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Week 1
Introduction to Nazi Germany
German personality? Geography? Economy? Hitler’s personality alone? Nationalism? Cultural traditions? The only
way we can even begin to understand it is to set it in context. Did people see it coming? Is it a bit like Stalin?
Give packs and time to sort out.
Fill in the sheets and discuss.
Sheets: Why
Hitler Gained
so much
Scan images
German Society Pre-War
Blah: Kaiser, Bismarck, Society set up.
Mini- Lecture on society: Junker, Industrialists, (take sections from NSDAP OHP & DNVP)
Their notes: German Society. Traditional instits, army set up, Ruling society.
Texts for
Set up groups for presentations: Foreign policy, groups, political parties, economy.
1 dbl
World War I & after:
Blah- War lost in secret. Stab-in-back theory. V.S to make matters worse.
Discussion: Stab-in-back and army & how psychologically powerful for future decades.
FHAO & stab-in-back sheets = they do task in pairs.
Versailles Settlement: Map up of situation before & discuss. They do pre/after maps & we look at German
cartoons of VS & bitterness. Design own cartoons. What problems id for the future?
Week 2
1 dbl
Weimar Germany
Blah: Summary of the set up.
Structure: Brief OHP to explain. Underlying weaknesses (their opinions). Their notes.
Sheet potential problems: Many parties etc. Extremist parties can get a foothold.
Sheets on different parties.
OHP: of rise & fall of parties (*2 p1).
Blah = early probs, hyperinflation etc.. Putsches. Then improve but Stresseman & fall & worse (Pic )
Sequence of events 1919-1929. Factors combine – economic & cultural.
Set of questions: L/t problems? Why did this lead to decline?
Note making: On different parties (SDP, DNVP, NSDAP & Centre).
1 dbl
Nazi Party Background
Hitler’s childhood = Sheet. Video. Cartoon strip.
Background NSDAP = beliefs. Putsches/ changing tactics. OHPs. Notes.
Week 3
& hwk
Immediate events 1929-33
Sheets on
WSC & grps
Wall Street Crash & Depression – sheets. Notes on affected groups.
Party rise and falls = Sheets. Communist party.
3 chancellors = Blah & sheet. Bruning summary & points. Keep brief. Do summary sheet with key points.
Lecture notes
Hitler handed power
Blah = Von Papen to Hitler. How felt cd manipulate him.
Watch video
Video: Consent & Chaos.
4 1/2 – 5 Weeks
Sheets on why
Nazis took power
Week 4
Why did the Nazis take power?
Do spider & L/t & s/t & PESC. They do on A3. Indicvidual then as a aclass.
Distinguish relative importance of features
Sheets to give out. On why Nazis took control
Debate: January 1933 not inevitable?
Look at party graphs & statistics & other sources.
Find figures
Source analysis skills (based on model of past questions)
Statistical analysis of Hitler’s support before 1933. Social composition of Nazi party & Reichstag elections.
Week 5
Nazi fascism (ideology)
Define ideology (not same as policy or propaganda)
Recap Nazi ideology. Define Fascism. (The moulding of Nazi culture).
Fascist sheets & rd together.
OHP = images of Mussolini & Hitler.
Copy quotes & Nazi beliefs.
Promotion of positive and negative stereotypes.
How accurate is it to talk of a Nazi ideology?
Look at images of positive and negative stereotypes & analyse the way each group has been portrayed.
Write newspaper editorial expressing Nazi views about family/Jews.
Debate: How much did Nazism tap into existing prejudice and previous racial thought?
Debate: “To call Hitler’s thinking an ideology is to flatter it?”
Ideology; Mein Kampf; National Socialism; Dictatorship; Left and Right wing; Social Darwinism; Aryan
Race; Positive and Negative stereotypes.
* find images
Week 6
Hitler consolidation of power 1933-45
The Use of Terror, Compromise, legal power, propaganda & policies to consolidate power to August 1934.
Even in Jan 1933, events in Germany were not inevitable. Why? Refer back to debate.
Hitler’s weaknesses of position at this stage.
Gleichalstung: On board showing step-by-step. Stick on stages.
* Make stick on
* alter sources to
be like AQA
Sheet: Hitler Consolidation of power “brief”
Simple key words on board.
Give pack of sheets- they to bring to each lesson.
Goring: the police – rd sec. OHP of SA or SS.
Reichstag fire: Blah on events. OHP & pack. Discuss. Lecture based on sheet “lecture notes”
Source Qs on Reichstag Fire.
Communist threat overturned: RF pack 2nd section. Enabling law note making.
Levelling: Recap Gleichschaltung. Pack. Politics & churches & legal system. Rd as class & highlight.
