. The effect wears off in 10-15 minutes
b. The patient should not rub the eye after instillation of a topical anesthetic
c. A tropical anesthetic should be prescribed to a patient with a corneal abrasion
d. Topical anesthetics are used in diagnostic testing
14. The liquid form of sodium fluorescein is very susceptible to: (p282)
a. staphylococcus
b. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
c. Cytomegalovirus
d. Fungus
15. Which of the following therapeutic drugs is used to treat inflammation? (p282)
a. Steroids
c. a & b
d. Mast cell stabilizers
16. To reduce systemic absorption of the eyedrop after the drop is instilled: (p284)
a. The patient should close his or her eyes for 15-30 seconds
b. Light pressure should be placed over the lacrimal sac for 15-30 seconds
c. The drop should be placed in the lower cul-de-sac
d. The excess should be wiped with a tissue
17. If the patient is to use an eyedrop twice daily in the left eye, the prescription would be written:
a. 1 gt q 2h O.S.
b. 1 gt bid O.D.
c. 1 gt q 2h O.D.
d. 1 gt bid O.S.
18. Opening a new bottle of eyedrops is indicated: (p283)
a. If there is a chance that the globe is ruptured or the cornea is cut
b. If the bottle being used shows an expired date
c. If the bottle is contaminated by touching the eyelids
d. all of the above
19. Miotic drugs stimulate the: (p281)
a. sphincter muscle of the iris
b. ciliary body
c. iris dilator
d. none of the above
20. The most commonly used miotic is: (p281)
a. Pilocarpine
b. Homocarpine
c. Atropine
d. Scopolamine
21. Anesthetics cause temporary deadening of a __________, which results in loss of feeling in the
surrounding area. (p281)
a. nerve
b. vein
c. capillaries
d. all of the above
22. Examples of topical anesthetics are: (p281)
a. Ophthaine
b. Ophthetic
c. Alcaine
d. all of the above
23. When instilling an anesthetic eyedrop the patient should be informed to not: (p281)
a. blink
b. sneeze
c. rub the eye
d. look around
24. The eye is generally numb within: (p281)
a. 30 seconds of instillation
b. 40 seconds of instillation
c. 1 minute of instillation
d. 2 minutes of instillation
25. Injectable anesthetics such as lidocaine combined with epinephrine cause: (p281)
a. constriction the pupil
b. constriction of the blood vessels
c. increase blood pressure
d. dilate the sphincter muscle
26. Ophthalmic stains or dyes are topically used to stain the eye for: (p282)
a. Goldman applanation
b. Zeiss applanation
c. soft contact lens fit
d. corneal topography
27. Ophthalmic stains can highlight defects in the blood vessels and retinal structures when
administered: (p282)
a. topically
b. orally
c. intravenously
d. all of the above
28. The most commonly used dye is: (p282)
a. Fluorescein angiography
b. Rose Bengal
c. Sodium fluorescein
d. none of the above
29. Once placed on the eye fluorescein changes from the color orange to the color __________, when
viewed under a cobalt blue light. (p282)
a. yellow-blue
b. yellow-green
c. yellow-red
d. yellow-violet
30. Sodium fluorescein is available in: (p282)
a. liquid form
b. paper filter strips
c. ointment
d. a & b
31. Which red dye is attracted to devitalized or dead epithelial cell, and is sometimes used in the
diagnosis of dry eyes and herpes simplex keratitis? (p282)
a. Rose Bengal
b. Sodium fluorescein
c. Fluorescein angiography
d. none of the above
32. Artificial tears and lubricants are used to treat: (p282)
a. fungal infection
b. glaucoma
c. keratoconjunctivitis sicca
d. viral infection
33. Symptoms of allergic reactions range from the rare case of convulsions to: (p282)
a. death
b. hallucinations
c. hives
d. blindness
34. Ophthalmic drugs can be administered in the following format except: (p280)
a. eyedrops
b. ointments
c. a & b only
d. orally
35. Installation of Ocular Drugs - match each step (p283-284)
_____Step 1
a. Advise the patient of what you are going to do and explain the effects
_____Step 2
of the drug.
_____Step 3
b. Ask the patient to look up, keeping both eyes open. Pull down on the
_____Step 4
lower eyelid with your finger, exposing the conjunctival sac.
_____Step 5
c. Wash hands with an antibacterial soap.
_____Step 6
d. Gently wipe any excess drop from the patients’ lids with a clean tissue
_____Step 7
e. Check the drug name and strength on the bottle.
_____Step 8
f. Recline patient, or gently tilt the head back if the patient does not have
_____Step 9
neck problems.
_____Step 10
g. Carefully check the doctor’s orders to ensure drug and strength and to
_____Step 11
be used and in which eye.
