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Created by Alana Luke Velasquez
What are Hurricanes?
 Tropical storm with powerful low pressure winds
 Warm ocean water produces energy for the hurricane
and water evaporation making humid air and clouds
 The Coriolis Force is needed to create the swirling
center in the hurricane
When does the Hurricanes occur?
 Hurricane season in the Atlantic starts on June 1.
 May 15th in the Pacific
 Both end in November 30
 Hurricanes occur when the oceans are warm during
the summer.
Where do the hurricanes occur?
 Hurricanes and tropical storms occur in the Northern
 Hurricanes known as typhoons occur in the Western
Pacific Ocean
 Tropical storms in the Eastern Pacific, Gulf of Mexico,
and the Caribbean
Storm Surge
Hurricanes’ winds
spiral around the
ocean and rises
water upward into
a mound.
The ocean waters must be warm enough at the surface to put
enough heat and moisture into the overlying atmosphere to
provide the potential fuel for the thermodynamic engine that a
hurricane becomes.