Respectability: Guise of legality. (Design A3 pic. Learn for quiz…like white boards).
OHP burning of books.
Video 2: A Warning from History. Stop when get to Night of Long Knives.
Night of the Long Knives: Blah events. Why? Brainstorm. OHP copy. Essay on why. Some source analysis.
Essay question: How significant was the Night of the Long knives in Nazi development
of the state?
Hwk: Research background & political views of Ernst Rohm. Why did he come into
conflict with Hitler?
How legal was the “legal Revolution”? Group work in pairs looking at all events and putting in a chart legal/not
legal. Class give opinions (depending on group sizes, each group take one event).
Do as timeline of the key events. Was it legal? Did it require use of force? Was it a compromise?
S. J. Lee article.
Debate: Was there a Nazi Revolution? Discuss Totalitarian nature of state (Characters & historians). Can use
power point or OHP & show images.
End of Section: Examination style question
S. J Lee
Discuss why did the Nazis choose to introduce propaganda and indoctrination into society.
Why control was so important to the Nazis.
Look at a variety of images, such as the Nuremburg rallies and discuss their merits and deficiencies.
They research the two key areas of propaganda – radio and Press- and assess their purpose and effectiveness.
Debate: “Propaganda was a vital cog in the Nazi machine” (groups for and against)
Not all Nazi policies relied o propaganda and indoctrination to achieve public support.
Genuine support with economic policies. Also, terror (propaganda & terror linked).
J. Noakes &
Pridham: (power
and effectiveness
of propaganda &
S. J Lee
G. Layton (brief
30s films
Riefenstahl &
Discuss the reaction of German people to propaganda, especially the role of education, using original sources.
There is a range of reactions.
Debate: How difficult is it to assess the effectiveness of propaganda in a totalitarian state?
Analyse difficulties of obtaining accurate information.
- Culture; propaganda; indoctrination; censorship; (distinguish between indoctrination and propaganda)
Consider the morality of using education as a vehicle for social engineering.
Goebbels and the Hitler Myth
Blah – Meaning of word ‘Fuhrer’. Radical nature of Goebbels’s agenda. Concept of Hitler myth – cult of
personality and the nature of exaggerated imagery. The dichotomy of ‘man of peace’ and the need for struggle.
Approachability and detachment.
R. Overy: The
Research Goebbels’s interpretation of the role of propaganda in a modern state.
Give examples of the way Goebbels attempted to utilise propaganda.
Debate: Why did Goebbels prefer the word ‘culture’ instead of ‘propaganda’?
Discuss the different images of Hitler created by Goebbles.
The content of Progaganda
Ideology and successes of the Regime, including the Nazi economic miracle and apparent elimination of
unemployment; the Olympic Games of 1936
Research & assess how fortuitous were the Olympic Games for the Nazi party.
Blah: The two levels of propaganda & the need to be pragmatic.. Inconsistency and tension between pragmatism
& ideology. This links to economic policy:
Hitler’s Economic Policy:
Blah on policy & how worked- Relationship btwn economic policy and military strategy.
Pack: Read through together.
Brainstorm: 1. People. 2. Success.
Draw a spider diagram showing how economic policy was the product of a variety of influences.
Compare work & agendas of Schacht & Goring.
Use text to say success/not success – we discuss.
OHP – they make notes – on A Nazi miracle? & methods to attack unemployment.
Debate: A nazi miracle? (Any other reasons why unemployment was solved)??
Debate: “Hitler had no interest in economics. It was merely the means to achieve his political and military ends”.
Packs on
what learn at
OHP pics
Role of the SS, SD and Gestapo
Blah on them and their power. Give notes on each one individually. Explain the key arguments.
Give A3 paper and set task of notes on each one in that lay out.
I. Kershaw “The
(they can buy it
Their role, how power developed; How they changed over time; (timeline in each box) How effective (together as
a complex or individually).
SS: Was it an extension of the personality of its leader Himmer? Use of arbitrary power as an agent for change.
Were they a State within a state? (tension between State- Party- Legislature).
6 ½- 7 Weeks
Nazi Youth
G. Layton
Schools & universities.
The Hitler Youth and the League of German Maidens
Blah & OHPs: Why was youth so central to Hitler’s aim to transform society. Do not stereotype youth…different
young people felt differently. There were exceptions.
FHAO approach.
Packs – what did you learn at school today? - sharing & discussing – reading out loud together. & sources:
circulate around class & each feeds back.
Lecture & sheets: Nazi educational system, its different types of school. Some productive. Some counterProductive.
Hitler Youth: Poems & sources read & discuss. Analyse the reaction to educational changes by both Hitler Youth
& League of German Maidens.