_____Step 12
h. Instruct the patient to close both eyes. Use your finger to apply light
pressure over the nasal canthus for 15-30 seconds to reduce the amount
of systemic absorption.
i. Document name of the drug, eye(s) in which the drug was instilled and
the time it was in time it was instilled.
j. Squeeze the bottle to expel a drop into the “pocket” made by the cul-desac. Do not place the drop directly to the sensitive cornea.
k. Remove the cap from the bottle.
l. Squeeze the bottle to expel a drop into the “pocket” made by the cul-desac. Do not place the drop directly to the sensitive cornea.
36. Ocular drugs can be used for the following except: (p280)
a. improve visual acuity
b. dilate/constrict the pupil
c. paralyze accommodation
d. treat eye conditions
37. The most common used mydriatic drug is: (p280)
a. Hydroxamphetamine
b. Phenylephrine hydrochloride
c. cocaine
d. none of the above
38. Cycloplegic Drugs – match each drug: (p281)
_____ Scopolamine
a. Used for refraction and retinal examination, common strength (0.5%,
_____ Atropine
1.0%), and 1hr effect. Name brand: Mydriacyl
b. Used for refraction retinal examination and therapy, common strength
(1.0%, 2.0%), and 3-6 hrs effect. Name brand: Cyclogyl
c. Used for therapy, common strength (0.25%), and up to 36hrs effect.
Name brand: Hyoscine
d. Used for therapy, common strength (2.0%, 1.0%), and 1-3 days effect.
e. Used for therapy, common strength (0.5, 1.0%), and up to 2 weeks
39. Phenylephrine 2.5% and 10% are used mainly to dilate the pupil for the retinal examination and the
effect of the drop can last for: (p280)
a. 1 to 3 hours
b. 2 to 4 hours
c. 2 to 6 hours
d. 4 to 10 hours
40. Which patient type should never have a cycloplegic eyedrop prior to refraction? (p281)
a. Pre-presbyopic hyperope
b. Pre-school child
c. 51 year old presbyope
d. 42 year old high myope
41. Ocular effect(s) of cycloplegic eyedrops: (p281)
a. photophobia
b. blurred vision
c. possible angle closure glaucoma
d. all of the above
42. Which type of drug is used to lower intraocular pressure by improving aqueous humor drainage
through the trabecular meshwork? (p281)
a. Anesthetics
b. Miotics
c. Cycloplegics
d. Mydriatics
43. Which area(s) are effected by Xylocaine? (p281)
a. eyelids
b. nose
c. ocular muscles
d. a & c
44. Systemic effects of miotics include the following except: (p281)
a. headaches
b. nausea
c. rise in blood pressure
d. lethargy
45. Anesthetics may be given: (p281)
a. topically
b. injection
c. orally
d. a & b only
46. Possible side effects of injectable anesthetics are the following except: (p281)
a. depression of respiration
b. nervousness
c. increased blood pressure
d. convulsions
47. How much ophthalmic ointment would you apply to the cul-de-sac? (p284)
a. ½ to 1 inch ribbon
b. 1 to 1 ½ inch ribbon
c. 1 ½ to 1 ¾ inch ribbon
d. 1 ¾ to 2 inch ribbon
48. Ophthalmic Therapeutic Drug Categories – match the drug to the action, one repeat answer (p282)
_____Glaucoma medication
a. Reduce inflammation
b. Constrict conjunctival blood vessels to reduce eye redness
c. Reduction of intraocular pressure
d. Treat bacterial infection
e. Relief of seasonal or allergic conjunctivitis symptoms
f. Treat virus-caused ophthalmic conditions
g. Treat ocular fungal infection
h. Treatment of inflammatory conditions and ocular allergies
_____Mast cell stabilizers
without the side effects associated with steroids
49. Common Abbreviations and Symbols Used In Writing Prescriptions – match abbreviation (p285)
a. quantity
b. ointment
c. after meals
d. left eye
_____gt, gtt
e. every 4 hours
f. as much as desired
g. right eye
h. four times a day
_____q 4 h
i. greater than
j. every
k. bedtime
l. prescription
m. three times a day
n. do not repeat
o. label
_____non rep
p. both eyes
_____ad lib
q. hour
r. twice a day
s. less than
_____M, Mitte
t. before meals
u. drop, drops
50. All of the following information is needed for writing a prescription except: (p284)
a. doctor’s name and address
b. patient’s name and address
c. date of prescription
d. patient’s date of birth
51. Which stain is available mixed with an anesthetic for convenience in performing applanation
tonometry? (p282)
a. Rose bengal
b. Liquid fluorescein
c. Fluorescein angiography
d. a & b