Download a cappella Choral music performed without instrumental

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Glossary of Musical Terms
a cappella Choral music performed without instrumental accompaniment.
accent The emphasis on a beat resulting in that beat being louder or longer than
another in a measure.
alto Lowest of the female voices. Also contralto.
aria Lyric song for solo voice with orchestral accompaniment, generally expressing
intense emotion; found in opera, cantata, and oratorio.
art rock Genre of rock that uses larger forms and more complex harmonies than
other popular styles; occasionally quotes examples from classical music. Also
progressive rock.
baritone Male voice of moderately low range.
bass Male voice of low range.
beat Regular pulsation; a basic unit of length in musical time.
bridge Transitional passage connecting two sections of a composition, also
chord Simultaneous combination of three or more tones that constitute a single
block of harmony.
computer music A type of electro-acoustic music in which computers assist in
creating works through sound synthesis and manipulation.
contrast Contrast of musical materials sustains our interest and feeds our love of
change; it provides variety to a form.
countermelody An accompanying melody sounded against the principal melody.
crescendo The dynamic effect of gradually growing louder, indicated in the musical
score by the marking "<".
dynamics Element of musical expression relating to the degree of loudness or
softness, or volume, of a sound.
falsetto Vocal technique whereby men can sing above their normal range,
producing a lighter sound.
folk rock Popular music style that combines folk music with amplified instruments
of rock.
forte The Italian term for "loud", indicated in the musical score by the marking "f".
harmony The simultaneous combination of notes and the ensuing relationships of
intervals and chords. Not all musics of the world rely on harmony for interest, but it
is central to most Western music.
improvisation Creation of a musical composition while it is being performed, seen
in Baroque ornamentation, cadenzas of concertos, jazz, and some non-Western
keyboard instrument Instrument sounded by means of a keyboard (a series of
keys played with the fingers). The most commonly recognized keyboard instruments
are the piano, organ, harpsichord and synthesizer, a recent invention.
legato Smooth and connected; opposite of staccato.
melody Succession of single tones or pitches perceived by the mind as a unity.
monophonic Single-line texture, or melody without accompaniment.
ostinato A short melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic pattern that is repeated
throughout a work or a section of one.
piano The Italian term for "soft", indicated in the musical score by the marking "p".
quadruple meter Basic metrical pattern of four beats to a measure; also common
range Distance between the lowest and highest tones of a melody, an instrument or
a voice. This span can be generally described as narrow, medium or wide in range.
refrain Text or music that is repeated within a larger form.
rhythm The controlled movement of music in time.
scat singing A jazz style that sets syllables without meaning (vocables) to an
improvised vocal line.
soprano Highest-ranged voice, normally possessed by women or boys.
staccato Short, detached notes, marked with a dot above them.
tempo Rate of speed or pace of music.
theme Melodic idea used as a basic building block in the construction of a
timbre The quality of a sound that distinguishes one voice or instrument from
triple meter Basic metrical pattern of three beats to a measure.