Debate: What is the purpose of education, if the state ethos is anti-academic?
Blah. OHP. Kinder, Kuche, Kirche,
Sheets to rd.
Why did the ideology of National Socialism oppose the social and economic emancipation of women?
J. Noakes &
G. Pridham.
What was the political allegiance of German workers? There have been generalisations that w/c not support
Hitler. However, many different reactions amongst the working class.
Pre 1933: Look at statistics to analyse the political allegiance of German workers.
Blah: Hitler was keen to win over the workers, yet prepared to coerce them into new working practices and
organisations. Was NSDAP simply a token gesture?
Big Business: Evaluate the attitude of business to Ley’s decision to create the German Labour Front. Links
between business and Nazi bureaucracy.
Strength through Joy: Leisure time activities organised in 1934 & 1935. Did workers view strength through joy as
an act of cynicism or a genuine attempt at building community support?
Blah: Richard Darre - Nazi agriculture Minister policies. His role. How does agriculture impact on the overall
performance of society? Need to be pragmatic. Political rhetoric & economic reality (as with women in the war
Note making: From texts.
Source analysis: Agricultural statistics, cost, food consumption. Self sufficiency 1933-39. In groups produce a
display to present findings. Analyse sources and discuss problems. Present to class as OHP.
The Church
Blah: Quotes. Shocking aspects. Images (scan). Why the churches failed to resist. Difference between Catholic &
Protestant in reactions and perceived threat.
S.J Lee, Kirk,
G. Layton. G.
Sheets: Resistance and details discuss.
Resistance & conformity: FHAO approach. Look at letters, summons, public statements to discuss resistance.
Individuals who are resisters. Case studies.
Links to RS: Religion and role of religion. Compare to role of religion in slavery or Civil rights as a way to control or
resist. Look at Stalinist egs as well. How Hitler wanted Associationalism by replacing religion with his own form of
worship and cult.
Anti- Semitism:
Blah and timeline of Anti-semitism using OHPs to show images as escalates.
Explain the holocaust. Read over egs of school anti-semitism.
Assembly for Jan 25th: Girls to work on this and give assembly.
Reading the poem “they came for me”
Resistance and Conformity
Presentations: Half class resistance. Half conformity. They present . Refer back to FHAO from religion. This is a
huge area of debate and controversy. Maybe examine Kershaw’s “Resistance without the people” premise.
It is very hard to assess the extent of popular support or disaffection in a totalitarian state.
How widespread was opposition? (How large the demographic).
Complexity of characters and avoiding generalising.
M. Housden:
Resistance &
D. Peukert “Inside
Nazi Germany”.
I. Kershaw has
one chapter on it.
Impact of War: 6.5-7 weeks
Foreign Policy
(brief as not all on the sow)
Hitler’s goals. OHP simple. Sheets on views of different countries.
Summary: Blah of the war overview on map OHP on board. Rearmament, early invasions, then phoney war and
Battle of Britain and blitzing. Then 1941 USSR.
Video 3: A Warning for History.
* Sheets as
Sheets on events.
Debate masterplan. AJP Taylor. Brief to show was a debate.
Changes in attitudes and Daily lives
Blah: Overview of 1933-45. Map up to show escalation and how public opinion under increasing strain 1939,
1941 and 1943.
Propaganda: Recap peacetime propaganda & blah on changes. Look at egs on projector. Show how propaganda
changed as years passed.
People’s attitudes: Different groups. Attitudes & fears. To assess this we will look at a range of sources & in
groups they discuss and feedback talking about specific groups etc. Try at the end to come up with a view of the
morale of the people.
“How far is it true to say that the German people displayed ‘reluctant loyalty’ to the Nazi regime from 1939
Impact made by invasion of USSR
Blah: Remind them of invasion of USSR how need more readiness in 1941 than 1939.
Nazi- Soviet pact and invasion of Russia.
Notemaking: Different responses in rural and urban areas.
Sources of food
rationing data.
(websites) SD
(German security)
J. Noakes (Nazism
Vol 4) Ch 49 exc.
R. Overy (c/f ussr)
World at War
video. Personal
accounts of the
SD reports of
bombings air raids
using Hamburg &
Kurt Vonnegut.
The effects of Mass bombing and military defeats from 1943
Blah: cynicism in face of official ‘Nazi line’. Local Gaulieters role eg: providing for people, post, air raids. Impact of
war on development of resistance. An ‘air raid’ culture developed of living in cities.
The Economy and Total War
Video: Final section.
The State of Germany in 1945
They to do a comparison of Germany in 1933 and 1945.
Wartime diaries